


1)套路一:直接询问 。询问客户他们心目中合理的价格是多少,根据他们的采购量给出不同等级的报价,并且坦诚地告诉他们:“降价是可以商量的,但是要看你们买多少!”

外贸回复客人嫌贵模版:hanks for your reply and your concern regarding our price is wellunderstood. As you said too much expensive, I‘d like to ask by howmuch? what's your target price?

It is always our aim to provide our customer with unparalleledquality product at affordable cost. What I would suggest is that let us reviewyour products demands quantity and come up with a price-volume matrix for yourreference. Communication is always the key to better support our customer.
2)套路二:判断真伪 。


 外贸回复客人嫌贵模版:The target price $XXX seems challenging for us. May I know how doyou come up with this target? I am very interested in knowing the magic behindand I would like to reasonably adjust it and try to match it.

3)套路三:变通一下 。


 外贸回复客人嫌贵模版:That target price is gonna be a very challenging for us to hit. Areyou open for ideas about cutting the cost? For example, changing certain partsof the products...?

 4)套路四:突出优势 。


外贸回复客人嫌贵模版:We are not only selling the products, we also provide fullafter-sales service so be assured that you are well supported. List a few forexample as following:

)5套路五:制造紧迫感 。


外贸回复客人嫌贵模版: When you look closer to the features of the products, you caneasily find out the differences:



I have attached a table of comparison between our products and other ones so you know what you are paying for.

If you are not targeting highlyprice-sensitive market, our product could reward you with much better profit.

We pride ourselves with our technology/innovation/design creativeness..etc.




How soon can you seal the deal if we canmatch the price?

I am currently working a similar order, Imight be able to get a better pricing on certain parts based on the quantity oftwo orders.



外贸回复客人嫌贵模版:Thanks for your feedback regarding our price. As an OEM /ODM service provider, our success strongly relies on our customer's profitabilityand therefore we are willing to leave this open for further discussion. Yet,pls understand that our offer is based on the actual cost of the materialquality we have used and we are happy to explain to you further.

8)套路八:留有余地 。 


外贸回复客人嫌贵版本:I much appreciate the chance you have givenus. I know it is a time-consuming thing to choose a right supplier. Let's putthe order aside right now. I just wanna you know that I am always here and youcan hit me up if you have any question in the future.

外贸人要有商人的思维,business is business! 不要被客户牵着走。挖掘客户背后的真实需求和动机,才能更好地应对价格问题。所以,当你的客户说:You price is too high.回答的标准套路是:Let me explain why our price is where itis.
