1. Let's talk about the matter of commission , shall we?

2.What is your usual practice in giving commission?

3.Commission is usually given as a percentage of the total value of a transaction.

4.We are very much concerned about commission.

5.We usually don't allow any commission.

6.It does not conform with the international trade practice not to allow a commission.

7.We do business on a commission basis.

8.I believe that a commission is usually allowed for a middleman.

9.Since we have made concession in price, we cannot give you any commission.

10.It will be easier for us to push the sale if you can give us more commission.

11.It'll be all right, oven if you give us a 2% or 3% commission.

12.Well take the commission into consideration if your order is big enough.

13.How much commission will you give if the transaction is over US $1.000.000?

14.Taking into consideration the quantity you have ordered, we'll allow you a 1% commission.

15.We usually get a 3% commission on the total volume of business.

16.A 10% commission will no doubt cause the price to go up.

17.How much commission will you give?

18.We'll give you a 2% commission.

19.A 2% commission is not high at all.

20.It'll cost us a lot to push the sale of your product.

21.We'll give a 2% commission as an exception. This is the best we can do.

22.The commission you gave is too little.

23.We've accommodated you in allowing a 2% commission.

24.I suggest that you add 1% to the commission for each additional 100 pieces sold.

25.For every extra sale of 100 pieces, well give you an additional 1% commission.
