
——With reference ( regards) to our telephone conversation this afternoon ( the advertisement on China Daily) ...

——Further to...


——I'm writing to: apply for/ confirm/ apologize/ complain/ reserve/ invite)/inquire about/ place an order/ remind/ inform...

——如果以上换成词组则更正式,如make an application...

——I'm writing to confirm the updated order with you.



——请对方做某事:Would you please...?

或者,正式的表达:I would appreciate it if you could / would...

或者,更正式的表达:It would be appreciated it if you would/ could...

——告诉对方好消息:I'm glad to inform/ I’m delighted to tell you...

——告诉对方坏消息:I'm regret to tell you...

或者,更正式的表达:I have to tell you with regrets.../ I'm afraid.../ I'm sorry to tell you...

——接到投诉信时,一般不说sorry,可以用 make apologize。

4.time urgency 表示对时间处理的紧迫程度

——给出具体时间 (deadline),如 within next week 等。

——最好不要用模糊时间,如尽量不使用 soon,as soon as possible 等词。
