跨境电商 B2B 小额交易业务中,业务员通常会将惯用的贸易条款直接入报价单中,以 TT 结算方式居多。但是对于大额交易,业务员通常要和户协商货款收付方式,有时客户会主动提出其倾向的付款方式。磋商货款付条款时,先提出的一方,其邮件通常包含以下三个部分。
Dear X X X,
We are in receiptofyour bid yesterday for @(对方盘的主要内容)However,youdidn't mention specific payment terms.We'd like to tell you that we only accept payment by @(信用证种类)Generallyspeaking, 图(付款方式) is considered to be a reliable and safe method of paymentin international trade. It protects the rights and interests of both ofus. It is our usualcase accept @(信用证种类) when we do business internationally. We wonderwhether you accept this kind of payment.
Thank you in advance for your prompt reply
Best regards,
Dear XXX.
Thank you for your email telling us about the payment terms, which we forgot to
mention in @(信函种类)We accept the payment terms you have offered, that is, we'll make payment by @我方接受的信用证种类) .It is true that @(付款方式) is the safest way otpayment and @ (信用证种类) is more favorable to you. Though it will add to ourcost, we'll do as you have asked us to. As we need to put a deposit in the bankamounting to the cost of the import, we need (所需时间) to arrange all theissues concerning the opening of(信用证种类)
We’Il let you know once we have@(信用证种类)opened.
Best regards,XXX