在跨境交易中大多数卖家使用的是邮政挂号小包、各类专线E邮宝等物流方式。这类物流方式并没有一个承诺的交货期,因此经常会有卖家收到类似“Where is my order”“I haven't received my order”等问题。



(1)包裹查无信息“Not found”(包裹还未上网,官网未更新)。


(3)包裹到达待取“Pick Up”(包裹已经到达目的地国家)。






示例:Not found

Dear valued customer:

Hello! We appreciate the time you have taken to contact us about your order with tracking number RC867773406HK(示例单号) and I am happy to assist today.

As per tracking result powered by 17track,net, I'm very sorry to inform you that your item is still lack of tracking information right now, If you got a tracking result as "Not found", it's telling you that your tracking information is unavailable, it doesn't mean that we haven't been mailed your item.

(Note: There may be a delay between scanning events and the availability of tracking information related to those scanning events, The tracking information may not appear online immediately. Normally it takes a few days after the item(s) have been sent for tracking details to be available from the shipping carrier.)

Therefore, please hold on for a few more days and try to check your order sometime later?

Thanks for your business again!

Have a nice day!

Best regards,store xxx(此处填自己的店铺名称)
