
亚马逊致力于为我们的买家提供值得信赖的购物体验。在亚马逊上销售即表示您同意 :

  • 严格禁止销售假冒伪劣商品。

  • 您不得销售任何不合法销售的商品 , 例如非法复制、复制或制造的商品

  • 如果亚马逊要求您提供商品真伪记录 , 则您必须提供此类记录



  • 仅销售正品和合法商品。您有责任仅购买、销售和配送合法销售的正品。禁售商品示例

    • 盗用商品、假冒或商品或内容的盗版副本

    • 非法复制、复印或制造的商品

    • 侵犯他人知识产权的商品

  • 维护并提供库存记录。亚马逊可能会要求您提供能够证明商品真伪的文件(如发票)或您发布商品进行销售的授权。您可以从这些文件中删除定价信息 , 但是提供经过其他任何编辑或具有误导性的文件将违反本政策 , 并会导致对您的账户执行强制措施。

  • 销售假冒商品的后果。如果您销售或供应假货,我们可能会立即暂停或终止您的亚马逊销售账户(以及任何相关账户),并销毁亚马逊运营中心储存的所有假货,费用由您承担。

  • 亚马逊采取行动保护买家和权利所有者。我们与制造商、权利所有者、内容所有者、供应商和卖家共同合作,以便更有效地检测并阻止假货流入买家手中。作为我们检测和强制执行活动的结果 , 亚马逊可能会 :

    • 移除可疑商品。

    • 对故意违反本政策并损害买家的各方采取法律行动。除了刑事罚款和监禁,销售假冒伪劣商品的卖家和供应商还可能面临民事处罚,包括没收通过销售假冒伪劣商品获得的所有钱款,就权利所有者遭受的损失或损害做出赔偿,提供法定及其他损害赔偿以及承担律师费。

  • 报告假冒商品。我们通过亚马逊商城交易保障对亚马逊网站上销售的所有商品负责,同时,我们也鼓励质疑商品真伪的权利所有者向我们举报。我们将立即开展调查,并采取所有相应措施,来保护买家、卖家和权利所有者的权益。您可以在卖家平台的“账户状况”页面上查看假冒商品投诉。


Amazon Anti-Counterfeiting Policy

Products offered for sale on Amazon must be authentic. The sale of counterfeit products is strictly prohibited. Failure to abide by this policy may result in loss of selling privileges, funds being withheld, and disposal of inventory in our possession.

It is each seller’s and supplier’s responsibility to source, sell, and fulfill only authentic products. Prohibited products include bootlegs, fakes, or pirated copies of products or content; products that have been illegally replicated, reproduced, or manufactured; and products that infringe another party’s intellectual property rights. If you sell or supply inauthentic products, we may immediately suspend or terminate your Amazon selling account (and any related accounts) and dispose of any inauthentic products in our fulfillment centers at your expense. In addition, we do not pay sellers until we are confident our customers have received the authentic products they ordered. We may withhold payments if we determine that an Amazon account has been used to sell inauthentic goods, commit fraud, or engage in other illegal activity.

We work with manufacturers, rights holders, content owners, vendors, and sellers to improve the ways we detect and prevent inauthentic products from reaching our customers. As a result, we remove suspect listings based on our own review of products. We also work with rights holders and law enforcement worldwide to take and support legal action against sellers and suppliers that knowingly violate this policy and harm our customers. In addition to criminal fines and imprisonment, sellers and suppliers of inauthentic products may face civil penalties including the loss of any amounts received from the sale of inauthentic products, the damage or harm sustained by the rights holders, statutory and other damages, and attorney’s fees.

Amazon strives to ensure a trustworthy shopping experience for our customers. By selling on Amazon, you agree that:

  • The sale of counterfeit products is strictly prohibited.

  • You may not sell any products that are not legal for sale, such as products that have been illegally replicated, reproduced, or manufactured

  • You must provide records about the authenticity of your products if Amazon requests that documentation

Failure to abide by this policy may result in loss of selling privileges, funds being withheld, destruction of inventory in our fulfilment centers, and other legal consequences.

More information

  • Sell Only Authentic and Legal Products. It is your responsibility to source, sell, and fulfill only authentic products that are legal for sale. Examples of prohibited products include:

    • Bootlegs, fakes, or pirated copies of products or content

    • Products that have been illegally replicated, reproduced, or manufactured

    • Products that infringe another party’s intellectual property rights

  • Maintain and Provide Inventory Records. Amazon may request that you provide documentation (such as invoices) showing the authenticity of your products or your authorization to list them for sale. You may remove pricing information from these documents, but providing documents that have been edited in any other way or that are misleading is a violation of this policy and will lead to enforcement against your account.

  • Consequences of Selling Inauthentic Products. If you sell inauthentic products, we may immediately suspend or terminate your Amazon selling account (and any related accounts), destroy any inauthentic products in our fulfillment centers at your expense, and/or withhold payments to you.

  • Amazon Takes Action to Protect Customers and Rights Owners. Amazon also works with manufacturers, rights holders, content owners, vendors, and sellers to improve the ways we detect and prevent inauthentic products from reaching our customers. As a result of our detection and enforcement activities, Amazon may:

    • Remove suspect listings.

    • Take legal action against parties who knowingly violate this policy and harm our customers. In addition to criminal fines and imprisonment, sellers and suppliers of inauthentic products may face civil penalties including the loss of any amounts received from the sale of inauthentic products, the damage or harm sustained by the rights holders, statutory and other damages, and attorney’s fees.

  • Reporting Inauthentic Products. We stand behind the products sold on our site with our A-to-z Guarantee, and we encourage rights owners who have product authenticity concerns to notify us. We will promptly investigate and take all appropriate actions to protect customers, sellers, and rights holders. You may view counterfeit complaints on the Account Health page in Seller Central.

