卖家知识产权政策 - 关于版权的常见问题

版权是保护原创作品的知识产权 (IP) 的一个类型。

  1. 什么是版权?


    《数字千年版权法》(DMCA) 是管辖在线版权材料的美国法律。DMCA 仅适用于版权,不适用于商标或专利。

  1. 如何知晓我是否拥有详情页面上所用的一张或多张图片或视频的版权?

  1. 示例: Pinzon 品牌所有者拍摄了如下床单照片,拥有这些床单图片的版权。如果某位卖家打算将这些图片复制到其他商品详情页面,用于销售自己的商品,那么该卖家可能会侵犯床单图片的权利所有者的版权。

    注意: 当您将版权图片或视频添加到商品详情页面时,您便授予了亚马逊及其附属公司使用该材料的许可。即使您不再销售该商品,其他卖家也可以在您已添加版权图片和视频的页面上发布商品进行销售。要确保不侵犯他人的版权,请确保仅上传您自己创作的图片、视频或文本,或者已获得版权持有者上传许可的图片或文本。


    • 通常来讲,您拥有为商品拍摄的照片或视频的版权。

    • 通常来讲,您不拥有您在他人网站上找到的照片或视频的版权,未经版权持有者许可,您不得将此类内容上传到商品详情页面。

  1. 我可以在亚马逊上传或销售他人的版权作品吗?

    如果您已获得版权所有者的许可,或者您的使用行为受到“首次销售”原则保护,就能够在亚马逊上传或销售其他人的版权作品。首次销售原则通常允许转售合法购买的正品实物(如书籍或 CD),无需获得版权所有者许可。

    示例: 如果您决定在亚马逊上销售他人的二手图书,便是在销售他人的版权作品。首次销售原则可为转售合法购买正品的行为提供保护,因此您通常可以销售自己的特定图书副本,无需进一步获得版权所有者的许可。


Intellectual Property Policy for Sellers - FAQ about Copyrights

A copyright is a type of intellectual property (IP) that protects original works of authorship.

  1. What is a copyright?

    A copyright protects original works of authorship, such as videos, movies, songs, books, musicals, video games, paintings, etc. Generally, copyright law is meant to incentivize the creation of original works of authorship for the benefit of the public. To receive copyright protection, a work of authorship must be created by an author, and must have some amount of creativity. If you are the author of an original work, then you typically own the copyright in that work.

    The Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) is a United States law that governs online copyrighted materials. The DMCA applies to copyrights only and not to trademarks or patents.

  1. How do I know if I own the copyright for one or more of the images or videos I am using on the detail page?

  1. Example: The owner of the Pinzon brand took the photos of the sheets shown below and owns the copyright in the images of the sheets. If a seller were to copy these images to sell their product on another product detail page, that seller could be violating the rights owner’s copyright in the images of the sheets.

  1. Note: When you add your copyrighted image or video to a product detail page, you grant Amazon and its affiliates a license to use the material. Other sellers can list their items for sale on pages to which you have added your copyrighted images and videos, even if you no longer sell that product. To ensure that you are not violating someone’s copyrights, make sure to upload only images, videos or text that you have created yourself or for which you have the copyright holder’s permission to upload.

    Refer to the United States Copyright Office’s website for more information about copyright basics and FAQ.

    • You generally own the copyright of the photo you took or the video you filmed for your product.

    • You generally do not own the copyright of photos or videos you found on someone else’s website, and you must not upload such content to a product detail page without the copyright holder’s permission.

  1. Am I allowed to upload or sell someone else’s copyrighted work on Amazon?

    You may be able to upload or sell someone else’s copyrighted work on Amazon if you have received permission from the copyright owner or if your use is protected by the “first sale” doctrine. The first sale doctrine generally permits the resale of a genuine, lawfully purchased physical item (such as a book or CD) without permission from the copyright owner.

    Example: If you decide to sell a used copy of someone else’s book on Amazon, you are selling someone else’s copyrighted work. You are usually allowed to sell your particular copy of the book without further permission from the copyright owner because the first sale doctrine protects the resale of genuine, lawfully purchased items.

