本政策页面介绍了可通过 Amazon Renewed 计划销售的商品的一般质量要求。所列要求为所有翻新商品分类的最低质量标准要求。附录 A 中列出了所有涉及到特定分类的要求,这些要求将取代一般商品质量要求。附录 B 中列出了所有涉及到特定品牌的要求,这些要求将取代涉及到特定分类的要求和一般商品质量要求。
如要进行翻新操作,则只能使用原始设备制造商 (OEM) 零件。与“质量要求”部分的要求相同,此类零件可以是新品,也可以是状况如同新品的翻新品。
将商品放在 12 英寸外的距离时,不应看到明显的外观破损痕迹(划痕、凹痕等)。
开机时,电池容量必须达到新品电池容量的 80% 以上。
配件不能作为独立 ASIN 销售。
只能使用原始设备制造商配件。与本文第 A.1 条中规定的要求相同,配件可以是新品,也可以是状况如同新品的翻新品。消费类商品配件(例如空气净水器、刷子、绳子等)必须处于新品状况。
对于 Apple 商品,请参阅本文档底部的附录 B.1。
在销售之前,卖家必须通过科学手段完全销毁所有个人身份信息 (PII) 以及源自或与最终用户相关的所有其他数据(包含在每件商品的任何硬件、软件或媒体组件上)。此类最终用户数据示例包括但不限于姓名、出生日期、指纹或其他生物特征数据、社会保障号、街道地址、电子邮件地址、云存储账户和信用卡信息等
必须按照美国国家标准与技术研究院 (NIST) 的存储介质清理标准或当地适用的其他法规和标准清除所有最终用户数据。请参阅 NIST-SP.800-88 第 1 修订版了解更多信息。
每件翻新商品都必须随附 Amazon Renewed 计划插页,其中包含有关 Amazon Renewed 计划的通用信息以及亚马逊客户服务的联系信息。要下载设计模板和文件并打印 Amazon Renewed 计划插页,请参阅此处。
商品包装必须根据广泛采用的标准(如美国材料与试验协会 (ASTM) 或国际安全运输协会 (ISTA) 的标准)成功通过跌落测试。
所有包含锂电池(锂离子和锂金属)的商品货件属于第 9 类 – 其他危险品。由于可能需要对商品进行正确的识别、分类、包装、标记和贴标,请参阅国际航空运输协会 (IATA) 和国际民用航空组织 (ICAO) 的要求。
B. 保障。 所有翻新商品均享受 Amazon Renewed 保障,您将负责处理该保障范围内的所有索赔。要了解更多详情,请点击此处。
C. 质量控制和强制执行政策
卖家质量管理体系 (QMS)
卖家将继续采用内部的质量管理体系,以便及时识别并减少商品质量问题和运营缺陷。虽然目前并不要求进行认证,但我们强烈建议您遵守 ISO 9001 政策和指南。
无缺陷订单百分比 > 85%
订单缺陷率 < 0.8%
翻新商品评论得分 > 3.70
翻新商品质量得分 (RQS) > 98%(卖家级别)。有关指南、期望值和强制执行机制的详情,请访问卖家平台。获准通过 Amazon Renewed 计划销售商品后,您可以在此处访问您的翻新商品质量得分报告。
为了有助于确保符合 Amazon Renewed 全球质量要求,卖家必须达到以下绩效指标:
商品将接受随机测试购买,这是确保商品符合这些要求的另一种机制。Amazon Renewed 计划团队有权自行进行测试购买。 为此购买的商品将按照常规退货流程退还给卖家,并且不会影响任何绩效指标。
不遵守美国质量要求可能会导致亚马逊撤销您通过 Amazon Renewed 计划销售商品的权限,还可能要求您提交“行动计划”进行补救并重新获得此权限。
如果 Amazon Renewed 计划团队认为买家的最佳体验受到影响,他们有权在任何时间自行决定撤销任何销售权限。
附录 A: 商品分类要求
所有设备都必须通过国际移动设备识别码检查,确保未被列入黑名单或被盗。卖家必须至少将国际移动设备识别码检查记录保留 120 天,用于为定期进行的库存和订单级别审计提供支持
耳机和 SIM 卡不是强制性的随附配件。
要求随附 SIM 卡的任何设备都必须提供 SIM 拆卸工具(原装或通用)。
尽管我们强烈建议使用原始设备制造商配件(如电缆和插墙式充电器等),但并非强制要求。按照第 A.2 条中的规定,允许使用通用配件。
不允许通过 Amazon Renewed 计划销售内置强制性相机快门声的智能手机(例如,原产自日本或韩国的智能手机)。
对于 Apple 品牌,请参阅附录 B.1。
所有 Microsoft 笔记本电脑、平板电脑和个人电脑都必须配备来自 Microsoft 授权翻新商或原始设备制造商的正版软件许可证。所有设备均应贴有正品 Microsoft 标签、正品 Microsoft 翻新商标签或防伪证明书。根据要求,需要通过发票提供许可证真伪证明。
翻新的墨水和墨粉盒(再造、翻新、重新填充或其他衍生品)不得以独立 ASIN 的形式销售。
食品加工商品只能包含安全、无毒且符合美国食品和药物管理局要求的材料。可能与食品或液体直接接触的所有表面均必须按照美国国家卫生基金会 (NSF) 标准或当地适用的其他法规和标准进行清洁和消毒。
将商品放在 12 英寸 外的距离时,不应看到其外部有任何明显的污渍或水垢痕迹。
游戏机必须经过过热测试,并确保光盘驱动器或磁带槽以及所有输入和输出端口(例如: A/C 电源、视频、游戏控制器、存储卡)的功能完好。
附录 B: 涉及特定品牌时的要求
所附电缆为经 Mfi 认证电缆,可与 Apple 设备兼容。
所附充电器经过 UL(北美)或 CE(欧洲)安全认证。
对于 iPhone 商品,不允许随附 Apple 品牌(原始设备制造商)Lightning-USB 充电线和插墙式充电器。对于 iPad 商品,不允许随附 Apple 品牌(原始设备制造商)Lightning-USB 充电线。对于这些受限配件,只允许随附从已获批准的授权品牌列表中的品牌商处直接购买的通用配件。已获批准的品牌: Mophie、HyperGear、Anker、Sharkk、Aduro、Amazon Basics、Syncwire、Acellories、AWANTA、Verizon、AT & T、T-Mobile、Scosche、Griffin、Satechi、Nomad、mWorks!、Premier Accessory Group、Vibrant 和 Energizer。
所有通用充电线均须经过 Mfi(“iPhone 专用”)认证,所有通用充电器均须经过 UL(北美)或 CE(欧洲)安全认证,且包裹内应附有一张卡片或标签,用于说明:
作为恢复原始出厂设置的一部分,根据第 A.1.g 条的描述,所有设备必须禁用“查找我的 iPhone”功能(或同等功能)。
在继续遵守上述要点 1 的同时,翻新的 iPhone 可随附充电器、充电线、耳机和电池等配件和零件。 但是,这些配件和零件不得以独立 ASIN 单独销售。
任何 Apple 类商品均不得使用收购或翻新的 Apple 电池。如要更换电池,则只可使用全新的 Apple 电池。
亚马逊翻新商品店铺仅支持以下 Apple iPhone 型号:iPhone 7/7 Plus、iPhone 8/8 Plus、iPhone X、iPhone XS/XS Max、iPhone XR、iPhone 11、iPhone 11 Pro/11 Pro Max、iPhone SE 第 2 代。
附录 A: 商品分类要求
所有设备都必须通过国际移动设备识别码检查,确保未被列入黑名单或被盗。卖家必须至少将国际移动设备识别码检查记录保留 120 天,用于为定期进行的库存和订单级别审计提供支持
耳机和 SIM 卡不是强制性的随附配件。
要求随附 SIM 卡的任何设备都必须提供 SIM 拆卸工具(原装或通用)。
尽管我们强烈建议使用原始设备制造商配件(如电缆和插墙式充电器等),但并非强制要求。按照第 A.2 条中的规定,允许使用通用配件。
不允许通过 Amazon Renewed 计划销售内置强制性相机快门声的智能手机(例如,原产自日本或韩国的智能手机)。
对于 Apple 品牌,请参阅附录 B.1。
所有 Microsoft 笔记本电脑、平板电脑和个人电脑都必须配备来自 Microsoft 授权翻新商或原始设备制造商的正版软件许可证。所有设备均应贴有正品 Microsoft 标签、正品 Microsoft 翻新商标签或防伪证明书。根据要求,需要通过发票提供许可证真伪证明。
翻新的墨水和墨粉盒(再造、翻新、重新填充或其他衍生品)不得以独立 ASIN 的形式销售。
食品加工商品只能包含安全、无毒且符合美国食品和药物管理局要求的材料。可能与食品或液体直接接触的所有表面均必须按照美国国家卫生基金会 (NSF) 标准或当地适用的其他法规和标准进行清洁和消毒。
将商品放在 12 英寸 外的距离时,不应看到其外部有任何明显的污渍或水垢痕迹。
游戏机必须经过过热测试,并确保光盘驱动器或磁带槽以及所有输入和输出端口(例如: A/C 电源、视频、游戏控制器、存储卡)的功能完好。
附录 B: 涉及特定品牌时的要求
所附电缆为经 Mfi 认证电缆,可与 Apple 设备兼容。
所附充电器经过 UL(北美)或 CE(欧洲)安全认证。
对于 iPhone 商品,不允许随附 Apple 品牌(原始设备制造商)Lightning-USB 充电线和插墙式充电器。对于 iPad 商品,不允许随附 Apple 品牌(原始设备制造商)Lightning-USB 充电线。对于这些受限配件,只允许随附从已获批准的授权品牌列表中的品牌商处直接购买的通用配件。已获批准的品牌: Mophie、HyperGear、Anker、Sharkk、Aduro、Amazon Basics、Syncwire、Acellories、AWANTA、Verizon、AT & T、T-Mobile、Scosche、Griffin、Satechi、Nomad、mWorks!、Premier Accessory Group、Vibrant 和 Energizer。
所有通用充电线均须经过 Mfi(“iPhone 专用”)认证,所有通用充电器均须经过 UL(北美)或 CE(欧洲)安全认证,且包裹内应附有一张卡片或标签,用于说明:
作为恢复原始出厂设置的一部分,根据第 A.1.g 条的描述,所有设备必须禁用“查找我的 iPhone”功能(或同等功能)。
在继续遵守上述要点 1 的同时,翻新的 iPhone 可随附充电器、充电线、耳机和电池等配件和零件。 但是,这些配件和零件不得以独立 ASIN 单独销售。
任何 Apple 类商品均不得使用收购或翻新的 Apple 电池。如要更换电池,则只可使用全新的 Apple 电池。
亚马逊翻新商品店铺仅支持以下 Apple iPhone 型号:iPhone 7/7 Plus、iPhone 8/8 Plus、iPhone X、iPhone XS/XS Max、iPhone XR、iPhone 11、iPhone 11 Pro/11 Pro Max、iPhone SE 第 2 代。
Amazon Renewed US Quality Policy
This Policy page covers the general quality requirements for a product to be eligible for sale on Amazon Renewed. The outlined requirements are intended to serve as a minimum required quality bar across all Renewed product categories. Any category-specific requirements are noted in Appendix A and will supersede the general product quality requirements. Any brand-specific requirements are noted in Appendix B and will supersede both category-specific requirements and general product quality requirements.
A. General product quality requirements. All Renewed products must meet the following requirements:
Permitted products
All Renewed products must be capable of being repaired/refurbished and tested to look and work like new in accordance with our Global Quality Policy. Repair/refurbish capability means that products must have electrical or mechanical components that can be replaced or upgraded to new or like-new condition.
You can find a list of permitted products and more details on our listing restrictions here.
Product inspection and testing
Each product must be inspected, repaired (if applicable), cleaned and tested to function and look like new.
Any potential refurbishing operation will only utilize Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) parts. Such parts can be new or refurbished to a like-new condition, under the same requirements of this section of the Quality Requirements.
No signs of cosmetic damage (scratches, dents, etc.) should be noticeable when the product is held 12 inches away.
No dead or stuck pixels should be present on products that contain displays. Displays should illuminate like the new equivalents, with no signs of dimming.
Any markings on external surfaces of the product must be intact (e.g. product logo). No additional markings (e.g. supplier logo, engravings, etc.) will be allowed.
When present, batteries must have a capacity that exceeds 80% of the new equivalent.
Where applicable, products must be restored to their original factory settings and must be fully unlocked for use.
Where applicable, products must be upgradeable to the latest firmware supported by the OEM.
Products must include all accessories that come with a new equivalent.
Accessories cannot be sold as standalone ASINs.
Only OEM accessories will be utilized. The accessories can be new or refurbished to a like-new condition, under the same requirements laid out in Paragraph A.1 of this document. Consumable accessories (for example, air and water filters, brushes, strings, etc.) must be in new condition.
Where applicable, wall plugs must be compatible to the region where the product is sold.
Products that come with a remote control should have a remote control that is already paired with the receiver. Alternatively, the package must contain an instruction manual on how the customer can pair the remote with the receiver and troubleshoot communication issues.
For Apple products please see Appendix B.1 at the bottom of this document.
Instruction Manuals
While not required, inclusion of instruction manuals is highly encouraged in order to provide a better customer experience and aid in the reduction of negative reviews and product returns. In the absence of physical instruction manuals, a link or reference to the manufacturer’s instruction manual should be included, when possible.
Original instruction manuals must be included where required by law.
End User Data
Seller must perform a complete forensic destruction of all personally identifiable information (PII) and all other data that originated with or related to an end user contained on or in any hardware, software, or media component of each product before sale. Examples of such end user data include but are not limited to name, date of birth, fingerprints or other biometric data, social security number, street address, email address, cloud storage account, and credit card information
Any end user data must be removed in accordance with the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Standard on Media Sanitization or other applicable local regulations and standards. Please refer to NIST-SP.800-88.rev.1 for additional information.
Products must be packaged either in their original packaging or in a new cardboard box. No mailing and padded envelopes will be used.
Packaging must be clean and free of any damage, markings and non-product related labels and stickers.
If original packaging is used, the serial numbers on the box and the product must match. In addition, labeling must be applied on at least two sides of the package, explicitly identifying the product as "Renewed", "Refurbished", "Remanufactured" or other applicable derivative.
Products and accessories must be compartmentalized and must not be in direct contact with each other. They will be secured and not able to move inside the box during handling and shipping.
Every Renewed product must come with the Amazon Renewed Program Insert, which contains general information about the Renewed program and Amazon customer service contact information. You can find the design template and file to download and print the Amazon Renewed Program Insert here.
Product packaging must successfully pass drop-tests based on widely adopted standards like those of the American Society for Testing & Materials (ASTM) or the International Safe Transit Association (ISTA).
All shipment of products containing lithium batteries (both lithium ion and lithium metal) are classified as Class 9 – Miscellaneous Dangerous Goods. Please refer to IATA and ICAO requirements as the product might require proper identification, classification, packaging, marking and labeling.
Amazon grants you a revocable, non-exclusive, non-transferable, non-assignable limited trademark license for the sole purpose of printing and distributing the Amazon Renewed Program Insert as contemplated by this policy. You agree that Amazon and all related marks are trademarks of, Inc., or its affiliates, and you will do nothing inconsistent with that ownership. All goodwill arising from use of the Amazon trademarks in the Amazon Renewed Program Insert will inure solely to Amazon’s benefit. Amazon may revoke this license at any time. Upon revocation of this license or termination of your participation in the Amazon Renewed program, you shall immediately cease and discontinue all further use of the Amazon Renewed Program Insert and all Amazon trademarks.
B. Guarantee. All Renewed products will be covered by the Amazon Renewed Guarantee and you will be responsible for any claims under the Guarantee. Click here for more details.
C. Quality Controls and Enforcement
Seller Quality Management System (QMS)
The seller will maintain an internal QMS that enables the timely identification and reduction of product quality and operational defects. While certification is currently not required, adherence to the ISO 9001 policies and guidelines is highly encouraged.
Performance Monitoring
Perfect Order Percentage > 85%
Order Defect Rate < 0.8%
Renewed Product Review Score > 3.70
Renewed Quality Score (RQS) > 98% (seller level). Details on guidelines, expectations and enforcement mechanisms can be found on Seller Central. Once approved to sell on Amazon Renewed, you can access your RQS report here.
To help ensure compliance with the Amazon Renewed Global Quality Requirements, sellers must meet the following performance metrics:
Products will be subject to random test buys that serves as another mechanism to ensure compliance with these requirements. Amazon Renewed reserves the right to conduct test buys at its own discretion. Products purchased for this purpose will be returned to the seller as per the regular returns process and will not affect any performance metrics.
Failure to comply with the US Quality Requirements might lead to the removal of selling privileges on Amazon Renewed, and might require the submission of a ‘Plan of Action’ to remediate and regain said privileges.
At any given point and at its sole discretion, Amazon Renewed reserves the right to remove any selling privileges if it is believed that an optimal customer experience is compromised.
Appendix A: Requirements by Product Category
All devices must undergo diagnostic tests with the use of external applications in order to ensure functionality and data sanitization. Said devices must be restored to their original factory settings.
All devices must undergo IMEI checks to ensure that they are not blacklisted or stolen. Sellers must maintain IMEI check records for at least 120 days to support periodic inventory and order-level audits
Headphones and SIM cards are not mandatory accessory inclusions.
Any device that requires a SIM card must carry a SIM removal tool (original or generic).
While highly encouraged, the use of OEM accessories like cables and wall chargers is not required. Generic accessories are permitted to meet the requirements under Paragraph A.2.
Screen protectors must be used whenever the screen could be in direct contact with any other item in the box. Screen protection should come in the form of device seal wraps that can be removed upon unboxing, not tempered glass / liquid screen protectors that remain attached to the device.
Smartphones with a built-in, mandatory camera shutter sound will not be permitted to be sold on Amazon Renewed (e.g., smartphones originating from Japan or South Korea).
For Apple brand please see Appendix B, 1.
Personal Computers
All Microsoft laptops, tablets and PCs must be equipped with authentic software licenses sourced from a Microsoft Authorized Refurbisher or OEM. All devices should have a Genuine Microsoft Label, Genuine Microsoft Refurbisher Label, or Certificate of Authenticity affixed to the device. Proof of license authenticity via invoice is required upon request.
Vinyl skinning, if used, must be applied without any visual blemishes to the skin (including air bubbles and peeling edges). The skin should not visually appear to be crooked.
Accessories like keyboards and mice, when bundled with the personal computer, can be generic.
During packaging, monitor screens must be separated from their base and any other attachments, when possible.
Printers and Cartridges
Printing cartridges must be removed from the printer and placed inside a sealed plastic bag to prevent ink or powder from leaking into the box.
Moving parts such as doors and print heads must be taped and secured during transit. External paper trays must be disconnected and packed separately.
Renewed ink and toner cartridges (remanufactured, refurbished, refilled or other derivative) will not be allowed under stand-alone ASINs.
Small Kitchen Appliances
Food processing products will only contain material that is safe, non-toxic and FDA compliant. All surfaces that could be in direct contact with food or liquids must be cleaned and sanitized in accordance with the National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) standards or other applicable local regulations and standards.
Upon cleaning and prior to packaging, all products must be thoroughly dried. Products containing liquid tanks (e.g., espresso machine boilers, tea kettles, etc.) must be drained in full.
No external stains or signs of calcified water should be visible on any of the external surfaces, when the product is held 12 inches away.
Moving parts such as doors, trays and containers must be taped and secured during transit.
Power Tools, Lawn and Garden Equipment
Products under these categories might be sold without their accessories, as long as this is clearly communicated through the Amazon product listing page.
Petrol-operated products must be fully drained and wrapped in plastic bags in order to avoid any leaks and contamination within the package.
Video game consoles
Gaming consoles must be tested for overheating and ensure full functionality of the optical disc drive or cartridge slot, and of all input and output ports (for example: A/C power, video, gaming controller, memory card).
Remote controller buttons, joysticks and connectivity (both wired and wireless) must be fully functional. Remote controllers sold in bundles must be pre-paired with their gaming console.
Appendix B: Requirements by Brand
The included cable is Mfi-Certified to be compatible with Apple devices.
The included charger is UL (NA) or CE (for EU) safety certified.
For iPhone products, Apple-branded (OEM) Lightning to USB charging cables and wall chargers will not be permitted. For iPad products, Apple-brand (OEM) Lightning to USB charging cables will not be permitted. For these restricted accessories, only generic accessories that are purchased directly from an approved list of authorized brands will be permitted. The approved brands: Mophie, HyperGear, Anker, Sharkk, Aduro, Amazon Basics, Syncwire, Acellories, AWANTA, Verizon, AT&T, T-Mobile, Scosche, Griffin, Satechi, Nomad, mWorks!, Premier Accessory Group, Vibrant, and Energizer.
All generic charging cables must be Mfi ('Made for iPhone') certified and all generic chargers must be UL (North America) or CE (Europe) safety certified, accompanied with a card or sticker inside the packaging stating that:
As part of the restoration to original factory settings, under Paragraph A.1.g., the “Find my iPhone” (or equivalent feature) must be disabled from all devices.
While continuing to adhere to bullet point 1 above, accessories and parts like chargers, charging cables, headphones, and batteries can be included with Renewed iPhones. However, they must not be sold separately under standalone ASINs.
Initially received units for processing and resale must show no signs of previous tampering with the device.
The use of harvested or refurbished Apple batteries is not allowed, for any of the Apple product categories. Any potential battery swaps will require the use of new Apple batteries only.
The Amazon Renewed store will support only the following Apple iPhone models: iPhone 7/7 Plus, iPhone 8/8 Plus, iPhone X, iPhone XS/XS Max, iPhone XR, iPhone 11, iPhone 11 Pro/11 Pro Max, iPhone SE 2nd Generation.