
借助亚马逊物流,亚马逊将为您的订单提供配送和客户服务,包括处理买家退货。 我们根据亚马逊买家退货政策来确定买家购买的亚马逊物流商品是否符合退货条件。 为了确保卓越的买家体验,我们可能会接受超出这些政策中规定时间范围的退货。






  • 商品与此前发布时的状况不同。

  • 商品有缺陷、已残损、已开封、缺少所需标签、属于禁止商品或属于其他不适合销售的商品。

  • 其中包括可能对我们的员工或购买该商品的未来买家构成健康或安全风险的商品。


对于您要求我们发送给您的退货商品,您可以使用亚马逊物流买家退货报告通过退货商品上的 LPN 标签查找信息。如果您使用制造商条形码追踪库存,此信息可能不可用。

对于归类为存在缺陷或买家损坏的库存商品,您必须在退货商品抵达亚马逊运营中心后的 30 天内提交移除订单。您也可以请求我们自动退还或弃置该不可售库存。有关更多信息,请参阅移除库存(概览)。


在大多数情况下,买家可以在收到货后的 30 天内请求退回商品。亚马逊可根据具体情况确定例外,接受收货 30 天后的退货请求。

在大多数情况下,如果商品未在买家提出退货请求后的 45 天内抵达亚马逊运营中心,我们将向买家收取商品的相关费用,并将其存入您的账户。


亚马逊的退货政策允许买家退回符合要求的亚马逊物流母婴用品(全新且未开封)。如果买家在收到货后的 90 天内退回商品,则无需支付任何费用。亚马逊会支付退货运费,您无需支付任何费用。该项政策不适用于多渠道配送 (MCF) 订单。

对于 11 月和 12 月配送的商品,只要符合要求,买家都可以在次年 1 月底之前退回商品。有关更多信息,请参阅美国假日订购和截止日期




如果买家获得了您商品的相关退款,但商品未在退款后的 45 天内退回至亚马逊运营中心,那么在大多数情况下,我们将向买家收取相关费用,并为您提供赔偿。

如果买家在退款后的 45 天内将您的商品退回至亚马逊运营中心,我们将确定退货商品的状况。



重要: 根据我们的退货政策,对于买家无法退货但发生退款的商品,除非退货原因应由亚马逊负责,否则亚马逊不承担赔偿责任。

重要: 对于您直接向买家发放的任何退款,亚马逊不会就此为您提供赔偿。











  • 作为卖家,您无需支付任何费用,也不会收到换货订单的付款。

  • 原商品交易中的付款和费用不受换货订单的影响。

  • 只有在您的库存中有相同商品时,买家才能请求换货。

  • 买家必须退回他们请求换货的商品。


重要: 上述退货和赔偿资格政策也适用于亚马逊物流商品的换货订单。如果您符合换货订单赔偿条件,亚马逊将向您赔偿原订单的商品价格扣除“我要开店”费用和亚马逊物流费用之后的金额。


FBA customer returns policy

With FBA, Amazon provides fulfillment and customer service for your orders, including processing customer returns. We use Amazon's customer returns policies to determine if a purchased FBA item is eligible for return. To ensure a great customer experience, we may accept returns beyond the timeframe stated in these policies.


A refund is a customer credit for all or part of the cost of a purchased item. In some cases, we issue customers a “returnless refund.” This means that the customer is not required to send the item back to the fulfillment center. Some items that are not eligible for return may be eligible for a refund.


A return is an item a customer sends back to a fulfillment center. We evaluate the condition of each returned item. If we determine that the item is sellable, we return it to your inventory. If we determine that it is unsellable (defective or damaged, for example), we assess who caused the damage (Amazon or the customer). Then we decide if you are eligible for a reimbursement.

A returned item is classified as unsellable for the following reasons:

  • The item is not in the same condition as previously listed.

  • It is defective, damaged, opened, lacking required labeling, prohibited, or otherwise unsuitable.

  • This includes items that may pose a health or safety risk to our associates, or to the next customer who buys it. This may include, but is not restricted to, consumables, personal care products and products with expiration dates.

If a returned product has non-volatile internal memory (for example, a digital camera) and there is evidence of use, we mark it as unfulfillable. If such items are returned, you must clear the memory of the device.

For returned items that you ask us to send to you, you can use the LPN label on a returned item to find information using the FBA customer returns report. If you use the manufacturer barcode to track your inventory, this information may not be available.

For items in your inventory categorized as Defective or Customer Damaged, you must submit a removal order within 30 days after the returned item arrives at the fulfillment center. You can also request that we return or dispose of this unsellable inventory automatically. For more information, see Remove inventory (overview).

Returns time frame

In most cases, customers can request to return an item within 30 days of receiving it. Amazon may make case-by-case exceptions and accept return requests beyond 30 days of receipt.

In most cases, if an item does not arrive at a fulfillment center within 45 days of the return request, we will charge the customer and credit your account for the item.

Extended returns timeframe

Amazon’s returns policy allows customers to return eligible FBA baby items in new, unopened condition without charge if they return the items within 90 days of receiving them. Amazon pays for the return shipping at no cost to you. This policy does not apply to Multi-Channel Fulfillment (MCF) orders.

Customers can return eligible items shipped during November and December until the end of January. For more information, see the Holiday Ordering and Deadlines for the U.S.


When Amazon refunds a customer for your FBA order, we debit your seller account for all or part of the refund value. In some cases, for example, when an item is lost or damaged when under Amazon’s control, you may be eligible for a reimbursement for refunds on your FBA orders.

When can you expect a reimbursement for a refund on an FBA order?

If a customer is refunded for your item, but the item is not returned to an Amazon fulfillment center within 45 days of the refund, in most cases, we will charge the customer and reimburse you.

If a customer does return your item to an Amazon fulfillment center within 45 days of the refund, we will determine the condition of the returned item.

If a returned item is in a sellable condition, we will return the item to your inventory and not reimburse you. If a returned item is an unsellable condition, we will determine who is responsible for the condition. When we do accept responsibility for an unsellable return, we will reimburse you and will not add the item back to your inventory.

Amazon does not accept responsibility nor reimburse for returned items that are damaged by a customer, subject to recall, are defective or in violation of Amazon policies, or other similar reasons. We add these items to your unfulfillable inventory when they are returned.

Important: Amazon does not reimburse for refunded items that cannot be returned by customers per our returns policy unless it is for a reason for which we take responsibility.

Important: Amazon will not reimburse you for any refund that you issue directly to a customer.

Reimbursement value

If you are eligible to receive a reimbursement for a refund, Amazon will reimburse you for all or part of the refund amount debited from your account, minus FBA fees.

Selling on Amazon and FBA fees

FBA credits your account for all or part of the Selling on Amazon referral fee and, where applicable, the variable closing fee for a returned item. We do not reimburse you for applicable FBA fees. For more information, see Selling on Amazon Fee Schedule.

Restocking fee

In some cases, (for example, when a returned item has been opened) we may charge the customer a restocking fee. If so, your account is credited in the amount of the restocking fee. However, you do not receive a restocking fee credit if we take responsibility for the condition of the returned item and have issued you a reimbursement.

Returns processing fee

For items in the apparel, watches, jewelry, shoes, and luggage categories, a returns processing fee applies.For more information, see Returns processing fee.


Amazon may also issue replacements to customers returning FBA items. If we do, Amazon will ship a new item from your inventory free of charge to a customer. Note that:

  • As a seller, you will not be charged fees or receive payment for a replacement order.

  • Your payment and fees from the sale of the original item are unaffected by a replacement order.

  • Customers can request a replacement only if the same item from your inventory is available.

  • Customers must return the item that is being replaced.

For information about your replacement orders, go to your Replacements report.

Important: The Returns and Reimbursement eligibility policies above also apply to replacements orders for FBA items. If you qualify for a reimbursement for a replacement order, Amazon will reimburse you for the price of the item on the original order minus Selling on Amazon and FBA fees.

