Prime 会员日小企业促销常见问题

什么是 Prime 会员日小企业促销?

在此次 Prime 会员日以及整个假日季期间,亚马逊将额外投资一亿美元用于支持小企业,并帮助他们吸引新买家。作为这项投资的一部分,自 2020 年 9 月 28 日 至 10 月 12 日,对于从 上购买美国小品牌和艺术家直接销售的商品且价值达到 $10 的 Prime 会员,亚马逊将提供一笔 $10 的津贴。该津贴可在 Prime 会员日期间在 使用。在此次 Prime 会员日期间,为了让买家能够比以往更轻松地支持小企业,我们挑选了一批符合条件的商品,集中展示在此处。Prime 会员日期间,可使用该笔津贴购买的商品多达数百万种,包括在亚马逊店铺销售的小企业的商品。

谁负责出资向买家提供可在 Prime 会员日使用的小企业促销津贴?


参与 Prime 会员日小企业促销是否需要支付任何费用?

不需要。为符合条件的买家提供的 $10 津贴由亚马逊出资,作为亚马逊践行持续支持小企业的承诺的一部分。

如果买家在 Prime 会员日使用其 $10 津贴购买我的商品,我会获得全部销售收益吗?

是的,在扣除适用的亚马逊费用后,您将获得商品的全部销售收益。为符合条件的买家提供的 $10 津贴由亚马逊出资。

如果买家购买我的小企业商品以赢取可在 Prime 会员日使用的 $10 津贴,我会获得全部销售收益吗?

是的,在扣除适用的亚马逊费用后,您将获得全部销售收益。为符合条件的买家提供的 $10 津贴由亚马逊出资。

我是否必须在 Prime 会员日之前推出促销才能参与“花 $10,得 $10”的小企业促销?


如何确定我的商品是否已纳入 Prime 会员日小企业促销?

如果您的商品被纳入促销,那么您将在 2020 年 9 月 27 日收到一封电子邮件,其中包含查看您符合促销条件的商品的链接。


我们使用 Gartner 对小企业的定义。符合本次促销条件的小企业需位于开展促销的国家/地区,并且已经在亚马逊品牌注册中注册或参与了 Amazon Handmade 计划。促销中推出的特定商品由属于小企业的美国品牌所有者和艺术家直接拥有和销售。

为何我只有部分商品被纳入 Prime 会员日小企业促销?



我们通常使用 Gartner 对小企业的定义。





为何我的促销未在 Prime 会员日小企业促销页面或亚马逊小企业店铺中显示?


我的品牌被纳入了 Prime 会员日小企业促销中,但我并不想参与。亚马逊能否将我的商品从促销中移除?

谨在此重申一下,本次促销由亚马逊出资,您无需支付任何费用。如果您仍不想参与促销,我们会从促销中移除您的选品。此变更最长可能需要 12 小时才能反映在网站上。


Prime Day Small Business Promotions FAQ

What is the Prime Day small business promotion?

During Prime Day and throughout the holiday season, Amazon will invest an additional $100 million in supporting small businesses and helping them reach new customers. As part of this investment, from September 28 through October 12, 2020, Amazon will offer Prime members who spend $10 on items sold directly by small US brands and artisans on a $10 credit to use on on Prime Day. To make it easier than ever for customers to support small businesses this Prime Day, we have curated collections of eligible products here. On Prime Day, customers can use the credit on millions of items, including products from small businesses selling in Amazon’s store.

Who is funding the small business promotional credit for customers to use on Prime Day?

This promotion is fully funded by Amazon to connect customers with local innovators, artisans, and entrepreneurs.

Will the Prime Day small business promotion cost me anything?

No, the $10 credit issued to eligible customers is funded by Amazon as part of its ongoing commitment to supporting small businesses.

If a customer uses their $10 credit on Prime Day to purchase my product(s), do I get the full sale proceeds?

Yes, you will get the full value of the product after deducting applicable Amazon fees. The $10 credit issued to eligible customers is funded by Amazon.

If a customer buys my small business product(s) to earn the $10 credit to use on Prime Day, do I get the full sale proceeds?

Yes, you will get the full value of the sale after deducting applicable Amazon fees. The $10 credit issued to eligible customers is funded by Amazon.

Do I have to run deals in the lead-up to Prime Day to be part of the “Spend $10, get $10” small business promotion?


How can I tell if my products are included in the Prime Day small business promotion?

If your products are included in the promotion, you were sent an email on September 27, 2020 with a link to view your promotion-eligible products.

How did you determine which products and businesses to include in the promotion?

We use Gartner’s definition of small business. Small businesses eligible for this promotion are based in the country in which the promotion is taking place, and are registered with Brand Registry or participate in the Handmade program. The specific products featured in the promotion are owned and sold directly by US brand owners and artisans that are small businesses.

Why are only some of my products included in the Prime Day small business promotion?

Small businesses included in the promotion are US brand owners and artisans. The specific products featured in the promotion are owned and sold exclusively by the small business seller.

How do you determine which businesses are small?

We commonly use Gartner’s definition of small business.

Why are only US brands and artisans included in this promotion?

Just as our own commitment to small businesses has never been more steadfast, we know that right now, more than ever before, our customers want to support businesses in their communities. We believe customers will enjoy shopping the wide range of unique small business products available from local brands and artisans in our store.

How do you determine which small businesses are brands?

Brands included are registered in Amazon’s Brand Registry. Amazon Brand Registry is a free service that helps you protect your intellectual property and create an accurate and trusted experience for customers on Amazon.

Why aren't my deals featured on the Prime Day small business deals page or in the Amazon small business store?

Small businesses included in the promotion are US brand owners and artisans. The specific products featured in the promotion are owned and sold directly by the small business seller.

My brand is included in the Prime Day small business promotion and I don’t want it to be. Can you remove my products from the promotion?

As a reminder, this promotion is funded by Amazon at no cost to you. If you still do not wish to participate in the promotion, we will remove your selection from the promotion, which may take up to 12 hours to reflect on the website.

