Prime 会员日资格条件

  • Prime 专享折扣必须符合所有常规资格条件。

  • 要提供 Prime 会员日 Prime 专享折扣,卖家的“卖家反馈评级”必须至少为 4 星。未收到任何买家反馈评级的卖家也可以提供 Prime 会员日 Prime 专享折扣。

  • 商品评级必须至少为 3 星半或无评级。

  • 折扣必须至少比非会员的非促销价格(即“您的商品价格”或“销售价格”,以较低者为准)优惠 20%。

  • Prime 专享折扣价格必须比该 ASIN 在过去 30 天的最低价格低 5%。过去 30 天的最低价格是该 ASIN 在此期间的最低订单价格,包括所有卖家的一切秒杀价格、促销价格和销售价格。


Eligibility Criteria for Prime Day

  • The Prime Exclusive Discount must meet all regular eligibility criteria.

  • To be eligible for Prime Day Prime Exclusive Discount, you must be a seller with at least a 4 Seller Feedback Rating. Sellers that have not received any feedback ratings from buyers will also be eligible for Prime Day Prime Exclusive Discount.

  • The product must have at least a three and half star rating or no rating.

  • The discount must be at least 20% off the non-member non-promotional price (that is, Your Price or Sale Price, whichever is lower).

  • The Prime exclusive discounted price must beat the lowest price for the ASIN in past 30 days by 5%. The lowest price in the last 30 days is the lowest order price for the ASIN in that period including all deal, promotional, and sale prices across all Merchants.

