
在相关订单的订单详情”页面,“订单概览”下面的订单 ID 旁边将会显示此标记,订单 > 未履行的订单或订单 > 历史记录页面也会显示。下面的示例来自订单 > 历史记录页面:

如上图所示,使用 WishPost 从中国大陆发货的商户与从中国大陆以外和欧盟境外发货的商户可选择的物流服务商有所不同。具体如下:

1. 对于使用 WishPost 从中国大陆发货的商户:

商户必须使用下列三个 WishPost 物流渠道之一来履行这些订单,因为这些物流服务商提供 DDP 服务,并且可协助(向海关)代缴 Wish 收取的增值税和/或可能适用的关税:

  • 顺友欧洲快速专线

  • EQ 专线快递-高值普货

  • EQ 专线快递-高值特货

商户可能还需要向这些 WishPost 物流渠道的物流服务商额外提供报关所需的订单信息。如需了解更多信息,请参阅这篇文章的“1. 从中国大陆发货的欧盟路向订单”部分。

由于此类订单须办理正式报关手续,且须指定“登记进口商”(Importer of Record) 才能在欧盟海关清关,因此商户可能需要进行以下操作:

1). 将商户的欧盟 EORI 号码和/或增值税号码提供给物流服务商;并且/或者

2). 支付适用的进口关税和其他清关费用。



See more details below.

This flag can be seen for relevant orders next to the Order ID under the Order Overview in the Order details page. This flag will also be visible under the Orders > Unfulfilled Orders or Orders > History page. See below for an example shown in the Orders > History page:

As shown in the screenshot above, carrier selection for merchants shipping from Mainland China using WishPost and from outside of Mainland China and outside of the EU will be different. Specifically:

1. For merchants shipping from Mainland China using WishPost:

Merchants are required to ship these orders with one of the three below-listed WishPost logistics channels that provides Delivered Duty Paid (DDP) service and offers support to remit (at customs) VAT amount collected by Wish and/or customs duties: 

  • Sunyou European Express Parcel

  • EQ-Express Parcel-HV-GC

  • EQ-Expressparcel-HV-SC

Merchants may also need to file/share certain additional order information with the shipping carriers of these corresponding WishPost logistics channels as a necessary step to complete the customs declaration. Learn more by visiting this Help Center article and navigate to “1. Shipping to the EU from Mainland China”. 

As these orders will require a formal customs entry and appointed “Importer of Record” in order to clear EU customs, merchants should be aware that they may be required to take the following actions:

1). Provide carriers with their own EU EORI number and/or their own VAT number with the shipping carriers, AND/OR

2). Pay applicable customs duties and other customs clearance fees at the time of import. 

Additionally, shipping carriers may require non-EU domiciled merchants shipping into the EU from outside of the EU to appoint an EU-domiciled representative to assume customs liabilities associated with the entry. Such a partner will act in coordination with the non-EU-domiciled importer to ensure complete and accurate customs declaration, and will assume liability for the contents of the customs declaration. Please consult your tax advisor and selected shipping carrier for more information.

