
有些国家和地区规定,在达到特定标准的情况下,线上市场促进者需代表商户代收和代缴税费(即 VAT、GST 等)。在此类国家/地区,Wish 会代表商户代收和代缴税费。

在有些情况下,Wish 会与当地邮政物流服务商签订协议,以方便向相关税务机构缴纳交易税。根据协议,邮政物流服务商将在商品配送给用户前代收交易税。在此情况下,Wish 很可能会暂扣应税税款,物流服务商将被视为税务行政合规的履行方(即向税务机构报税的一方)。



  • 澳大利亚

  • 新西兰

  • 瑞典(通过 PostNord 妥投的订单)

  • 墨西哥(墨西哥商户的墨西哥路向订单,VAT 的缴纳方式取决于商户账户类型,详见其他文章)

  • 英国(对于从英国境内/境外发往英国的需缴税订单;VAT 的缴纳方式将取决于多种要求,详见其他文章所述)


 In which countries does the Wish marketplace collect and remit transaction tax on behalf of the Merchants?

Some countries and regions have enacted regulations which require online Marketplace Facilitators to collect and remit tax (i.e. VAT, GST, etc.) on behalf of its Merchants if certain criteria are met.  In countries where Wish has met these requirements, they will collect and remit tax on behalf of its Merchants.

In some instances, Wish may enter into agreements with local postal carriers to facilitate the remittance of transaction taxes to the authorities.  The postal carrier is required to collect the transaction tax before the goods are released for delivery to the customer. In these situations, Wish is likely to ‘withhold’ the tax due and the carrier may be deemed to be the supplier for compliance administrative purposes (i.e. the one required to report the tax to the tax authority).

These arrangements will provide convenience to the customers where they will not be obligated to connect with the postal carrier to pay the applicable taxes.

In the following jurisdictions, Wish will collect and remit tax for all sales occurring on its marketplace:

  • Australia

  • New Zealand

  • Sweden (on sales which are delivered through PostNord)

  • Mexico (on sales conducted by Mexico-based merchants with products shipped to customers based in Mexico; VAT remittance will depend on merchants’ account type, per details outlined above)

  • United Kingdom (on applicable domestic and international UK-bound orders; VAT remittance will depend on multiple requirements, per details outlined above)

