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Note: 如果您未在订单日期后 30 天内确认订单发货,我们将自动取消该订单且不会向买家收费,即使您已经发货也是如此。



亚马逊邮件服务器和您的邮件服务器之间的连接超时,或者您的互联网服务提供商 (ISP) 暂时无法收到消息。

  • 请联系您的 ISP,以确保您的账户没有问题。

  • 请确认您的 ISP 未过滤掉亚马逊发送的电子邮件。



  • 请验证您在账户信息(在设置菜单上)中的联系信息是否正确。

  • 请务必维护您的主销售账户邮箱,以便接收亚马逊发送的所有消息。如果您的收件箱已满,则无法递送电子邮件。



  • 检查您的垃圾文件夹中是否有遗漏的已售出,即将发运电子邮件。

  • 检查您是否设有任何垃圾邮件过滤条件或规则,从而可能会无意中过滤此类电子邮件。

  • 将 seller-notification@amazon.com 添加到您的联系人列表。


What should I do when a buyer contacts me, but I didn't get a Sold, Ship Now email?

We encourage you to check Manage Orders in your seller account regularly to ensure you are aware of all incoming orders. Do not rely on the Sold, Ship Now email notification alone to identify shippable orders. You can also check for shippable orders using the Unshipped Orders report.

You should only ship orders that you can verify in Manage Orders. All orders listed as Unshipped in your seller account can and should be shipped promptly in accordance with Amazon policies.

Note: If you do not confirm shipment of an order within 30 days of the order date, we will automatically cancel the order and will not charge the buyer, even if you already shipped the order.

Here are some causes and possible solutions for why you may not be receiving your Sold, Ship Now email notifications:

Connection blocked

The connection between the Amazon mail server and your mail server timed out, or your Internet service provider (ISP) was temporarily unable to receive messages.

  • Contact your ISP to ensure that there are no problems with your account.

  • Confirm that your ISP is not filtering emails from Amazon.

Email bounced

Your email address is incorrect or your inbox was full.

  • Verify that your contact information is correct in Account Info (on the Settings menu).

  • Be sure to maintain your primary selling account mailbox, so you receive all messages from Amazon. If your inbox is full, then emails cannot be delivered.

Email filtered or discarded

Your email service identified the message as spam or junk.

  • Check your Junk and Trash folders for the missing Sold, Ship Now emails.

  • Check any spam filters or rules you have that may inadvertently filter out these emails.

  • Add seller-notification@amazon.com to your contacts list.

