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使用核心架构构建 XML 输入数据


使用核心架构构建 XML 输入数据


要想开发亚马逊可处理的 XML 上传数据,使用卖家帮助中心的架构文件或 XSD(XML 架构定义)是很重要的。架构文件概述了提交至亚马逊的每份上传数据以及亚马逊生成的每份报告均必须遵循的格式。本部分提供了元素定义,以及用于在卖家和亚马逊之间进行全部数据交换的相应 XSD。


• 帮助页面上显示的 XSD 示例可能无法反映最新的 XSD。我们建议使用提供的 XSD 链接以得到最新的版本。
• 使用 UNICODE 字符集和 UTF-8 编码传送上传数据。尽管在 UTF-8 和 ASCII 中英语字母表中的字符编码一致,但是带有变音符(如:ü)的外文字符编码却不同。根据情况,您需要将这些字符从 ASCII 正确映射到 UTF-8 上。



Use Core Schemas to Build XML Feeds

Core Schemas

To develop XML feeds that Amazon can process it is important to use the schema files or XSDs (XML Schema Definitions) from Seller Central Help. The schema files outline the format that each feed submitted to Amazon and each report Amazon produces must adhere to. This section provides element definitions and the corresponding XSDs for all data exchanged between you and Amazon.

Each feed requires Amazon core schemas and a feed type schema. Each schema has a specific purpose.

• The XSD samples shown on the Help pages may not reflect the latest XSDs. We recommend using the provided XSD links to obtain the latest versions.
• Data feeds are transmitted using the UNICODE character set and UTF-8 encoding. Although the characters in the English alphabet are encoded identically in UTF-8 and ASCII, foreign characters with diacritical marks (for example, ü) are encoded differently. You are responsible for correctly mapping these characters from ASCII to UTF-8 as needed.

Core Schemas Reference Graphic

