


总配送时间 = 备货时间 + 运输时间(+ 任何节假日)


  • 您可以使用添加新商品工具或在管理库存页面上选择【编辑】。
    • 在【备货时间】字段输入准备待发货商品所需的天数。
      注意: 您可以在“配送设置”中的一般配送设置下查看您的默认备货时间。
  • 您也可以使用“库存加载工具”。有关更多信息,请参阅使用“库存加载工具”模板上传商品。
    • 在【库存加载工具模板】选项卡的【备货时间】列中,输入准备待发货商品所需的天数。
    注意: 在“库存加载工具”模板上将属性保留为空将导致备货时间恢复为您的默认备货时间。
  • 您也可以选择当日达备货时间。这让您可以更灵活地为部分或全部商品设置当日达备货时间。当日达备货时间仅适用于标准配送和加急配送选项。

运输时间: 从卖家将订单商品交付给承运人至订单商品送达买家地址这一期间所耗用的时间。您可以通过编辑配送模板来修改 SKU 的运输时间。要了解更多信息,请参阅创建、编辑或删除配送模板。


Modify handling time

Amazon provides the estimated delivery time to buyers on the offer listing and checkout pages. We base this estimate on the time between when the buyer places an order until the delivery reaches the buyer's address.

Handling Time (also known as Production Time or lead_time_to_ship) is the time between when the buyer places the order until you hand the order over to your carrier. Handling time is part of the delivery time calculation displayed on the offer listing and checkout page:

Total Delivery Time = Handling Time + Transit Time (+ any holiday)

There are two ways you can modify the handling time:

  • You can use the Add a Product tool or select Edit on the Manage Inventory page:
    • Enter the number of days required to prepare the product for shipment in the Handling Time field.
      Note: You can view your default Handling Time in your Shipping Settings, under General Shipping Settings.
  • You can also use the Inventory Loader. For more information, see Upload products using the Inventory Loader template.
    • Enter the number of days required to prepare the product for shipment in the handling_time column on the InventoryLoaderTemplate tab.
    Note: Leaving the attribute empty on the Inventory Loader template will cause the Handling Time to revert to your default Handling Time.
  • You can also opt in for Same Day handling time. This provides you with additional flexibility to set same day handling time for some or all of your products. Same Day handling time only applies to Standard and Expedited shipping options.

Transit time: The time between when you hand the order over to your carrier until its delivery to the buyer’s address. You can modify the transit times for your SKUs by editing your shipping templates. To learn more, see Create, edit, or delete shipping templates.
