

总配送时间 = 备货时间 + 运输时间(+ 任何节假日)


  1. 转至配送设置。
  2. 配送模板选项卡中,选择您想要编辑的配送模板。
  3. 点击屏幕右侧的编辑模板
  4. 选择要设置的配送选项和地区选项。
  5. 选择 Transit Time excluding handling time 列中的下拉菜单,修改运输时间。
  6. 按需对任何配送选项和地区重复上述操作。
    Note: 标准配送要求您能向美国大陆的任何地区发货了解更多信息。
  7. 点击保存


  1. 转至配送设置。
  2. 配送模板选项卡中,选择您想要编辑的配送模板。
  3. 点击屏幕右侧的编辑模板
  4. 选择要设置的配送选项和地区选项。
  5. 选择 Transit Time excluding handling time 列中的下拉菜单,修改运输时间。
  6. 按需对任何配送选项和地区重复上述操作。
    Note: 标准配送要求您能向美国大陆的任何地区发货了解更多信息。
  7. 点击保存


  • 要查看美国境内的默认运输时间,请参阅美国国内卖家的默认运输时间。
  • 如果您的发货地址在美国境外,请参阅国际卖家的默认运输时间。

Modify transit time

Transit Time (previously known as Shipping Time) is the time between when you hand the order over to your carrier until its delivery to the buyer's address. Transit time is part of the delivery time calculation displayed on the offer listing and checkout page:

Total Delivery Time = Handling Time + Transit Time (+ any holidays)

To modify your transit time, follow the below steps:

  1. Go to Shipping Settings.
  2. Under the Shipping Templates tab, select the shipping template that you want to edit.
  3. Click Edit Template on the right side of the screen.
  4. Select the Shipping option and Regions option that you want to configure.
  5. Modify the transit time by selecting the drop down menu under the Transit Time excluding handling time column.
  6. Repeat for as many Shipping options and Regions as needed.
    Note: Standard shipping requires you to be able to ship everywhere in the continental U.S. Learn more.
  7. Click Save.


Transit Time Requirements

  • To view the default transit times within the U.S., see Default transit times for domestic sellers.
  • If you ship from outside the U.S., see Default transit times for international sellers.