
当您将您的账户迁移到新配送设置时,您的调整会被替换为配送模板。您最多可创建 20 个模板,每个模板对应于不同 SKU 集合的不同设置。



  1. 进入【不再存在配送调整】部分后,此部分将提供一个可供您下载配送调整报告的链接。每 3,000 个商品大概需要 1 分钟完成下载。
    • 该报告列出了每个 SKU 的当前配送调整。
    • 此外,您还可以下载此工具,以根据您的调整获取配送模板建议。
  2. 开始继续迁移
  3. 根据需要创建多个配送模板。
    • 使用配送调整报告来确定您所需的配送模板数量。
    • 我们建议您尽可能地简化您的运费。例如,您可以提供免运费以帮助提高销量以及您赢得购买按钮的几率。
  4. 将您的 SKU 分配给新配送模板,具体方法是通过“库存”页面或准备库存加载工具上传数据。在库存加载工具文件的【卖家配送组】列输入配送模板名称。
  5. 点击【激活迁移】。
  6. 验证迁移。
    • 在库存报告页面上,下载在售库存报告。验证每个 SKU 是否已分配给首选配送模板。
注意: 需要更新向亚马逊系统发送上传数据的外部应用程序,才能支持商品 XML 上传数据中的新字段 【MerchantShippingGroupName】。您可以使用此字段将 SKU 分配到特定配送模板。

Migrate accounts with shipping overrides

When you migrate your account to the new shipping settings, your overrides are replaced by shipping templates. You can create up to 20 templates, each with different settings for different sets of SKUs.

Migrate your account with shipping overrides

Open Shipping Settings and click Learn more, which will launch a slide show. Then follow these steps:

  1. When you get to the No more shipping overrides section, there will be a link where you can download your shipping override report. This can take about 1 minute per 3000 products.
    • The report lists the current shipping overrides for every SKU.
    • In addition, you can also download this tool to get shipping template recommendations based on your overrides.
  2. Continue to Start migration.
  3. Create more shipping templates as needed.
    • Use the shipping override report to determine how many shipping templates you need.
    • We recommend you simplify your shipping rates as much as possible. For example, you can offer free shipping to help increase sales and improve your chances of winning the buy box.
  4. Assign your SKUs to the new shipping templates either through the inventory page or by preparing the inventory loader feed. Enter the shipping template name in the merchant shipping group column of the inventory loader file.
  5. Click Activate migration.
  6. Verify the migration.
    • Download the active inventory report on the inventory reports page. Verify each SKU has been assigned to the preferred shipping template.
Note: External applications that send feeds to our systems will need to be updated to support the new MerchantShippingGroupName field in the product XML feed. Use this field to assign SKUs to a specific shipping template.