
个人卖家: 此功能适用于参与专业销售计划的卖家。

如果您的资格状态被撤销,您将在 7 至 30 天内无法提供“隔日达”这一配送选项。


如果您之前被撤销了“隔日达”的配送资格,且仍然无法在之后的 90 天内满足“隔日达”的要求,那么,除非您向我们提供一份提高绩效的行动计划,否则您将无法使用优先配送选项。在这种情况下,您的状态将更改为“受限”。



Restore Two-Day Shipping eligibility

If your eligibility status has been revoked, you will not be able to offer Two-Day Shipping as a shipping option for a minimum of 7 days and maximum of 30 days.

If your performance improves, your status will change to Eligible on the Premium Shipping Eligibility tool, and you will once again be able to offer the Two-Day Shipping option.

If your eligibility to offer Two-Day Shipping has previously been revoked and you continue to fail to meet the Requirements for Two-Day Shipping for the trailing 90 days, you may be removed from Premium Shipping options until you provide us with a Plan of Action to improve your performance. In such a case your status will change to "Restricted."

For more information about the Plan of Action process, see the Submit a Plan of Action for Premium Shipping Options Help page.

