根据新西兰为了针对成立地在新西兰境外的卖家向新西兰境内买家销售的海关完税价值不超过 1,000 新西兰元的商品(低价值商品 (LVG))征收商品及服务税 (GST) 实施的法律,卖家自行配送的包裹需要其他信息才能在新西兰清关并配送给买家。
我如何确保低价值商品包裹能够在海关清关并配送至新西兰境内地址? 将低价值商品配送至新西兰时,我的发票或包裹应包含哪些其他信息?
如果您的卖家营业地址在新西兰境外,您随订单一起提供的海关文件必须包含您所发送商品的详情、亚马逊针对订单中每件低价值商品代收的商品及服务税,以及代收商品及服务税的公司 ( Services LLC) 的新西兰商品及服务税登记号。
我在哪里可以找到新西兰商品及服务税登记号,以便在进口文件中包含此信息? Services LLC 的新西兰商品及服务税登记号为 129-994-118。
我要将单件价值均不超过 1,000 新西兰元的多件商品配送至新西兰境内地址。所有商品的总金额超过 1,000 新西兰元。亚马逊将如何针对这些商品计算商品及服务税?
在买家下单时,亚马逊无法确定商品是将单独配送,还是一次性托运。因此,如果您的成立地在新西兰境外,亚马逊会将订单中价值不超过 1,000 新西兰元的单件商品视为低价值商品,并针对这些商品及相关费用(包括运费和礼品包装费)计算并代收 15% 的商品及服务税。您随订单一起提供的海关文件必须包含您所发送商品的详情、亚马逊针对订单中每件低价值商品代收的商品及服务税,以及代收商品及服务税的公司 ( Services LLC) 的新西兰商品及服务税登记号。
我售出了一件价值超过 1,000 新西兰元的商品,并且发货地址在境外。我需要怎么做才能确保我的货件配送至新西兰境内地址?
此商品无需缴纳低价值商品的商品及服务税,因为其海关完税价值超过 1,000 新西兰元。但是,此商品可能需要缴纳商品及服务税、关税和其他进口处理费用。要使此商品能够在海关清关,您需要联系您的承运人或获取您自己的税务建议来确定应付金额,以确保您提供的信息正确无误,并确保您向承运人提供的资金足以支付这些费用。亚马逊不会针对此商品计算、代收或代缴任何应缴的商品及服务税。
如果您想要将商品配送给新西兰境内的买家并自动提供相应的海关文件,可以选择开始使用亚马逊物流 (FBA) 计划和服务。
Ship to New Zealand required customs documentation for seller-fulfilled items
Ship to New Zealand required customs documentation for seller-fulfilled items
Due to the implementation of legislation in New Zealand to impose Goods and Services Tax (GST) on the sale of items that have a customs value of $1,000 NZD or less (Low Value Goods or LVG) sold by a seller with a place of establishment outside of New Zealand to customers in New Zealand, seller fulfilled packages will require additional information in order to clear customs in New Zealand and deliver to the customer.
How do I ensure that my LVG package clears customs and is delivered to a New Zealand address? What additional information do I need to include on my invoice or package when shipping LVG to New Zealand?
If your Merchant Business Address is not in New Zealand, the customs documentation you provide with the order must include the details of the products you are sending, the GST collected by Amazon for each LVG within the order, and the New Zealand GST registration number of the company collecting the GST ( Services LLC).
You can identify that an item is LVG prior to shipment on the Order Details page when confirming the order on Seller Central.
Where can I find the New Zealand GST registration number in order to include this information on my import documents? Services LLC New Zealand GST registration number is 129-994-118.
I am shipping multiple items that are individually valued at $1,000 NZD or less to a New Zealand address. The total amount of the combined items is above $1,000 NZD. How will Amazon calculate GST on these items?
At the time of order, Amazon cannot determine whether items will be shipped separately or together as one consignment. Therefore, if your place of establishment is outside New Zealand, Amazon will treat individual items valued at $1,000 NZD or less in the order as LVG and will calculate and collect 15% GST on the items and on associated charges including shipping and gift wrap charges. The customs documentation that you provide with the order must include the details of the products you are sending, the GST collected by Amazon for each LVG within the order, and the New Zealand GST registration number of the company collecting the GST ( Services LLC).
I sold an item that is above $1,000 NZD that will be shipped from overseas. What do I need to do to make sure that my shipment is delivered to a New Zealand address?
This item would not be subject to LVG GST because its customs value is greater than $1,000 NZD. However, GST, customs duty, and other import processing charges may apply. To enable the item to clear customs you will need to contact your carrier or obtain your own tax advice to determine the amounts payable, ensure that you provide the right information, and ensure that you provide sufficient funds to the carrier to cover these amounts. Amazon will not calculate, collect or remit any GST payable for these items.
What are my other options?
If you want your items shipped to customers in New Zealand with the proper customs documentation automatically included, you have the option to get started with Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) programs and services.