连连(LianLian Global)官网首页







  • 状况: 任何状况(新品、二手、收藏品以及翻新品)

  • 商品类型: 任何类型(媒介类和非媒介类)

  • 不是禁售商品、受限商品或高价品

  • 具有一个与亚马逊在线目录中的 ASIN 对应的可扫描条形码(GCID、UPC、EAN、JAN 或 ISBN)。

注意: 自 2018 年 4 月 17 日起,不得再使用 GCID 代替 UPC、EAN、JAN 或 ISBN 来创建 ASIN。如果您的品牌已获准加入新的亚马逊品牌注册计划且您的商品没有 UPC、EAN、JAN 或 ISBN,请申请全球贸易项目代码豁免。

重要: 如果商品上没有符合条件的制造商条形码,您必须自行为商品粘贴亚马逊条形码。




  • 当您符合要求的商品到达运营中心后,我们将使用您提供的商品信息为这些商品粘贴亚马逊条形码。

  • 费用为每件商品 $0.30。

  • 您可以在货件创建流程中选择【贴标方】下的【卖家】,以选择自行为单件商品粘贴条形码标签。

  • 我们会指导您拆分货件,以便将可使用亚马逊物流贴标服务的商品装在一起。

  • 可使用亚马逊物流贴标服务的货件可能会被进一步拆分为多个货件。





  1. 在您的卖家账户中,点击【设置】下方的【亚马逊物流】。

  2. 找到【可选服务】,然后点击【编辑】。

  3. 在【贴标方】下,选择【亚马逊】即可注册亚马逊物流贴标服务;选择【卖家】即可取消注册。

  4. 点击【保存】。

重要: 新设置将应用于您更改选项后创建的货件。如果您希望新设置应用于您目前正在创建的货件,则必须删除该货件,然后创建一个新货件。



  • 亚马逊物流托拍或纸箱标签的左上角将显示 FBA-PREP。

  • 【货件处理进度】页面上的货件详情中会显示“商品标签:需要(亚马逊物流贴标服务)”这条消息

  • 货件创建流程的【为商品贴标】选项卡中会提及亚马逊物流贴标服务和预计的相关费用


亚马逊物流贴标服务费用为每件商品 $0.30。


FBA Label Service

For eligible products that require an Amazon barcode, Fulfillment by Amazon can apply those barcodes for you for a per-item fee.


Products eligible for the FBA Label Service:

  • Condition: Any (New, Used, Collectible, Refurbished)

  • Product Type: Any (Media and Non-media)

  • Not prohibited, restricted, or high-value items

  • Have a single scannable barcode (GCID, UPC, EAN, JAN, or ISBN) that corresponds to an ASIN in Amazon’s online catalog.

Note: As of April 17, 2018, GCIDs can no longer be used in place of a UPC, EAN, JAN, or ISBN to create ASINs. If your brand has been approved for the Brand Registry program and you don’t have UPCs, EANs, JANs, or ISBNs for your products, apply for GTIN exemption.

Important: If there is no eligible manufacturer barcode on the item, you must apply an Amazon barcode to the item yourself.

Amazon will, at our sole discretion, determine which products meet the eligibility requirements for the FBA Label Service. We reserve the right to disqualify products from this service that otherwise meet the above requirements.

Terms and conditions

By enabling the FBA Label Service, you agree to allow Amazon to apply Amazon barcodes to your eligible inventory in accordance with the following terms and conditions:

  • We will apply Amazon barcodes to your eligible items upon arrival at the fulfillment center using the product information you provide.

  • You will be charged a $0.30 per-item fee.

  • You can choose to apply barcode labels to individual products yourself by selecting Merchant under Who Labels during the shipment creation process.

  • We may instruct you to split shipments so that items destined for the FBA Label Service are packed together.

  • Shipments directed to the FBA Label Service may be further split into multiple shipments.

For products that do not qualify for the FBA Label Service, you are responsible for applying any required Amazon barcodes. For more information, see Use an Amazon barcode to track inventory.

For eligible products, you can use the manufacturer barcode to track your inventory. For more information, see Use the manufacturer barcode to track inventory.

Change your FBA Label Service option

You can change your FBA Label Service option in your Fulfillment by Amazon settings.

  1. In your seller account, under Settings, click Fulfillment by Amazon.

  2. Locate Optional Services and click Edit.

  3. Under Who Labels, select Amazon to enroll in the FBA label service or Merchant to cancel your enrollment.

  4. Click Save.

Important: The new setting is applied to shipments you create after you change your selection. If you want the new setting to apply to shipments you are currently working on, you must delete it and create a new shipment.

Identify FBA Label Service shipments

Shipments destined for the FBA Label Service can by identified by:

  • FBA pallet or carton labels that include FBA-PREP in the upper left hand corner

  • The message Item Labels: required (Label Service) in the shipment details on the Shipping Queue page

  • References to the FBA Label Service and estimated related fees on the Label Products tab of the shipment creation process

FBA Label Service fee

The FBA Label Service fee is $0.30 per-item.

