2017 年及以后出产的电视机若使用亚马逊物流需进行新的包装认证
下载我们的货件检查清单 (PDF)。
重要: 不遵守亚马逊物流商品准备要求、安全要求及商品限制条件可能会产生以下后果:亚马逊运营中心拒收库存;弃置或退还库存;阻止今后向亚马逊运营中心发送货件;或者亚马逊运营中心针对未尽的准备工作或额外包装工作收取费用。 请将这些要求告知您的承运人或供应商,以确保他们完全理解这些要求。
重要: 如果您不提供准确的箱内物品信息,可能会导致今后我们阻止您向运营中心运送货件,并将收取人工处理费。
卖家 SKU
UPC/EAN/ISBN 或其他外部条形码
在每件商品与箱子内侧之间填充 2 英寸厚的缓震材料。
使用尺寸至少为 6 x 4 x 1 英寸且重量至少为 1 磅(但任一边的长度均不超过 25.00 英寸且总重量小于 50.00 磅)的箱子可以减少延迟接收的情况。
提示: 为获得最佳保护效果,请使用具有极强耐破度或抗压碎标志的全新单层瓦楞装运货箱。
普通开槽纸箱 (RSC)
B 型瓦楞纸箱
200 磅/平方英寸(耐破度)
对每件商品使用至少为 2 英寸厚的适当材料进行包装,在商品与箱壁之间也应填充同样厚度的包装材料。如果您的商品在运输时采用制造商的原厂包装,则无需使用 2 英寸厚的材料进行包装。
对于内含多件标准尺寸商品的箱子,其任何一侧的长度均不得超过 25.00 英寸。如果箱子里包含长度大于 25.00 英寸的大件商品,则箱子可能会超出 25.00 英寸的上限。装有大件商品的过大箱子可能会受到运输权限限制、需要缴纳额外费用或被运营中心拒收。
重要: 请严格执行箱子尺寸政策。将超大尺寸纸箱发送到运营中心可能会导致我们阻止您今后向运营中心运送货件。
箱子不得超过 50.00 磅的标准重量限值,除非内含单件重量超过 50.00 磅的大件商品。
对于单件重量超过 50.00 磅的大件商品,请在箱子顶部和侧面贴上明确指示多人合搬的标签。
对于单件重量超过 100.00 磅的大件商品,请在箱子顶部和侧面贴上明确指示机械升降的标签。
内含珠宝首饰或钟表的箱子不得超过 40.00 磅。
重要: 请严格执行箱子重量政策。将超重纸箱发送到运营中心可能会导致我们阻止您今后向运营中心运送货件。
注意: 即使您选择不在卖家平台提供箱内物品信息,也需要提供所有货件包装箱的准确重量和尺寸。
提示: 包装完箱子后,轻轻地晃动一下。晃动时,箱内物品不应移动。
纸,特别是用来包装商品的牛皮纸,可用于填充包装箱内的空隙。为获得最佳保护效果,请使用纸张基重不低于 60 磅的牛皮纸,以确保其厚度足以用来提供保护。
Warning: 可充气的充气垫在低温和高海拔环境中会失去压力。
Shipping and routing requirements
Packaging your shipment correctly is crucial to making sure your inventory reaches us safely and that it's optimized for entry into our fulfillment centers.
The following requirements apply to all boxes shipped to Amazon fulfillment centers whether by small parcel delivery, less than truckload (LTL), or full truckload (FTL) shipping.
Some shipments have additional requirements:
Small parcel delivery to Amazon
Truckload delivery to Amazon
Delivering Imports to Amazon
Delivering Televisions to Amazon
New packaging certification needed for 2017+ model year TVs on FBA
Download our Shipment checklist (PDF).
Important: Failure to comply with FBA product preparation requirements, safety requirements, and product restrictions may result in the refusal of inventory at the Amazon fulfillment center, disposal or return of inventory, blocking of future shipments to the fulfillment center, or charging for preparation or for noncompliance at the fulfillment center. Please share these requirements with your carrier or vendor to ensure that they fully understand these requirements.
Box content information
Providing box content information improves the management of your inventory within Amazon and helps your products become available for sale more quickly. For more information, see Provide box content information.
Important: Failure to provide accurate box content information might result in blocking of future shipments, and a manual processing fee will be applied.
If you select Skip providing box contents, make sure that:
Each box contains inventory from only one shipment ID. Do not combine items from multiple shipments in the same box. You can find the shipment ID on the Summary page for that shipment.
The shipment details listed on your shipping plan match the shipment being sent to the fulfillment center, including:
Merchant SKU
UPC/EAN/ISBN or other external barcode
Quantity shipped
Packing option (individually packed or case packed)
Box weights and dimensions
Units are prepped according to the requirements found on the Packaging and prep requirements page
Packaging shipments
Following these instructions helps ensure shipments arrive undamaged and ready for intake to our fulfillment centers:
Use a rigid, six-sided box with flaps intact.
Use a single address label that has clear, complete delivery and return information.
Each box you include in the shipment must have its own unique FBA Box ID label printed from your Shipping Queue.
Each pallet requires four FBA Pallet ID labels, one on the top center of each side. Each box on the pallet also requires its own unique FBA Box ID label.
When shipping multiple case packs in a master carton, apply the unique FBA Box ID shipping label on the outside of the master carton.
If you are reusing boxes, remove all old shipping labels, barcodes, or markings.
Cover existing barcodes with opaque tape or use a black felt-tip marker to render the barcode unscannable by crossing out the barcode. This prevents the incorrect barcode from being accidentally scanned during the receiving process.
Wrap all items separately.
Use adequate packaging material.
Use strong tape designed for shipping.
Use 2 inches of cushioning between each of your items and the inside of the box.
After you pack your box, shake it gently. The contents should not move when shaken.
Using boxes with dimensions measuring at least 6 x 4 x 1 inches and weighing at least 1 lb (but no more than 25.00 inches on any side and under 50.00 lb total) can reduce delays in receiving.
Avoiding the following also helps ensure shipments arrive ready for intake to Amazon fulfillment centers:
Do not use point-of-sale containers. Point-of-sale containers are part of the product you are selling and typically contain one single unit. (For example, a coffee maker shipped and sold in its original container.)
Do not use open boxes typically used for display purposes. (For example, open front boxes or boxes without tops.)
Do not use pallet-sized boxes (also known as "gaylords").
Don’t use string, straps, or over-wrap (plastic or paper).
Do not bundle multiple boxes together.
Picking the right-sized box for what you are shipping is important. If the container is too large, you will need to fill it up with enough packaging material so that the box will not collapse if heavier boxes are stacked on top during shipping.
Tip: For best results, use a new, single-wall, corrugated shipping container with a high burst- or crush-strength stamp.
Acceptable standard boxes:
Regular slotted carton (RSC)
B flute
ECT-32 (edge crush test)
200 lb./sq. inch (burst strength)
Use a minimum of 2 inches of appropriate packing material around each item and the same amount in between your products and the walls of the box. If your items are being shipped in the manufacturer's case pack, the 2 inches of packing material is not necessary.
Box dimensions
Boxes containing multiple standard-size items must not exceed 25.00 inches on any side. A box may exceed the 25.00 inch limit if it contains oversize units that measure longer than 25.00 inches. Boxes that are excessively large relative to the oversize units may be subject to restriction of shipping privileges, additional fees, or refusal at a fulfillment center.
Important: Box dimension policies are strictly enforced. Sending oversize cartons to the fulfillment center may lead to blocking of future shipments.
Box weight
If you are using an Amazon-partnered carrier, weigh and measure boxes and pallets accurately and ensure that the correct values are supplied for every shipment. In addition:
Boxes must not exceed the standard weight limit of 50.00 lb, unless they contain one single oversized item that exceeds 50.00 lb.
For a single oversized item that exceeds 50.00 lb, attach a label that clearly indicates Team Lift on the top and sides of the box.
For a single oversized item that exceeds 100.00 lb, attach a label that clearly indicates Mechanical Lift on the top and sides of the box.
Boxes containing jewelry or watches must not exceed 40.00 lb.
Important: Box weight policies are strictly enforced. Sending overweight cartons to the fulfillment center may lead to blocking of future shipments.
Note: Accurate box weight and dimensions are required for all shipments, even if you opt to not provide box content information in Seller Central.
Packing materials
Using appropriate packing material ensures your shipment quickly moves through the fulfillment center receiving process and protects our associates from potential safety issues.
Use these:
Bubble Wrap
Full sheets of paper (heavy-weight kraft paper is best)
Inflatable air pillows
Polyethylene foam sheeting
Do not use these:
All types of packing peanuts, including those made of biodegradable material or corn starch
Foam strips
Crinkle wrap
Shredded paper
Thermocol chips
Tip: After you pack your box, shake it gently. The contents should not move when shaken.
Watch the videos:
How to Pack boxes for Shipment to an Amazon fulfillment center
Shipment Safety Requirements
Breaking down the material benefits
Bubble Wrap or small cell bubble sheeting provides surface protection as well as shock absorption. It can also be wrapped around almost any product, regardless of shape or size.
Paper, specifically kraft paper intended for packing applications, can be used to fill empty space in your shipping box. For best results, use kraft paper with a minimum basis weight of 60 lb to ensure that it is thick enough to provide protection.
Inflatable air pillows use air pressure to secure and hold products in place inside the shipping container, and provide an air barrier of cushioning. They generally come in a strip of air pillows that you can easily use as lightweight dunnage to fill the empty space in your box.
Warning: Inflatable air pillows can lose pressure in low-temperature and high-altitude environments.
Polyethylene foam sheeting is thin, soft, resilient, and provides surface protection and cushioning properties. This type of packaging is good for protecting lightweight items.
Additional requirements
All products require a scannable barcode. For more information, see FBA product barcode requirements.
Each box in a shipment requires an Amazon FBA Box ID label in addition to any carrier labels. For more information, see Shipment label requirements.
Additional requirements apply based on the shipping method you use:
Small parcel delivery to Amazon
Truckload delivery to Amazon
Seller requirements for LTL, FTL, and FCL deliveries
In addition, boxes and box contents must be packaged in such a way that the contents arrive safely and intact at the fulfillment center. For more information, see Packaging and prep requirements.
Refused shipments
Some common issues that may result in the refusal of inventory at the fulfillment center include shipments that are larger than expected, not labeled properly, violate policy, damaged, or sent to the wrong fulfillment center.
Each shipment sent into an Amazon fulfillment center requires an advanced dock appointment to be made by your carrier. Failing to create a dock appointment will result in your shipment being refused. For more information about requesting a dock appointment, see Carrier requirements for LTL and FTL deliveries.
Shipments may be rejected at the dock and returned to you at your expense. Merchant Damage refers to any inventory that is delivered to an Amazon fulfillment center in an unsellable condition. Shipments considered Merchant Damaged or Defective incur a return freight charge.
Shipments that are closed, have been cancelled or deleted, or have not been fully completed cannot be delivered to an Amazon fulfillment center. For information on deleting shipments, see Deleted, misrouted and incomplete shipments.
Shipments that contain products that are unexpected or exceed the capabilities of the fulfillment center may be refused. Ensuring your product listings are created with correct information, such as entering accurate weight and dimensions and selecting the appropriate category, assists in ensuring successful placement and delivery to a corresponding fulfillment center.
You cannot refuse or return shipments that are returned to you without first contacting Amazon and your carrier. When a shipment is refused at a fulfillment center, your carrier will be given information from the fulfillment center. Please reach out and work with your carrier for any shipment that is refused. Return shipments that you refuse or return to Amazon again without first contacting Amazon and your carrier may be refused by Amazon a second time, and any costs incurred will be at your expense.
Shipping directly to a fulfillment center from a distributor
Make sure your distributor has the correct Amazon FBA Box ID labels for your shipment. You can grant limited access to your seller account to access labels. For more information, see Set user permissions.
In addition, your distributor must adhere to all Amazon shipment requirements.
Acknowledgement for Huawei items
You acknowledge that the US Department of Commerce Bureau of Industry and Security has restricted and may in the future restrict dealings with Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd. and certain of its non-U.S. affiliates included on the bureau’s Entity List ("Huawei Listed Entities"). You are responsible for complying with these restrictions, as updated from time to time, in relation to any products, software, or technology ("items") that you receive from Amazon or its affiliates. This includes ensuring that you do not remove, transfer, or accept any items, including inventory, that are subject to these restrictions from Amazon or its fulfillment centers if you are a Huawei Listed Entity or for the purpose of transferring or delivering such items to a Huawei Listed Entity.