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通过多渠道配送 (MCF),亚马逊可以使用您发送至运营中心的库存,配送买家在您的某个销售渠道(而非亚马逊网站)上所下的订单。其他销售渠道可能包括您自己的网站、贸易展览会和社交媒体等。您可以将多渠道配送订单信息提交至亚马逊,让亚马逊来配送此类订单。您在亚马逊网站上销售的商品的买家订单没有资格享受多渠道配送,但可以使用我们的标准亚马逊物流服务亚马逊配送

重要: 如果您利用多渠道配送从亚马逊运营中心移除商品,那么您将无法申请丢失或残损赔偿。因此,请创建移除订单。有关更多信息,请参阅移除库存(概览)。

重要: 东部标准时间下午 1:00 后提交的加急配送和优先配送订单将在下一工作日进行配送。存在商品缺货或地址无效问题的多渠道配送订单将在管理订单页面上显示为“无法配送”。亚马逊不会对无法配送的订单收费,但也不会处理此类订单。当商品有货或当您获得有效的配送地址后,您必须重新提交新的多渠道配送订单。


您可以通过三种方式提交 MCF 订单:一次提交一个、批量或通过 API。


  1. 在管理库存页面(需要登录)上,选择您要包含的商品。 多渠道配送订单的商品总数限制为 250。

  2. 在【操作】下拉菜单中,点击【创建配送订单】。

  3. 在【配送地址】文本框中,输入买家的姓名和地址。

    重要: 订单提交后,目的地地址就无法更改。所含商品被确认为危险品的订单不得配送至邮政信箱。这些商品只能通过陆运方式配送,且只能按标准速度配送。

  4. 建议的可选操作: 在【买家电子邮件地址】字段中输入买家的电子邮件地址,以便在订单发货时发送确认电子邮件和追踪编码。

  5. 在【设置订单编号】字段中,输入订单编号。

  6. 在【打印装箱单】下:

    提示: 有关品牌装箱单选择,请参阅多渠道配送品牌选择。

    1. 检查【订单编号】。 默认情况下,订单编号与上述订单编号字段中的编号相同。要在装箱单上使用其他编号,请取消勾选【同上】复选框,然后输入新编号。

    2. 在【订单日期】字段中,选择订单日期。

    3. 可选: 在【备注】字段中,输入消息(最多 150 个字符)。

  7. 在【指定订购的 SKU/商品】下,确认商品列表正确无误。

  8. 要添加商品,请在【搜索和添加商品】字段中输入商品名称、卖家 SKU、ASIN 或 FNSKU。点击【搜索】。

  9. 要删除商品,请在【删除】列中选中相应复选框。点击【继续】。

  10. 在【选择配送操作】下,选择以下其中一项:

    • 【保留】,保留库存 2 周。在您更改选择之前,订单将不会配送。

    • 【配送】,立即配送订单。

  11. 在【选择配送速度】下,选择一个配送速度。

    重要: 加急配送不订单不可配送至邮政信箱。

  1. 在【订单一览】中,检查订单和配送信息。点击【更改】可以修改所选信息。

  2. 点击【下单】。

批量提交 MCF 订单

下载配送请求模板,以创建订单请求。模板中有 4 个选项卡:

  • 【说明】,提供模板说明。

  • 【数据定义】,解释模板中的各列。

  • 【示例】,显示如何填写电子表格。

  • 【配送请求】,提供用于创建订单请求的空白电子表格。

  1. 查看【说明】和【数据定义】。

  2. 按照说明在电子表格中填写相应信息。

  3. 根据【卖家自行配送订单编号】列对您的数据进行排序。此举会将同一订单中的所有商品组合到一起。

  4. 点击【文件】,然后点击【另存为】。将文件保存至您的首选位置。

    1. 在【文件名】文本框中,输入文件名。

    2. 在【保存类型】下拉列表中,选择【文本文件(制表符分隔)(*.txt)】。

    3. 点击【保存】。

  5. 在上传多渠道配送文件页面的【上传已创建订单文件】下,点击【浏览】,找到您的文件,然后点击【打开】。点击【立即上传】以上传订单请求。

  1. 在【查看文件状态和历史记录】下,点击【刷新】以查看上传进度。 上传完成后,请查看生成的报告以了解更多信息、错误或警告。三种常见错误如下:

    • 【没有相关配送服务承诺】: 特定邮政编码地址不在配送范围内。

    • 【SKU 无法识别】: 如果 SKU 无法识别,此订单将在您的卖家账户中显示为无法处理的订单。

    • 【SKU 缺货】: 此错误表示 SKU 缺货。

使用配送出库货件 API 创建多渠道配送订单

重要: 您必须是亚马逊 MWS 开发者,才能发送配送出库货件请求。

您也可以使用亚马逊商城网络服务(亚马逊 MWS)的配送出库货件 API 部分创建多渠道配送订单。

  • 预览潜在的配送订单并查看基于配送方式计算出的预计配送费用和配送日期。

  • 获取任何现有配送订单的商品级别、货件级别和订单级别详细信息。

  • 将商品退回您使用亚马逊 MWS 进行配送的运营中心。


您可以取消状态为【待处理】、【等待中】或【处理中】的任何 MCF 订单。对于在发货前成功取消的 MCF 订单,您无需支付任何费用。如果订单中的部分商品已经发货,则我们会收取已发货商品的相应费用。

一次取消一个 MCF 订单

  1. 在管理订单页面上,点击相应订单编号。

  2. 在【多渠道配送订单的订单详情】下,点击【取消订单】。

批量取消 MCF 订单

  1. 在上传多渠道配送文件页面上,点击【取消订单】。

  2. 点击【下载模板】。

  3. 查看说明和数据定义。

  4. 在【卖家自行配送订单编号】列中,输入要取消的每个多渠道配送订单的订单编号。

    重要: 【卖家自行配送订单编号】列中的编号必须与初始配送请求中的配送订单编号一致。

  5. 点击【文件】,然后点击【另存为】。浏览到您希望保存文件的位置。

    1. 在【文件名】文本框中,输入文件的名称。

    2. 在【保存类型】下拉列表中,选择【文本文件(制表符分隔)(*.txt)】。

    3. 点击【保存】。

  6. 在【上传多渠道配送文件】页面上,点击【取消订单】选项卡。

  7. 在【上传取消订单文件】下,点击【浏览】找到文件,然后点击【打开】。点击【立即上传】以上传取消请求。

  8. 在【查看文件状态和历史记录】下,点击【刷新】以查看上传进度。上传完成后,请查看生成的报告以了解更多信息、错误或警告。

使用配送出库货件 API 取消多渠道配送订单

重要: 您必须是亚马逊 MWS 开发者,才能发送配送出库货件请求。

您也可以在亚马逊 MWS 的配送出库货件 API 部分使用取消配送订单操作来取消多渠道配送订单。


Submit or cancel a Multi-Channel Fulfillment order

With Multi-Channel Fulfillment (MCF), Amazon fulfills orders placed on one of your sales channels, other than an Amazon website, with inventory you send to our fulfillment centers. Other sales channels may include your own website, trade shows, social media, and more. You submit your MCF order information to Amazon, and we fulfill the order. Customer orders for items you sell on an Amazon website are not eligible for MCF, but can be fulfilled by Amazon using our standard FBA service.

Important: If you use MCF as a way to remove items from a fulfillment center, you won’t be eligible for lost or damaged reimbursements. Instead, create a removal order. For more information, visit Remove inventory (overview)”.

Important: Expedited and Priority Orders placed after 1:00 p.m. EST will ship on the following business day. MCF orders for out-of-stock items or invalid addresses will appear as Unfulfillable on the Manage Orders page. There is no charge for unfulfillable orders, but they will not be processed. You must submit a new MCF order when the item is in stock, or when you have a valid delivery address.

Submit a Multi-Channel Fulfillment order

You can submit MCF orders in three ways: one-at-a-time, in bulk, or via API.

Submit MCF orders one-at-a-time

  1. On the Manage Inventory page (sign-in required), select the items you want to include. The total item limit for an MCF order is 250.

  2. In the Actions drop-down menu, click Create Fulfillment Order.

  3. In the Ship-to Address text box, type the customer's name and address.

    Important: The destination address cannot be changed once an order is placed. Orders containing products identified as Dangerous goods may not be shipped to a P.O. box. These items can only be shipped via ground and only at standard speed.

  4. Optional, but recommended: In the Customer Email Address field, type the customer's email address to send an email confirmation and tracking number when the order ships.

  5. In the Set Order ID field, type the order ID.

  6. Under Print on Packing Slip:

    Tip: For branded packing slip options, see Branding options for Multi-Channel Fulfillment.

    1. Review the Order ID. By default, the order ID is the same as the order ID field above. To use a different ID on the packing slip, clear the Same as above checkbox and type a new ID.

    2. In the Order Date field, select the order date.

    3. Optional: In the Comments field, type a message (150 characters or less).

  7. Under Specify Ordered SKUs/Units, confirm that the list of products is correct.

  8. To add items, in the Search and Add items fields, type a title, MSKU, ASIN, or FNSKU. Click Search.

  9. To delete a product, in the Delete column, select the checkbox. Click Continue.

  10. Under Choose Fulfillment Action, select one of the following:

    • Hold to reserve inventory for 2 weeks. It will not ship until you change the selection.

    • Ship to immediately fill the order.

  11. Under Choose Shipping Speed, select a shipping speed.

    Important: Expedited shipping is not available for P.O. boxes.

  12. In the Order Summary, review the order and shipping information. Click Change to modify the selected information.

  13. Click Place Order.

Submit MCF orders in bulk

Download the Fulfillment Request template to create your order request. There are 4 tabs in the template:

  • Instructions provides template directions.

  • Data Definitions provides an explanation of the columns in the template.

  • Example shows how to fill out the spreadsheet.

  • Fulfillment Request provides a blank spreadsheet for creating your order request.

  1. Review Instructions and Data Definitions.

  2. Follow the instructions to add the appropriate information to the spreadsheet.

  3. Sort your data based on the MerchantFulfillmentOrderID column. This groups all the products from the same order together.

  4. Click File and then Save As. Save the file to your preferred location.

    1. In the File name text box, type a file name.

    2. In the Save as type drop-down list, select Text (Tab delimited) (*.txt).

    3. Click Save.

  5. On the Upload Multi-Channel Fulfillment File page, under Upload your created Order File, click Browse to locate your file, and then click Open. Click Upload now to upload the order request.

  1. Under Review File Status and History, click Refresh to view the progress of the upload. After the upload is complete, review the report that is generated for additional information, errors, or warnings. Three common errors are:

    • Delivery SLA not available: Delivery to the specific ZIP code is not available.

    • SKU not recognized: If the SKU is not recognized, it shows as an order that cannot be processed in your seller account.

    • SKU OOS: This error indicates a SKU is out of stock.

Create MCF orders using the Fulfillment Outbound Shipment API

Important: You must be an Amazon MWS developer in order to send a Fulfillment Outbound Shipment request.

You can also submit Multi-Channel Fulfillment orders using the Fulfillment Outbound Shipment API section of Amazon Marketplace Web Service (Amazon MWS).

  • Preview potential fulfillment orders and view estimated shipping fees and shipping dates based on shipping method.

  • Get detailed item-level, shipment-level, and order-level information for any existing fulfillment order.

  • Return items to the fulfillment center that you fulfilled using Amazon MWS.

Cancel a Multi-Channel Fulfillment order

You can cancel any MCF order in Planning, Pending, or Processing status. You are not charged for MCF orders that are successfully canceled before they ship. If some of the items in an order have shipped, charges for the shipped items apply.

Cancel MCF orders one-at-a-time

  1. On the Manage Orders page, click the order ID.

  2. Under Order Details for Multi-Channel Fulfillment Order, click Cancel Order.

Cancel MCF orders in bulk

  1. On the Upload Multi-Channel Fulfillment File page, click Cancel Order.

  2. Click Download Template.

  3. Review the instructions and data definitions.

  4. In the MerchantFulfillmentOrderID column, type the order ID for each Multi-Channel Fulfillment order you want to cancel.

    Important: The ID in the MerchantFulfillmentOrderID column must match the fulfillment order ID of the original fulfillment request.

  5. Click File and then Save As. Browse to the location where you want to save your file.

    1. In the File name text box, type a name for your file.

    2. In the Save as type drop-down list, select Text (Tab delimited) (*.txt).

    3. Click Save.

  6. On the Upload Multi-Channel Fulfillment File page, click the Cancel Order tab.

  7. Under Upload Your Cancel Order File, click Browse to locate your file, and then click Open. Click Upload now to upload the cancellation request.

  8. Under Review File Status and History, click Refresh to view the upload progress. Once the upload is complete, review the report that is generated for any additional information, errors, or warnings.

Cancel MCF orders using the Fulfillment Outbound Shipment API

Important: You must be an Amazon MWS developer in order to send a Fulfillment Outbound Shipment request.

You can also cancel Multi-Channel Fulfillment orders using the CancelFulfillmentOrder operation from the Fulfillment Outbound Shipment API section of Amazon MWS.
