


对于 Amazon Family 订购者,如果他们在一次自动配送中收到至少五件发往同一地址的纸尿裤和婴儿食品等订购商品,则可享受最高 20% 的折扣。要了解有关计划优惠的更多信息,请查看订购省。


注意: “订购省”商品也可供 Amazon Business 买家购买。企业买家可以使用定期配送服务下达计划订单。无论商品属于何种分类或订购数量是多少,企业买家的“订购省”订单均可享受 5% 的折扣。


要参与该计划,您必须拥有信誉良好的亚马逊物流账户。自 2019 年 12 月 18 日起,只有品牌所有者才能注册新商品。在 12 月 18 日之前注册的所有商品仍可参与“订购省”计划。有关注册品牌的信息,请访问亚马逊品牌注册



  • 配送历史记录和有存货率

  • 销售绩效

  • 商品分类

  • 平均销售价格


有三种基本的出资折扣可供您选择: 0%、5% 或 10%。在一次配送中收到至少五件订购商品的订购者符合套餐要求,亚马逊将在限定时间内额外出资提供 5% 的折扣。您可以在管理商品页面更新出资折扣和管理您的选择。

如果我们采用 0% 的基本折扣加上亚马逊出资提供的 5% 折扣注册您的商品,将会继续无限期地为订购商品出资提供这些折扣。当亚马逊限时折扣优惠结束后,我们将停止自动注册新商品。

新的出资折扣方案适用于您的所有“订购省”商品,包括已注册的商品和新选品。2019 年 11 月 5 日之前订购的所有商品均将继续按照之前的特定分类费用构成享受出资折扣。

注意: 自 2019 年 12 月起,在限定时间内,符合条件的可补货商品将采用 0% 的基本折扣自动注册,亚马逊会出资提供 5% 的套餐折扣。经过此次变更,您无需支付任何费用,也无需再在“订购省”中手动注册商品,即可受益于该计划。如果您不想商品自动注册,可以随时点击管理商品页面上的【退出自动注册】。


以下基本折扣和出资信息适用于在 2019 年 11 月 5 日之后订购的所有商品。在一次配送中收到至少五件订购商品的买家符合套餐要求,可享受额外优惠。

卖家出资提供 0% 的折扣

如有四件订购商品在同一日期送达,买家无折扣可享。如有至少五件订购商品在同一日期送达,买家可享受 5% 的折扣(由亚马逊在限定时间内出资提供)。

卖家出资提供 5% 的折扣

如有四件订购商品在同一日期送达,买家可享受 5% 的折扣。如有至少五件订购商品在同一日期送达,买家可享受 5% 的折扣(由您出资提供)外加 5% 的折扣(由亚马逊在限定时间内出资提供),即总计享受 10% 的优惠。

卖家出资提供 10% 的折扣

如有四件订购商品在同一日期送达,买家可享受 10% 的折扣。如有至少五件订购商品在同一日期送达,买家可享受 10% 的折扣(由您出资提供)外加 5% 的折扣(由亚马逊在限定时间内出资提供),即总计享受 15% 的优惠。

对于在 2019 年 11 月 5 日之前订购的所有商品,亚马逊将采用以下商品分类费用构成:

商品分类适用于**在一次自动配送中收到 1-4 件发往同一地址的订购商品1 的买家的卖家出资折扣适用于**在一次自动配送中收到至少 5 件发往同一地址的订购商品1 的买家的卖家出资折扣


2无论订购数量是多少,参与 Amazon Family 计划的买家购买纸尿裤均可享受 20% 的折扣。

**上述折扣率不适用于购买每件商品可享受 5% 折扣的 Amazon Business 买家(无论商品属于何种分类或订购数量是多少)。




  • 【注册订单】是买家为订购“订购省”计划中的商品所下的首个订单。要使某件商品显示为“订购省”商品,您的商品必须是“购买按钮”商品。有关更多信息,请参阅购买按钮如何运作。

  • 【补货订单】根据买家设置的补货频率自动创建。“订购省”买家可以设置按月(从一个月到六个月不等)配送。






FBA Subscribe & Save

FBA Subscribe & Save lets Amazon customers sign up for recurring, scheduled deliveries of products that they use frequently.

Subscribers get a base discount on their deliveries, which is funded by you as the seller. Customers who receive five or more subscriptions in a delivery reach tiered status, unlocking additional savings on all products in their delivery. (See How base discounts and tiered status work below.)

Amazon Family subscribers get up to a 20% discount on subscriptions, for items such as diapers and baby food, when receiving five or more products in one auto-delivery to the same address. To learn more about program benefits, check out Subscribe & Save.

By participating in Subscribe & Save, you agree to the program’s terms and conditions. See eligibility and seller-funding requirements below for more details.

Note: Subscribe & Save offers are also available to Amazon Business customers. Business customers can place program orders using recurring deliveries. They get a 5% discount on Subscribe & Save orders regardless of the product category or number of subscriptions.

Eligibility requirements

To participate in the program, you must have a FBA account in good standing. Effective December 18, 2019, enrollment of new products is limited to brand owners. Any product enrolled before December 18 remains eligible for Subscribe & Save. For information on registering brands, visit Amazon Brand Registry.

If the option to enable Subscribe & Save does not appear in your settings and you believe that you have eligible, replenishable items, contact Seller Support.

Amazon uses the following criteria to determine product eligibility:

  • Fulfillment history and in-stock rate

  • Sales performance

  • Product category

  • Average selling price

Seller-funding requirements

You can choose from three base funding options: 0%, 5%, or 10%. Subscribers who receive five or more subscriptions in a delivery reach tiered status, and Amazon will, for a limited time, fund an additional 5% discount. You can update funding and manage your selection on the Manage Products page.

If we enroll your products at 0% base discount plus the Amazon-funded 5% discount, we will continue funding subscriptions with these discounts indefinitely. When the limited-time Amazon discount ends, we will stop automatically enrolling new products.

The new funding structure applies to all of your Subscribe & Save items, including those already enrolled and new selections. All subscriptions created before November 5, 2019, will continue to be funded per the previous category-specific fee structure.

Note: Starting in December 2019, for a limited time, eligible, replenishable items will be automatically enrolled at a 0% base discount and Amazon will fund the 5% tier discount. With this change, there is no cost to you and you will no longer have to manually enroll products in Subscribe & Save to benefit from the program. If you don’t want to take advantage of automatic enrollment, you can opt out at any time by clicking Opt out of automatic enrollment on the Manage Products page.

How base discounts and tiered status work

The base discount and funding information below applies to all subscriptions created after November 5, 2019. Five or more subscriptions in a delivery unlocks tiered status, meaning additional savings for customers.

Seller funded at 0%

Four subscriptions on the same delivery date earns customers no discount. Five or more subscriptions on the same delivery date earns a 5% discount (funded by Amazon for a limited time).

Seller funded at 5%

Four subscriptions on the same delivery date earns customers a 5% discount. Five or more subscriptions on the same delivery date earns a 5% discount (funded by you), plus an additional 5% discount (funded by Amazon for a limited time)—unlocking customer savings of 10%.

Seller funded at 10%

Four subscriptions on the same delivery date earns customers a 10% discount. Five or more subscriptions on the same delivery date earns a 10% discount (funded by you), plus an additional 5% discount (funded by Amazon for a limited time)—unlocking customer savings of 15%.

For all subscriptions created before November 5, 2019, the following product category fee structure applies:

Product categorySeller-funded discount for customers** receiving deliveries for 1-4 product subscriptions1 in one auto-delivery to the same addressSeller-funded discount for customers** receiving deliveries for 5 or more product subscriptions1 in one auto-delivery to the same address
Health & Baby Care25%15%
Automotive Parts & Tools5%10%
Home Tools & Home Improvement5%10%
Industrial Supplies5%10%
Lawn & Garden5%10%
Musical Instruments5%10%
Office Supplies5%10%
Pet supplies5%10%

1Subscriptions per auto-delivery includes subscriptions for products sold by other sellers.

2Amazon Family customers get a 20% discount on diapers regardless of the number of subscriptions.

**The discount rates listed above do not apply for Amazon Business customers, who get a 5% discount on each product regardless of the category or number of subscriptions.

Seller coupons and promotional discounts are added to Subscribe & Save discounts. For example, if you run a Lightning Deal on a product in Subscribe & Save, you must provide the program discount in addition to the deal price.

Subscribe & Save orders

There are two types of Subscribe & Save orders:

  • Sign-up orders are the customer's initial order subscribing to a product in the Subscribe & Save program. In order for your Subscribe & Save offer to appear for a product, your offer must be the Buy Box offer. For more information, see How the Buy Box Works.

  • Replenishment orders are created automatically according to the frequency set by the customer. Subscribe & Save customers can set deliveries at monthly intervals, from one to six months.

You can see your Subscribe & Save orders in the Transaction View of the Payments report page.

Seller performance metrics

Seller performance reviews are ongoing in order to ensure a positive Amazon customer experience. When evaluating performance, we consider such things as your ability to maintain inventory levels sufficient to meet customer demand, customer feedback, and Subscribe & Save order cancellations. Poor performance metrics may result in the suspension of your Subscribe & Save offers or your suspension from the Subscribe & Save program.

For tips on managing your Subscribe & Save offers, see Manage Subscribe & Save products.

