
亚马逊物流轻小商品计划有助于降低价格低于 $7 的轻小商品计划亚马逊物流库存的订单配送成本。参与该计划的商品符合 Prime 要求,Prime 买家可享受标准配送服务(3 至 5 个工作日),非 Prime 买家可享受免费配送服务(6 至 8 个工作日)。



轻小商品计划仅适用于尺寸不超过 16 x 9 x 4 英寸,重量不超过 10 盎司且价格不超过 $7 的状况为新品的商品。


  • 受限商品

  • 亚马逊物流禁运商品

  • 成人用品

  • 危险品

  • 有温度要求的商品(如巧克力)

  • 现有亚马逊物流提供服务且使用制造商条形码(不是亚马逊条形码)进行追踪的商品

  • 周转缓慢的商品(ASIN 在亚马逊上销售超过 90 天,但在过去 4 周售出的商品数量少于 25 件)

注意: 2019 年 7 月 26 日之前注册、价格仍高于 $7 且重量超过 10 盎司的轻小商品计划商品可在 2020 年 4 月 30 日之前继续使用轻小商品计划费用构成。在 2019 年 7 月 26 日或之后注册的商品定价不得超过 $7 且重量不得超过 10 盎司。



  • 注册之前确保在卖家平台中输入包裹的尺寸和重量。

  • 删除卖家 SKU 前后多余的空格,以免出现上传错误。

  • 确保在注册文件中输入卖家 SKU 而不是 ASIN。

  • 请务必查看您的处理报告,了解是否出现错误(仅针对专业销售计划)。

如需为轻小商品计划创建新卖家 SKU 方面的帮助,请下载我们的商品创建指南。有关商品注册的更多信息,请下载我们的注册指南。我们还提供了这两个指南的中文版本:

  • 商品创建指南(中文版)

  • 注册指南(中文版)


亚马逊物流轻小商品计划有自己的预处理和包装要求,而且使用指定的运营中心。请参阅我们的预处理和包装指南,并将您的商品配送至亚马逊指定的运营中心。在发送的每个货件中,每个 ASIN 必须至少包含 24 件商品。





不超过 16 x 9 x 4 英寸低于 4 盎司$1.97
高于或等于 4 盎司但低于 10 盎司$2.39

轻小商品计划商品的亚马逊物流贴标服务: 轻小商品计划商品的亚马逊物流贴标服务费用为每件商品 $0.10。有关此可选服务的更多信息,请参阅亚马逊物流贴标服务。

1包装重量是指包装箱和包装材料的重量。在亚马逊物流轻小商品计划中,我们对每个包裹使用 0.7 盎司的标准包装重量。在亚马逊物流中,亚马逊对标准尺寸包裹使用 4 盎司的标准包装重量。

2在 2019 年 7 月 26 日之前注册轻小商品计划的、价格仍高于 $7、重量超过 10 盎司的商品允许保留在轻小商品计划费用构成下至 2020 年 4 月 30 日。在 2019 年 7 月 26 日当天或之后注册的商品价格不得超过 $7 且重量不得超过10盎司。

注意: 如果买家订购两件或更多相同商品,一些价格不超过 $5 且属于消费类商品分类的轻小商品计划商品(美妆用品、个护健康用品、食品和母婴用品 - 服装除外)可享受 5% 的价格折扣。折扣成本由亚马逊物流承担。购买商品支付的价款不会改变,且付款报告上不会显示折扣。您无需执行任何操作即可获得折扣。





  1. 【如果一个已注册轻小商品计划的商品的价格提高到 $7 以上,将会怎样?】

    自 2020 年 5 月 1 日起,所有重量超过 10 盎司或价格超过 $7 的商品将转而采用标准亚马逊物流并收取亚马逊物流配送费用。

  2. 【如何从轻小商品计划中取消注册商品?】



  3. 【轻小商品计划商品如何向买家显示?】

    在买家搜索商品时,买家配送承诺会显示“在 [日期] 前为 Prime 会员免费配送”。

  4. 【我并没有提供促销折扣,为什么会看到我的商品有促销折扣?】

    如果买家订购两件或更多相同商品,某些价格不超过 $5 且属于消费类商品分类的轻小商品计划商品(包括美妆用品、个护健康用品、食品和母婴用品 - 服装除外)可享受 5% 的价格折扣。折扣成本由亚马逊物流承担 - 向您支付的商品款项不会改变。您无需进行任何操作即可参加促销。

  5. 【我可以同时在亚马逊物流轻小商品计划和标准亚马逊物流计划中销售商品吗?】


  6. 【我可以通过亚马逊物流轻小商品计划提供商品,并自行配送吗?】


  7. 【将亚马逊物流轻小商品计划商品运送至运营中心时,我是否可以使用现有的卖家 SKU?】

    要在轻小商品计划中使用卖家 SKU,该卖家 SKU 必须基于亚马逊物流中的商品。在轻小商品计划中注册卖家自配送商品,然后将其转换为亚马逊物流商品。

    如果您想同时在轻小商品计划和卖家自配送网络中提供商品,我们建议您分别创建单独的商品,从而获得两个卖家 SKU,一个用于轻小商品计划,另一个用于卖家自配送。请使用库存加载工具更新或创建多件商品。

  8. 【使用制造商条形码进行追踪的现有亚马逊物流商品是否符合注册要求?】

    如果您有使用制造商条形码进行追踪的商品,请新建一个卖家自配送卖家 SKU,并使用注册页面将该卖家 SKU 注册到轻小商品计划中。为了帮助您创建新的商品,请下载我们的分步指南。卖家 SKU 注册成功后,我们的系统会自动将您的卖家 SKU 转换为轻小商品计划商品。每件商品都必须具有可扫描条形码 (UPC/EAN/FNSKU) 或单独贴上标签(如果无可用条形码或条形码适用于多个商品)。

  9. 【具有有效期/保质期的商品可以参加轻小商品计划吗?】


    对于发往亚马逊的商品,自亚马逊接收之时起的剩余保质期必须超过 105 天。剩余有效期/保质期不足 50 天的商品将被亚马逊移除并弃置。需要弃置的商品不可退货。


  10. 【如何从亚马逊运营中心移除我的轻小商品计划库存?】


  11. 【何时获得售出商品的付款?】


  12. 【我通过亚马逊以外的其他渠道销售的商品能否使用轻小商品计划?】


  13. 【可以使用哪些报告来追踪我的库存和销售情况?】


  14. 【我在轻小商品计划中的订单由谁提供客户服务?】


  15. 【可以为轻小商品计划库存设置补货通知吗?】


  16. 【如何利用轻小商品计划达到最佳效果?】

    • 注册卖家自行配送的商品。

    • 确保您的商品价格具有竞争力。

    • 使用【补货提醒】来避免因缺货而造成销售损失。

  1. 【该计划是否提供买家退货服务?】


  2. 【轻小商品计划是否属于加购商品计划?】


  3. 【亚马逊物流轻小商品计划选项在“转换为亚马逊物流”页面有什么作用?】

    如果您选择亚马逊物流轻小商品计划作为您的配送计划,您的商品(卖家 SKU)将通过亚马逊物流轻小商品计划配送。

  4. 【注册加入轻小商品计划与批量文件上传工具有不同的资格标准吗?】



FBA Small and Light

FBA Small and Light helps reduce the cost of fulfilling orders for small and lightweight FBA inventory priced under $7. Program products are Prime-eligible with standard shipping for Prime customers (3 to 5 business days) and free shipping for non-Prime customers (6 to 8 business days).

Small and Light is subject to the FBA Small and Light Terms and Conditions.

Select a program:

Product eligibility

Only products in new condition that measure 16 x 9 x 4 inches or less, weigh 10 oz or less, and are priced at $7 or less are eligible for Small and Light.

The product types below are not eligible. (Crushable products, such as potato chips and glass, are eligible as long as they are properly packaged.)

  • Restricted products

  • FBA Prohibited Products

  • Adult products

  • Dangerous goods (hazmat)

  • Temperature-sensitive products (such as chocolates)

  • Products with existing FBA offers that use manufacturer barcodes for tracking instead of Amazon barcodes

  • Slow-moving products (ASINs offered on Amazon for more than 90 days that have sold fewer than 25 units in the last four weeks)

Note: Small and Light offers enrolled before July 26, 2019, that are still priced above $7 and weigh more than 10 oz will be allowed to remain under the Small and Light fee structure until April 30, 2020. Offers enrolled on or after July 26, 2019, must be priced at $7 or less and weigh 10 oz or less.

Product enrollment

Enroll eligible products through the Small and Light product enrollment page. Here are some tips:

  • Make sure that package dimensions and weights have been entered in Seller Central before enrollment.

  • Remove extra spaces before and after your MSKUs to prevent upload errors.

  • Make sure that you have entered MSKUs, not ASINs, into the enrollment file.

  • Always review your Processing reports for errors (for Professional selling plans only).

For help creating new MSKUs for Small and Light, download our offer creation guide. For more information about product enrollment, download our enrollment guide. Chinese versions of both guides also are available:

  • Offer creation guide (Chinese)

  • Enrollment guide (Chinese)

Shipping Small and Light inventory to Amazon

FBA Small and Light has its own prep-and-packing requirements and uses specific fulfillment centers. See our Prep and packaging guide and ship your products to the fulfillment center specified by Amazon. A minimum of 24 units per ASIN must be sent in each shipment.

If you have a China-based vendor, manufacturer, or warehouse partner, you can download a Chinese version of the prep-and-packing guide.

Program fees

Except for the fees below, all standard selling on Amazon fees and FBA fees apply to Small and Light.

The fulfillment fees for the program are as follows:

SizeWeight1Fulfillment fee per unit2
16 x 9 x 4 inches or lessLess than 4 oz$1.97
Greater than or equal to 4 oz and less than 10 oz$2.39

FBA Label Service for Small and Light items: The FBA Label Service fee for Small and Light items is $0.10 per unit. For more information on this optional service, refer to FBA Label Service.

1The packaging weight is the weight of the box and packing materials. In FBA Small and Light, we use a standardized packaging weight of 0.7 oz for every package. In FBA, Amazon uses a standardized packaging weight of 4 oz for standard-size packages.

2Small and Light offers enrolled before July 26, 2019, that are still priced above $7 and weigh more than 10 oz will be allowed to remain under the Small and Light fee structure until April 30, 2020. Offers enrolled on or after July 26, 2019, must be priced at $7 or less and weigh 10 oz or less.

Note: Some Small and Light products that are priced $5 or under and belong to the Consumables category (Beauty, Health & Personal Care, Grocery, Baby—but not Apparel) are eligible for a 5% price discount if a customer orders two or more units of the same item. FBA covers the cost of the discount. This won’t change what you’re paid for your items, and the discount won’t appear on your payment reports. No action is required by you to receive the discount.


You may see an error message when you try to enroll an item in Small and Light if your submission is missing information or if the product isn’t eligible.

See Small and Light error messages for more information about common errors and how to fix them.

Frequently asked questions

  1. What happens if the price of one of my Small and Light enrolled products increases above $7?

    Starting May 1, 2020, all items above 10 oz or $7 will be converted to standard FBA and subject to FBA fulfillment fees.

  2. How do I disenroll offers from Small and Light?

    Before disenrolling offers, make sure there is no inventory left in Small and Light. Go to Remove products from the Small and Light program to disenroll your offers.

    For details on how to remove inventory, see Remove inventory from a fulfillment center.

  3. How are Small and Light offers shown to customers?

    The customer delivery promise will say “Free Delivery by [DATE] for Prime members” when customers search for products.

  4. Why do I see a promotional discount for my offers if I didn’t offer one?

    Some Small and Light products priced $5 or under and belonging to the Consumables category (i.e. Beauty, Health & Personal Care, Grocery, Baby – excluding Apparel) may be eligible for a 5% price discount if the customer orders two or more units of the same item. FBA covers the cost of the discount – it won't change what you're paid for your items. No action is required by you to participate in the promotion.

  5. Can I offer a product in both FBA Small and Light and the standard FBA program?

    Yes. You can have an FBA Small and Light offer and an offer in the standard FBA program on the same product. If you want to have offers in both programs, note that fulfillment through FBA Small and Light and through standard FBA require different processes. For instructions on creating offers in both programs, please see our Creating offers in both FBA Small and Light and standard FBA.

  6. Can I offer a product through FBA Small and Light and also fulfill it myself?

    Yes. You can have an FBA Small and Light offer and a seller-fulfilled offer on the same product.

  7. Can I use my existing MSKU when shipping FBA Small and Light units to a fulfillment center?

    To use an MSKU for Small and Light, you must have one that is based on an offer in FBA. Enroll your seller-fulfilled offer in Small and Light and then convert it to FBA.

    If you want both Small and Light and seller-fulfilled offers, we recommend creating a separate offer for each so that you have two MSKUs: one for Small and Light and one seller-fulfilled. Update or create multiple offers at once using the Inventory Loader tool.

  8. Are my existing FBA offers that use manufacturer barcodes for tracking, eligible for enrollment?

    If you have offers that use manufacturer barcodes for tracking, create a new seller-fulfilled MSKU and enroll the MSKU into Small and Light using the enrollment page. For help creating a new offer, download our step-by-step guide. Once the MSKU is enrolled, our system will automatically convert your MSKU into a Small and Light offer. Each unit must have a scannable barcode (UPC/EAN/FNSKU) or be individually stickered (if no barcode is available or if the barcode applies to more than one product).

  9. Are expiration-dated products allowed in Small and Light?

    Yes, Small and Light accepts expiration-dated products, but temperature-sensitive products (like chocolates) are not accepted. Small and Light follows the standard FBA requirements for expiration-dated inventory.

    Products sent to Amazon must have a remaining shelf life greater than 105 days from the time of receipt by Amazon. Units that are within 50 days of the expiration date will be removed for disposal by Amazon. Units subject to disposal will not be available for return.

    When shipping expiration-dated products to Amazon, make sure that each box has only one expiration date per product. Multiple units of the same product can be shipped together if all units have the same expiration date and are bagged or bundled together.

  10. How do I remove my Small and Light inventory from Amazon’s fulfillment centers?

    You can create a removal order in Seller Central to remove your Small and Light inventory, just as you would for standard FBA inventory. Small and Light removal and disposal order fees are the same as standard FBA removal order fees. For more information, visit Remove inventory from a fulfillment center.

  11. When will I get paid for my sales?

    Sales for Small and Light items are treated just like standard FBA sales, and proceeds will be distributed at the same frequency. For more information, go to Getting Paid FAQ.

  12. Can I use Small and Light for products that I sell on channels other than Amazon?

    No. Small and Light can be used only to fulfill Amazon orders.

  13. What reports are available to track my inventory and sales?

    For sales and inventory data, consult FBA reports such as the Amazon-Fulfilled Shipments and Inventory reports. To find them, go to Amazon Fulfillment Reports in Seller Central.

  14. What about customer service for my orders in Small and Light?

    We provide fulfillment and customer service for your orders, including customer returns.

  15. Is there a way to set up restock notifications for my Small and Light inventory?

    Yes. You can set inventory replenishment alerts for your Small and Light inventory. For more information, see our replenishment alerts guide.

  16. How do I get the best results with Small and Light?

    • Enroll products that you fulfill yourself.

    • Ensure that you are priced competitively.

    • Use replenishment alerts to avoid lost sales from running out of inventory

  1. Does the program offer customer returns?

    Yes, with Small and Light, Amazon provides fulfillment and customer service for your orders, including processing customer returns. For information on how Small and Light refunds and reimbursements will be applied to your account, visit FBA customer returns policy. Note that to ensure a great customer experience we may accept returns beyond the timeframe stated in these policies.

  2. Is Small and Light part of the Add-on program?

    No. Small and Light offers free shipping with no minimum purchase requirement.

  3. What does the FBA Small and Light option do in the Convert to FBA page?

    If you select your Fulfillment Program to FBA Small and Light, your offer (MSKU) will be enrolled to be fulfilled by the FBA Small and Light Program.

  4. Is there different eligibility criteria for enrollment into Small and Light vs. the bulk file upload tool?


