如果您不想自行为商品贴标,则可选择由亚马逊代为贴标,并按件收取费用。如需亚马逊为您贴标商品,您必须先在亚马逊物流设置中启用亚马逊物流贴标服务。亚马逊仅可在您的商品具有可扫描条形码(ISBN、UPC、EAN 或 JAN)时为其贴标。如果商品没有可扫描条形码,您需要自行为商品贴标。
要默认由亚马逊为商品贴标,请在亚马逊物流设置页面的【贴标人】部分选择【亚马逊】 。亚马逊将会代您为您符合条件的商品贴上标签。如果您选择【卖家】作为默认值,则您需负责自行为商品贴标。
Default prep and label settings
Who preps?
If you do not want to perform product prep yourself, Amazon can perform the prep for you for a per-unit fee. To have Amazon prep your products, you must first enable the FBA Prep Service in your FBA settings. For products we prep for you, we will provide an estimated fee based on the activities listed in Prep Guidance or the Prep Category you assign to the product when you create your Shipping Plan. The actual fees charged will be based on the prep activity that we provide for each unit as determined by Amazon.
To have Amazon prep your products by default, select Amazon in the Who preps? section of your FBA Settings page. If you select Merchant as your default, you will be responsible for preparing your products yourself. It is your responsibility to determine the appropriate packaging necessary to ship your products safely to Amazon.
For some products, the Prep Category may not be identified, and Prep Guidance may not be available; however, product preparation may still be required for these products. These products will be displayed under the Prep may be required tab in the shipment creation workflow. When preparing a product, please review our Packaging and Prep Requirements to determine if your products require product prep and follow any general product preparation requirements.
Please note that changing this setting does not affect previously created shipments.
Who labels?
If you do not want to label your products, Amazon can apply labels for you for a per-unit fee. To have Amazon label your products, you must first enable the FBA Label Service in your FBA settings. Amazon can only label your units if they have a scannable barcode (ISBN, UPC, EAN, or JAN). If they do not have a scannable barcode, you will need to label the units yourself.
To have Amazon label your products by default, select Amazon in the Who labels? section of your FBA settings page. Amazon will then apply labels on your behalf to your eligible products. If you have selected Merchant as your default, then you will be responsible for labeling your products.
When labeling your products, please review the How to Label FBA Inventory help page.
Please note that changing this setting does not affect previously created shipments.
Prep and label preferences on individual products
The preferences you choose on your FBA settings page are used as defaults for products that you have not previously chosen a prep or label preference for during the creation of previous shipments. You can change preferences for individual products any time you create a shipment and we will retain those preferences for future shipments.