连连(LianLian Global)官网首页




如果您在亚马逊物流 (FBA) 服务期间发送给我们的商品在运营场所、或由亚马逊运营的承运人处或代表亚马逊的承运人处丢失或残损,我们将用相同 FNSKU 的新商品替换该商品,或者向您提供赔偿。



  • 商品在丢失或已残损时已在亚马逊物流处登记。

  • 商品符合亚马逊物流商品要求和限制以及亚马逊物流库存要求。

  • 您向我们发送的商品和数量与入库计划中注明的完全相同。

  • 商品未处于等待弃置状态,或未应您的请求而弃置,或未因我们行使了弃置权而弃置。

  • 商品没有瑕疵且未由买家造成残损。

  • 当您针对丢失或已残损商品提出索赔时,您的销售账户处于正常状态。



重要: 您必须遵循上方链接页面上描述的适用流程,并在提出索赔时提供所有必要信息。如果您未能按要求操作,亚马逊可能会拒绝您的索赔。


如果我们确定您的赔偿索赔有效,我们将用相同 FNSKU 的新商品替换丢失或已残损商品,或者向您提供赔偿。



重要: 我们的政策禁止任何可能妨碍我们帮助其他卖家的行为。此类行为的示例包括:提交未经充分调查的申请或贸然提交申请,或在短时间内提交大量申请。重复出现这些行为的卖家可能会收到针对其问题的延迟支持,或受到监控、调查和账户操作的约束。


重要: 对于任何符合亚马逊物流条件的商品,单件商品的最高赔偿金额为 $5,000。对于价值超过 $5,000 的商品,我们建议您考虑购买第三方保险。


  • 您的商品在亚马逊上的当前市场价

  • 过去 90 天您在亚马逊上销售该商品的平均价格

  • 亚马逊上其他卖家为同一商品提供的当前平均市场价

  • 过去 365 天其他卖家销售同款商品的平均价格



注意: “预计收益”是指向您赔偿的商品的预计销售价格减去销售佣金和配送费用后的所得。



如果您不同意亚马逊对商品的估价,可在我们发放赔偿后的 90 天内使用卖家平台中的联系我们页面提出索赔。


FBA inventory reimbursement policy

If an item you send to us as part of the Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) service is lost or damaged at a facility or by a carrier operated by Amazon or on behalf of Amazon, we will replace that item with a new item of the same FNSKU or we will reimburse you for it.


For an item to be eligible under this policy, all of the following must be true:

  • The item is registered in FBA at the time it is lost or damaged.

  • The item complies with FBA product requirements and restrictions and with FBA inventory requirements.

  • You have sent us the exact items and quantities stated in your shipping plan.

  • The item is not pending disposal or was not disposed of at your request or because we have exercised a right to do so.

  • The item is not defective and was not damaged by a customer.

  • Your selling account is in normal status when you file a claim for a lost or damaged item.


If your item is eligible under this policy and Amazon has not already reimbursed you, you can file a reimbursement claim. The process to a file a claim varies by where in the fulfillment process your item is lost or damaged:

  • Shipment to Amazon

  • Fulfillment center operations

  • FBA customer returns

  • Removals

Important: You must follow the applicable process described on the pages linked above and provide all requested information when you file a claim. Amazon may decline your claim if you do not.


If we determine that your reimbursement claim is valid, we will replace the lost or damaged item with a new item of the same FNSKU or we will reimburse you for it.

If a reimbursement was made in error, or if a reimbursed item is later found and returned to your inventory, Amazon reserves the right to reverse the reimbursement credit that was applied to your account.

We may dispose of any item for which we reimburse you under this policy, including by selling it. As a result, such items — including lost items that are found after reimbursement — may be listed for sale on Amazon Warehouse or other channels.

Important: Our policies prohibit any activity that would interfere with our capacity to help other sellers. Examples of such activities include submitting insufficiently researched or premature requests, or submitting a large number of requests in a short time. Sellers who repeatedly engage in these activities may receive delayed support on their cases or be subject to monitoring, investigation, and account action.

How we calculate reimbursement value

Important: The maximum reimbursement amount for a single unit of any FBA eligible item is $5,000. For items valued at more than $5,000, we recommend that you consider buying third-party insurance.

Because item prices tend to fluctuate over time and may vary widely from seller to seller, we compare several price indicators to determine an estimated sale price for the item when calculating the reimbursement amount. The price indicators we compare are:

  • Your current list price for the item on Amazon

  • The average price at which you have sold the item on Amazon over the past 90 days

  • The average current list price for same item by other sellers on Amazon

  • The average price at which other sellers have sold the same item over the past 365 days

If we don't have enough information to calculate the estimated sale price of a unit using the price indicators described above, we will assign an estimated sale price based on the price of a comparable product. We may ask you for additional information or documentation to help us determine that value.

If we elect to reimburse you for a shipment to Amazon claim or a fulfillment center operations claim, we will reimburse you for the estimated proceeds of a sale of that item.

Note: "Estimated proceeds" means the estimated sale price of the item for which you are being reimbursed minus referral fees and fulfillment fees.

If we elect to reimburse you for a removal claim, we will reimburse you for the estimated proceeds of the sale of that item, unless the item was in an unsellable condition when removed from the Amazon fulfillment network. For unsellable removal items, Amazon will reimburse you at a valuation consistent with the estimated proceeds of the discounted sale of the unit. We may ask you for additional information or documentation to help us determine that discounted value.

If we elect to reimburse you for a customer return claim, the value of the reimbursement is based on the refund or replacement given to the customer on your FBA order. If Amazon refunded or replaced an item on your FBA order, we calculate the reimbursement value as the refund amount or the price of the replacement item on the original order minus applicable fees.

If you don't agree with the Amazon valuation of a unit, you can file a claim using the Contact Us page in Seller Central within 90 days after we issued the reimbursement.

