





在批准多目的地货件计划之后,您不得删除该计划中的某些货件。如果您删除了货件计划中的部分货件,或者如果在已批准多目的地货件计划中的首个货件送达运营中心之后 30 天内,我们未收到该计划中的所有货件(除非我们确定您的一个或多个货件延迟全是因为亚马逊合作承运人的行为或疏忽),则我们将通知您,表明您的货件不符合本政策。

请确保您和您的承运人了解运输至亚马逊的要求,包括是否需要安排配送预约。要了解更多信息,请参阅汽运零担 (LTL) 和整车运输 (FTL) 配送的承运人要求。


注意: 我们理解,由于正常的经济波动,货件数量可能发生细微变化。您可以在货件中商品原始数量上下不超过 5% 的范围内进行编辑(最多 6 件)。在批准计划之后,您不得从计划中移除商品。

提示: 您可以选择注册亚马逊物流库存配置服务,并将所有符合要求的库存发送至由亚马逊确定的同一个收货中心或运营中心。此项服务按每件商品收取费用。


注意: 本政策适用于 2018 年 8 月 31 日之后创建的所有货件。

亚马逊商城网络服务 (MWS)

亚马逊商城网络服务 API 可能会根据特定标准,将您想要配送至亚马逊物流的商品分为多个货件。例如,您自己预处理的商品必须与使用亚马逊物流预处理服务预处理的商品分开来单独配送。

通过使用 CreateInboundShipmentPlan,您可以向亚马逊提供我们用于为您的商品创建货件计划的主要信息。可能需要多个货件计划才能在亚马逊物流中提高商品的供货量。我们建议您在使用 CreateInboundShipmentPlan 之前,为要包含在货件计划中的所有商品创建商品信息。


如果您删除了货件计划的某些部分,或者我们在第一个货件抵达亚马逊后的 30 天内没有收到您的多目的地计划中的每个货件,您将收到电子邮件通知。(如果您的一个或多个货件仅仅因为亚马逊合作承运人而延迟的情况除外。)


注意: 我们意识到,货件数量会发生微小的变化。您可以在货件中商品原始数量上下不超过 5% 的范围内进行编辑(最多 10 件)。一旦您的计划获得批准,您将无法从计划中删除商品。


  1. 向我们发送电子邮件确认亚马逊物流政策

  2. 提供切实可行的行动计划,确保未来的货件符合亚马逊政策

注意: 本政策适用于 2019 年 6 月 1 日之后创建的所有货件。


Deleted, misrouted and incomplete shipments

To deliver your products as quickly as possible to customers, we distribute your inventory across our network of fulfillment centers based on your shipment volume and customer demand. As a result, when you create a shipping plan, your shipment may be divided into multiple shipments, each directed to a different receive center or fulfillment center (referred to as distributed inventory placement).

Once you approve a shipment plan on your Review Shipments page, we begin preparing for the arrival of your inventory and we rely on your approved plan to coordinate our operations.

Deleting shipments after you've approved them, misrouting shipments, or sending incomplete shipments leads to additional processing, handling, and rerouting of your inventory that can delay receipt of your inventory and its availability for sale. Please adhere to the shipment policies linked below to avoid these risks.

FBA shipment policy

Once you approve a shipment plan, you are required to ship your products to Amazon as stated in that plan, including sending the stated quantity of each product in that plan to the assigned Amazon facility.

You are not permitted to delete some of the shipments in a multi-destination shipment plan after you approve that plan. If you delete portions of a shipment plan, or if we don't receive all of the shipments in your approved multi-destination shipment plan within 30 days after the first shipment in that plan arrives at our facilities (unless we determine that one or more of your shipments is delayed solely because of the action or omission of an Amazon partnered carrier), we will notify you that your shipments aren't compliant with this policy.

Make sure that you and your carrier are aware of the requirements for shipping to Amazon, including the need to schedule delivery appointments. To learn more, see the Carrier Requirements for Less than Truckload (LTL) and Full Truckload (FTL) Deliveries.

If you want to change a shipment plan after you approve it, you must delete all of the shipments in that plan before you have begun shipping any portion of it.

Note: We understand that small changes in shipment quantity may happen due to normal business fluctuations. You can edit the number of units within a shipment by up to 5 percent above and below the original amount—up to six units. You will not be able to remove the units from your plan once you have approved it.

Tip: You can choose to sign up for the FBA Inventory Placement Service and send all of your eligible inventory to a single receive center or fulfillment center, to be determined by Amazon. A per-unit fee is applies for this service.

If you continue to send shipments that aren't compliant with this policy after we send an initial notice, we may suspend your ability to send additional shipments to us until you acknowledge this policy and provide us with an acceptable plan of action to ensure your future shipments to us will be compliant with this policy.

Note: This policy applies to all shipments created after August 31, 2018.

Amazon Marketplace Web Service (MWS)

The Amazon Marketplace Web Service API may group items that you want to send to Amazon’s fulfillment network into multiple shipments based on specific criteria. For example, products that you prep yourself must be sent in a separate shipment from products that are prepped using the FBA Prep Service.

By usingCreateInboundShipmentPlan, you provide Amazon with key information that we use to create shipment plans for your items. Multiple shipment plans might be required to increase the availability of items across Amazon's fulfillment network. We recommend that you create listings for all of the items that you want to include in a shipment plan before using CreateInboundShipmentPlan.

Shipments that comply with FBA policy can be received at fulfillment centers more quickly, and your inventory can be made available for sale sooner. When multiple shipments are created, you must approve all shipments in the plan, then ship inventory according to each shipment plan. You cannot ignore, delete, or abandon units in any shipment plan.

If you delete parts of a shipment plan, or if we don’t receive every shipment in your multi-destination plan within 30 days after the first shipment arrives at Amazon, you will be notified by email. (The exception is if one or more of your shipments is delayed solely because of an Amazon partnered carrier.)

To make changes to the shipments, you must delete each shipment in the plan before you begin shipping any part of it.

Note: We realize that small changes in shipment quantity can occur. You can edit the number of units within a shipment by up to 5 percent above or below the original amount, up to 10 units. You cannot remove units from your plan once you have approved it.

If you continue to send noncompliant shipments after your first email notification, we may suspend your ability to send more shipments until you:

  1. Acknowledge FBA policy in an email to us

  2. Provide an acceptable plan of action to ensure that future shipments comply with Amazon policy

Note: This policy applies to all shipments created after June 1, 2019.

