提供准确无误的 [ 发货 ] 地址有助于避免不必要的延迟,并确保将您的库存配送至正确的运营中心。以下是需要牢记的要点:
若有不适用于您的配送或账单地址的字段,请留空。请勿输入 [ “N/A”、 ] [ “不适用”、 ] [ “无”、 ] [ “同上”、 ] 等内容。
请在相应字段中输入适宜信息。例如,请勿在【地址行 2】 字段中输入城市和州信息;请使用提供的【城市】和【州】字段。
避免使用重音符号或非英文字符。 我们的系统无法处理中文字符、西里尔字母等,若将这些内容输入任意地址字段可能会延迟亚马逊收到您的货件的时间。
将您的地址填入地址行 1 和地址行 2 时遇到问题? 以下是一些常用的美国邮政服务缩写,或许能帮到您:
公寓 | APT |
大道 | AVE |
海滩 | BCH |
大街 | BLVD |
建筑物 | BLDG |
峡谷 | CYN |
中心 | CTR |
圈 | CIR |
场 | CT |
半圆街道 | CRES |
交叉路口 | |
部门 | DEPT |
车道 | DR |
高速公路 | EXPY |
瀑布 | FLS |
田野 | FLD |
楼层 | FL |
城堡 | FT |
花园 | GDNS |
海湾 | HBR |
高地 | HTS |
公路 | HWY |
丘陵 | HLS |
岛屿 | IS |
枢纽站 | JCT |
湖泊 | LK |
码头 | LDG |
车道 | LN |
小屋 | LDG |
支架 | MT |
山脉 | MTN |
办公室 | OFC |
公园道路 | PKWY |
阁楼 | PH |
市场 | PLZ |
递送点 | PT |
邮政信箱 | P.O. BOX |
路 | RD |
房间 | RM |
路线 | RTE |
广场 | SQ |
车站 | STA |
街 | ST |
套房 | STE |
平台 | TER |
收费公路 | TPKE |
峡谷 | VLY |
FBA Address Tips
General address tips
Providing error-free "Ship From" addresses will avoid unnecessary delays and get your inventory into the right fulfillment center. Here are a few tips to keep in mind:
Leave fields blank if they don't apply to your shipping or billing address. Do not enter "N/A," "Not applicable," "None," "Same," etc.
Enter information in the appropriate fields. For example, do not enter city and state information in the Address Line 2 field; use the provided City and State fields instead.
Avoid using accent marks or non-English characters. Our systems cannot process Chinese characters, Cyrillic letters, etc., and entering these into any of the address fields may delay receipt of your shipment to Amazon.
Do not enter shipping or delivery instructions in any of the address fields.
Having trouble getting your address to fit on Address Lines 1 and 2? Here are some common U.S. Postal Service abbreviations that might help:
Apartment APT Avenue AVE Beach BCH Boulevard BLVD Building BLDG Canyon CYN Center CTR Circle CIR Court CT Crescent CRES Crossing Department DEPT Drive DR Expressway EXPY Falls FLS Field FLD Floor FL Fort FT Gardens GDNS Harbor HBR Heights HTS Highway HWY Hills HLS Island IS Junction JCT Lake LK Landing LDG Lane LN Lodge LDG Mount MT Mountain MTN Office OFC Parkway PKWY Penthouse PH Plaza PLZ Point PT Post Office Box P.O. BOX Road RD Room RM Route RTE Square SQ Station STA Street ST Suite STE Terrace TER Turnpike TPKE Valley VLY