您仅可在计划中注册符合计划帮助页面“商品资格”部分中描述的资格要求的商品(“符合 SnL 要求的商品”) 。
您将仅向我们配送“符合 SnL 要求的商品”。您将根据亚马逊物流轻小商品计划卖家预处理和包装指南预处理和包装这些商品,并将它们配送至亚马逊指定的运营中心。如果您向我们寄送的商品不符合亚马逊物流轻小商品计划卖家预处理和包装指南,我们可能会将这些商品退还给您,费用由您自行承担。
我们将仅通过该计划配送“符合 SnL 要求的商品”。如果您向我们发送了“不符合 SnL 要求的商品”,或当您的商品注册加入该计划后变为“不符合 SnL 要求的商品”,我们可能会通过提前通知的形式要求您根据按要求移除政策移除这些商品,费用由您自行承担。
FBA Small and Light Terms and Conditions
These terms and conditions supplement the Amazon Services Business Solutions Agreement and govern your participation in the FBA Small and Light program (the "Program").
Program enrollment
Your participation in the Program is subject to Amazon’s approval. Amazon may change Program eligibility criteria from time to time. You may withdraw from the Program at any time.
Product enrollment
You will enroll in the Program only products that meet the eligibility requirements described in the Product eligibility section of the Program Help page ("SnL Eligible Products").
Amazon may decline or cancel the enrollment of any product in the Program at any time, for any reason.
You may withdraw your Products from the Program at any time.
Preparation, packing, and shipping requirements
You will ship only SnL Eligible Products to us. You will prepare and pack these products in accordance with the FBA Small and Light Program Prep and Packaging Guide for Sellers and ship them to the fulfillment center(s) specified by Amazon. If you send products to us that do not comply with the FBA Small and Light Program Prep and Packaging Guide for Sellers, we may return those products to you at your expense.
In lieu of standard FBA fulfillment fees, you will pay the fulfillment fees for the Program described on the Program Help page for the fulfillment of SnL Eligible Products. Your obligation to pay all other applicable Selling on Amazon and FBA fees is not changed by the Program.
Required removal
We will fulfill only SnL Eligible Products through the Program. If you send us products that are not SnL Eligible Products or if your products become non-SnL Eligible Products after you enroll them in the Program, we may require you to remove them at your expense with prior notice in accordance with the Required removals policy.