


有时在 业务报告页面可以看到亚马逊物流销售提升工具。当显示通过亚马逊物流配送以及通过您自己的配送方式进行配送的商品销售额的对比数据时,该工具将会出现。

并非所有的商品都会出现在亚马逊销售提升工具中。我们仅包含那些可以通过同等、相关的时间段做比较的商品。每个配送渠道中要求至少 28 天的数据。由于该工具仅评估有限的时间段从而作出最相关的比较,因此亚马逊物流销售提升工具中的数据可能与您的总销售数据不匹配。


我们查看您前 12 个月的销售数据,并找出通过亚马逊物流配送和自行配送的有货的商品。在同等时间内我们逐一分析每个商品,对比该时间段内亚马逊物流配送商品的销售额以及自行配送商品的销售额,以生成亚马逊物流销售提升。左侧的亚马逊物流销售提升总百分比代表所有单个商品的日均销售提升。右侧显示选择的例子。

FBA Sales Lift Tool

例如,如果您在 40 天中选择自行配送一件商品并售出 100 件,然后将该商品转换为由亚马逊物流进行配送后,40 天内售出 130 件,则由于配送方式的改变,亚马逊物流销售提升工具将显示您的商品的亚马逊物流销售提升为 30 %。



Your FBA Sales Lift Tool

The FBA Sales Lift tool may occasionally appear on the Business Reports page of your Seller Central account. This page will give you information on when and how this tool may appear, as well as how the data is gathered.

Your FBA Sales Lift

Occasionally, on your Business Reports page you may see the FBA Sales Lift tool. This tool will appear when we have data that shows a comparison of your unit sales on products that you have fulfilled both through FBA and also your own fulfillment methods.

Not all products may appear in the FBA Sales Lift tool. We only include products where we can make a comparison across equivalent and meaningful time periods. At least 28 days of data is required in each fulfillment channel. As this tool only evaluates limited time periods in order to make the most relevant comparison, the data within the FBA Sales Lift tool may not match your total sales data.

How it works

We look at the prior 12 months of your sales data to find products that have been in stock through both FBA and self-fulfilled. Product-by-product we analyze equal amounts of time, and compare FBA unit sales with self-fulfilled unit sales during that time period to produce a FBA Sales Lift. The total FBA Sales Lift percentage at the left represents average daily sales lift of all the individual products. To the right you can see select examples.

FBA Sales Lift Tool

For example, if you self-fulfill a product for 40 days and sold 100 units and then converted that same product to FBA and you sold 130 units in the 40 days since change in fulfillment the FBA Sales Lift tool will show that your product had 30 percent FBA sales lift.

Please Note: The FBA Sales Lift Tool does not account for seasonality or other factors that may affect your sales.

