如何处理卖家自配送 Prime 订单

在卖家自配送 Prime 中注册 SKU

要在卖家自配送 Prime 中注册 SKU,请按照相关步骤向配送模板分配 SKU。如果您是符合 Prime 要求的卖家,那么您创建的配送模板的顶部将会显示 Prime 按钮。在您设置 Prime 地区之后,用户界面将确保您模板的配置正确无误,以便您保存模板。所有分配给 Prime 模板的 SKU 都将显示 Prime 标记。

识别 Prime 订单

请务必识别 Prime 订单,这样才能确保您正确处理这些订单。这可能包括:

  • 更快地配送这些订单。所有在截止时间(如下方的 [ 运营时间 ] 部分所述)之前提交的 Prime 订单(包括买家选择慢于隔日达的配送速度的订单)都必须在收到订单的当天进行配送。

  • 安排这些订单的配送路线,以确保始终通过亚马逊的“购买配送”工具来购买货件标签。

您可以按照以下方式识别符合 Prime 要求的订单:


  • 依次前往【卖家平台】 > 【订单】 > 【管理订单】。 包含 Prime SKU 的订单将带有 Prime 标记。


  • 依次前往【卖家平台】 > 【订单】 > 【订单报告】。 包含 Prime SKU 的订单将在 【IsPrime】 列中标记为 【TRUE】,该列将在您加入卖家自配送 Prime 时启用 Prime 选项。

亚马逊商城网络服务卖家自配送 API】

  • 配送合作商可以使用亚马逊商城网络服务构建能识别您的 Prime 订单的应用程序。有关更多信息,请参阅卖家自配送 API。


只要买家在截止时间之前下单,那么不管他们所选的配送速度如何,Prime 订单都必须在收到订单的当天进行配送。

注意: Prime 订单的订单截止时间必须使用您最东部库房的时区设置为当地时间下午 2:00(或之后)。



  1. 配送选项:适用于与非自动配送模板关联的商品(非自动配送模板不包含用于配送订单的承运人/配送服务的任何信息)。

  2. 承运人和星期几:针对与自动配送模板关联的商品(自动配送模板是指根据卖家选择的承运人/配送服务定义 Prime 地区的模板)。


对于星期一至星期五每天截止时间之前收到的订单,注册卖家自配送 Prime 的卖家都应在当天配送包裹。对于所有卖家自配送 Prime 订单,都需承诺在两个工作日内送达,这意味着,对于在星期五截止时间之后下达的订单,需承诺在下个星期三送达,除非卖家已启用周末运营(星期六或星期日)和/或正在使用周末配送的配送服务。如果卖家使用的承运人实际上在周末将商品配送至买家的邮政编码地址,则承诺送达买家的时间将仅为星期六或星期日。



How to process Seller Fulfilled Prime orders

Enroll a SKU in Seller Fulfilled Prime

To enroll a SKU for Seller Fulfilled Prime, follow the steps to Assign SKUs to Shipping Templates. If you are a Prime-qualified seller creating a Shipping Template, you'll see a Prime box at the top of the template. Once you set your Prime region, the user interface will ensure your template is configured properly in order for you to save the template. All SKUs assigned to a Prime template will display Prime badging.

Identify Prime orders

It is important to identify your Prime orders to ensure that you process these orders correctly. This may include:

  • Fulfilling these orders more quickly. All Prime orders (including those where the customer has selected a slower than two-day ship) placed before the cutoff time (described below in "Operational hours"), must ship the same day that the order is received.

  • Routing these orders so that shipping labels are always purchased using Amazon's Buy Shipping tool.

You can identify which orders are eligible for Prime in the following ways:

Manage Orders

  • Go to Seller Central > Orders > Manage Orders. Orders containing Prime SKUs will have a Prime badge.

Orders Reports

  • Go to Seller Central > Orders > Order Reports. Orders containing a Prime SKU will be marked as TRUE in the IsPrime column, which is added to this report when you join Seller Fulfilled Prime.

Amazon Marketplace Web Service Merchant Fulfillment API

  • Shipping Integrators can build applications that identify your Prime orders using Amazon Marketplace Web Service. For more information, see Merchant Fulfillment API.

Order cutoff times

Regardless of the shipping speed selected by the customer, Prime orders must be shipped on the same day the order is received, as long as the customer places the order before your cutoff time.

Note: The order cutoff time for Prime orders must be set to 2:00 p.m. (or later) local time using the time zone of your easternmost warehouse.

Orders received after the set time will be promised to ship the next business day.

Sellers can set order cut-off times by:

  1. Ship option: applicable to offers that are linked to non-automated Shipping Templates (non-automated Shipping Templates do not contain any information on carriers/shipping services used to fulfill the order).

  2. Carrier and day of the week: for offers linked to automated Shipping Templates (automated Shipping Templates are those where Prime regions are defined based on the seller's choice of carrier/shipping service).

Operational hours

Sellers enrolled in Seller Fulfilled Prime are expected to ship packages on the day the order is received until the cutoff time every Monday through Friday. All Seller Fulfilled Prime orders will have a two business day promise, which means orders placed after the cutoff time on Friday will be promised to arrive on Wednesday, unless the seller has enabled weekend operations (Saturday or Sunday) and/or is using a shipping service that delivers over the weekend. The Promised Delivery Day to the customer will only be a Saturday or Sunday if the carrier used by the seller actually delivers over the weekend to the customer ZIP code.

Day orderedDelivery day to customer
Monday (before cut-off)Wednesday
Monday (after cut-off)Thursday
Tuesday (before cut-off)Thursday
Tuesday (after cut-off)Friday
Wednesday (before cut-off)Friday
Wednesday (after cut-off)The next Monday (Saturday if carrier delivers on Saturday)
Thursday (before cut-off)The next Monday (Saturday if carrier delivers on Saturday)
Thursday (after cut-off)The next Tuesday (Sunday if carrier delivers on Saturday)
Friday (before cut-off)The next Tuesday (Sunday if carrier delivers on Saturday)
Friday (after cut-off)The next Wednesday
SaturdayThe next Wednesday (Tuesday if Saturday is enabled as operational)
SundayThe next Wednesday

