




  • 发货日期

  • 配送方式(包括承运人信息)

  • 追踪编码(由承运人提供)


  • 向买家收取订单款项。

  • 将订单款项存入您的卖家账户。

  • 向买家发送发货确认电子邮件。

  • 更新买家亚马逊账户中的配送信息, 以便买家在线查看配送状态。

注意: 如果您未在发货有效日期的 7 个工作日内确认订单发货,我们将自动取消该订单。取消订单后,我们不会向买家收取任何费用,即使您已经发货。


  1. 在【管理订单】中找到此订单,然后点击订单对应的【操作】列中的【确认发货】。

  2. 在【确认发货】页面,输入【发货日期】、【配送方式】(包括承运人信息)和【追踪编码】(由承运人提供)。

  3. 在【卖家备注】字段中输入任何有关该订单的特别备注(可选)。此信息仅供您参考。

  4. 点击【确认发货】。


  1. 为某个订单的某个包裹确认发货后,点击【确认发货】页面底部的【添加包裹】。

  2. 对于任一包裹,从【包裹内的商品】下拉菜单中选择包裹内正确的商品数量。剩余的商品将自动移到其他包裹。

  3. 输入该订单的【发货日期】、【配送方式】(包括承运人信息)和【追踪编码】(由承运人提供)。

  4. 在【卖家备注】字段中输入任何有关该订单的特别备注(可选)。此信息仅供您参考。

  5. 点击【确认发货】。


  • 对于符合 Prime 配送条件的订单,系统不会显示【确认发货】按钮。您必须为这些订单购买配送服务。

  • 如果输入的信息(例如追踪编码)有误,您可以编辑货件。在【管理订单】中,点击订单旁边的【编辑配送信息】,点击右上方的【编辑货件】按钮,然后点击【重新确认发货】。

  • 如果您收到一个包含多件商品的订单并单独配送这些商品,则在配送第一件商品后,亚马逊会立即向买家扣款,即使分多个包裹配送商品也是如此。

  • 如果您安排专人配送订单商品,则可以将承运人选为【其他】。


我们不建议您在未提供追踪编码的情况下确认发货。您需要为所有商品分类下 95% 的货件提供有效的追踪编码。




How to confirm a shipment

If you make a mistake while entering information, such as the tracking ID, you can edit the shipment.

After you receive an order notification and ship the order, you must confirm shipment of the order.

If you purchased shipping through Buy Shipping Services, you do not need to confirm shipment since this is done automatically. For more information, see Buy Shipping Services.

To confirm shipment, you will need:

  • Ship date

  • Shipping method (including the carrier information)

  • Tracking ID (supplied by the carrier)

After you confirm shipment, we do the following:

  • Charge the buyer for the order.

  • Credit your seller account for the order.

  • Send a shipping confirmation email to the buyer.

  • Update the buyer's Amazon account with the shipping information. The buyer can then see the status online.

Note: If you do not confirm shipment of an order within 7 business days of the shipping availability date, we will automatically cancel the order. We will not charge the buyer, even if you already shipped the order.

Confirm an individual shipment for one order

  1. Locate the order in Manage Orders and click Confirm Shipment in the Action column for the order.

  2. On the Confirm Shipment page, enter the Ship Date, Shipping Method (including the carrier information), and the Tracking ID (supplied by the carrier).

  3. Enter any special notes about the order in the Seller memo field (optional). This is for your reference only.

  4. Click Confirm Shipment.

Send multiple shipments for one order

  1. After you confirm shipment for one package of an order, at the bottom of the Confirm Shipments page, click Add a Package.

  2. From the Items in Package drop-down menu, select the correct number of items in that package. The remaining items are automatically moved to the other package.

  3. Enter the Ship Date, Shipping Method (including the carrier information), and the Tracking ID (supplied by the carrier) for the order.

  4. Enter any special notes about the order in the Seller memo field (optional). This is for your reference only.

  5. Click Confirm Shipment.


  • The Confirm Shipment button will not appear on orders that qualify for Prime shipping. You must use Buy Shipping Services for these orders.

  • If you make a mistake entering information, such as the tracking ID, you can edit the shipment. In Manage Orders, click Edit shipments next to the order, click the Edit shipment button at the top right, and then click Re-Confirm Shipment.

  • If you receive an order for multiple items and send them individually, the customer will be charged immediately after the first item, even if the items are shipped in multiple deliveries.

  • If you deliver an order by hand, you can choose Other as the carrier.


We do not recommend confirming shipments without tracking numbers. You're required to provide valid tracking numbers for 95% of shipments in all categories.

Tracking is also required to qualify for exclusive programs, including Premium Shipping options and guaranteed delivery date.

Without a valid tracking number, you're more vulnerable to an A-to-z Guarantee claim.

