


  • 通过卖家平台购买配送

  • 批量购买配送服务

    注意: 批量配送当前不支持国际配送。

  • 卖家自配送 API

您可以按照 FedEx、Ontrac、UPS、USPS、DHL Express International 和中国邮政的购买配送费率购买货件标签。以 USPS Commercial Plus 的价格购买所有国内 USPS 配送服务。要查看购买配送费率,请选择管理订单页面上的购买配送。

注意: 如果“购买配送”中没有您的首选配送方式,请查看“购买配送”中缺少承运人或配送方式中的步骤


表 1. 优势:
有助于保持您的绩效指标负面买家反馈: 如果您通过“购买配送”按时发货并提供了追踪信息,而买家却提交了负面反馈,且内容只涉及包裹延迟或未送达问题,您可以申请对该反馈进行审核。如果获得批准,该反馈将不会影响您的订单缺陷率,且此买家的评论会显示有删除线和以下声明: 与此订单相关的配送问题并非由卖家造成。要了解更多信息,请参阅亚马逊可以移除买家反馈吗?


亚马逊商城交易保障索赔: 如果您购买了亚马逊的“购买配送”并按时发货,当买家举报配送问题时,您将会免遭索赔。亚马逊将支付这些索赔的费用,而且这些索赔不会影响您的订单缺陷率。

有效追踪率: 对于所有美国订单,只有当有效追踪率超过一定阈值才能在亚马逊商城销售商品,而卖家要将订单的有效追踪率保持在 95% 或更高。请转至有效追踪率,了解有关阈值、例外情况和其他方面的更多信息。通过“购买配送”配送的订单不需要单独进行发货确认。如果您使用“购买配送”配送订单,亚马逊会自动上传追踪信息。您可以在【订单详情】页面追踪配送状态。要查看特定订单编号对应的【订单详情】页面,请依次转至【订单】 > 【管理订单】,然后选择【订单详情】列下的订单编号。

为加入卖家自配送 Prime 做准备您必须使用“购买配送”来配送至少 99% 的卖家自配送 Prime 商品。有关更多信息,请参阅卖家自配送 Prime。使用“购买配送”来配送所有订单可以帮助您更快地加入卖家自配送 Prime。

表 2. 特性:
节省购买配送的时间批量配送: 一次最多可为 100 个订单批量购买标签。

注意: 批量配送当前不支持中国到美国的国际配送。

Amazon Print Connect: 使用 Amazon Print Connect,您可以一键购买配送并将标签直接发送到您首选的热敏打印机或激光打印机。转至 Amazon Print Connect,了解更多信息。

配送首选项: 设置预定义的配送首选项,例如对承运人配送方式进行优先排序、创建自定义包装类型以及选择确认选项。要了解有关配送首选项的更多信息,请参阅购买配送偏好设置。


注意: 中国邮政目前采用离线付款方式,因此该功能不适用于中国境外的卖家。

打印 USPS SCAN 表单以便承运人取件如果订单由 USPS 配送,您可以下载 SCAN 表单,其中列出了由 USPS 取件的所有订单。要下载 SCAN 表单,请参阅 USPS SCAN 表单。

如有反馈和建议,请发送至 buy-shipping-feedback@amazon.com。我们非常重视您的反馈,在今后确定需要优先改进的功能时将认真考量您提供的意见。

注意: 如果您需要更改货件标签或将其作废,请参阅重新打印货件标签。




如何准时清除和配送包裹!– 美国关于电子商务合规要素的海关和边境保护指南


Use Buy Shipping services

With Amazon's Buy Shipping, you can buy shipping labels individually or in bulk, ship and confirm your orders, and track your shipments. Buy Shipping ensures that your products are delivered to your customers using a trusted network of shipping carriers.

To start taking advantage of Amazon’s Buy Shipping services, see:

  • Buy shipping through Seller Central

  • Buy shipping in bulk

    Note: Bulk shipping is currently not available for international shipping.

  • Merchant Fulfillment API

You have access to buy shipping labels with Buy Shipping rates from FedEx, Ontrac, UPS, USPS, DHL Express International, and China Post. Buy all domestic USPS shipping at USPS Commercial Plus prices. To view the Buy Shipping rates, select Buy Shipping on the Manage Orders page.

Note: If your preferred shipping method is not eligible in Buy Shipping, please review the steps in Missing carrier or ship method in Buy Shipping

Buy Shipping benefits and features:

Table 1. Benefits:
Offer shipping solutions that can meet the customer delivery promiseBuy Shipping automatically suggests shipping services based on services that can meet the delivery promise to the customer, your carrier preference, and lowest available cost.
Help safeguard your performance metricsNegative Customer Feedback: If you ship on time with tracking via Buy Shipping, and the buyer leaves seller feedback solely related to delayed or undelivered packages, you can request to have the feedback reviewed. If approved, the impact of the feedback is removed from your Order Defect Rate, and the buyer’s comment will display with a strike-through and the statement: The fulfillment issues associated with this order were not due to the seller. To learn more, see Can Amazon remove buyer feedback?

The customer feedback policy ensures sellers are only responsible for shipping their products on time and are not penalized for delays out of their control.

A-to-z Guarantee claims: If you purchase Amazon's Buy Shipping and ship on time, you are protected against claims where a customer reports problems with delivery. Amazon will cover the cost of these claims and they will not affect your Order Defect Rate.

Valid Tracking Rate: For all U.S. orders, sellers must maintain a Valid Tracking Rate of 95% or higher for orders above certain thresholds to sell on Amazon. Go to Valid Tracking Rate to learn more about thresholds, exceptions, and more. Orders shipped through Buy Shipping do not require a separate shipping confirmation. If you use Buy Shipping for your orders, Amazon automatically uploads tracking information. You can track delivery status on the Orders Details page. To view the Orders Details page for a specific Order ID, go to Orders > Manage Orders and select the Order ID under Order Details column.

Prepare for Seller Fulfilled PrimeYou must use Buy Shipping for at least 99% of Seller Fulfilled Prime products. For more info, see Seller Fulfilled Prime. Using Buy Shipping for all of your orders can help you transition to Seller Fulfilled Prime faster.

Table 2. Features:
Save time when buying shippingBulk Shipping: Buy labels in bulk up to 100 orders at once.

Note: Bulk shipping is currently not available for CN-to-US international shipping.

Amazon Print Connect: Use Amazon Print Connect to purchase shipping and send labels directly to your preferred thermal or laser printer with just 1-click. Go to Amazon Print Connect to learn more.

Shipping Preferences: Set predefined shipping preferences such as prioritizing carrier shipping methods, creating custom packaging types, and selecting confirmation options. To know more about shipping preferences, see Buy Shipping preferences.

Use your own ratesYou can link your carrier account to access your own rates for select carrier accounts. See Manage your carrier accounts for more details.

Note: China Post is currently using an off-line payment approach, so this function is not available to China-out sellers.

Print USPS scan forms for carrier pick-upIf an order is being shipped by USPS, you can download a SCAN form with a listing of all orders being picked up by USPS. To download the SCAN form, see USPS SCAN forms.

Send feedback and suggestions to buy-shipping-feedback@amazon.com. We value your feedback and will review your input carefully as we prioritize feature improvements.

Note: If you need to void or change a shipping label, see Reprint a shipping label.

If your buyer doesn’t receive their order, see What if a buyer says they didn't receive their order?

For details about removing buyer feedback about your order, see Can Amazon remove buyer feedback?

For cross-border shipments, please review the following:

How to Get Your Package Cleared and Delivered on Time! – U.S. Customs and Border Protection Guidance on E-Commerce Elements of Compliance

