


在您的卖家账户中依次单击 【订单】 > 【管理订单】 ,然后针对想要配送的订单单击【购买配送】按钮。您还可以通过单击订单编号从【订单详情】页面使用【购买配送】按钮。


  1. 第一列信息用于确认【买家配送选项】、【收货地址】以及【本包裹中的已购商品】。本列信息在买家购买商品时会自动填充。 如果要向国际地区配送商品,您需要单击每件商品下方的链接,在此列输入每个商品的重量和描述。

  2. 第二列信息包括【发货地址】、【发货日期】、【包裹尺寸】和【重量】。请使用最外层配送容器的包裹尺寸,并连同所有包装材料一起称重。在您首次配送某商品时,我们会存储包裹尺寸和重量信息。您下次配送该商品时,系统会自动预填充尺寸和重量。

    注意: 有时候,我们系统中记录的商品重量比您提供的重量值要大。如果发生这种情况,您会看到一条关于您输入的包裹重量的警告。请确认您输入的重量准确无误,然后再继续操作。要了解如何提交商品信息更正项,请参阅商品详情页面中存在错误。应该怎样更正?

  1. 在第三列,请选择配送服务、任何可选服务以及标签打印方向(如提供)。如果您已提前设置了购买配送偏好设置,那么系统会根据可用的服务、您的偏好以及最低可用费用自动选择您的配送服务和可选服务。如果您选择的配送服务提供更改标签打印方向的选项,您可以在第三列底部更改打印方向。系统将为提供此选项的配送服务自动存储和预填充该设置。您可以单击“购买配送”页面底部的链接,然后输入或更新您的购买配送偏好设置。

    注意: 要在【购买配送】页面上查看所有可用的配送服务,请单击【查看所有选项】链接。这些选项将因承运人而异。

  1. 第四列用于确认【送达日期】、【总运费】以及所有配送服务要求。要查看详细费用,请单击【查看详情】链接。如果您要购买货件标签,请单击【购买配送】。



  • Chrome(最新版本)

  • Firefox(ESR 38 及以上版本)

  • Internet Explorer 11(最新版本)

  • Safari(最新版本以及 2014 年 5 月之后发布的 5.1、6 和 7 版本)




Buy shipping through Seller Central

Buy shipping

On the Manage Orders page, you can buy shipping either from the list view or from the order details.

From your seller account, go to Orders > Manage Orders , and then click the Buy shipping button for the order you want to ship. You can also access the Buy shipping button from the Order details page by clicking the order number.

There will be four columns of information on the Buy Shipping page:

  1. The first column verifies the Customer ship option, the Ship to address, and the purchased Items in this package. This information is automatically populated when the buyer purchases an item. If shipping internationally, you will need to enter weights and descriptions of each item in this column by clicking the link under each item.

  2. The second column houses the Ship from location, Ship date, Packaging dimensions, and Weight. Use the package dimensions of the outer-most shipping container, and weigh the package with all packing materials included. When you ship an item for the first time, we store the package size and weight. The next time you ship the item, the size and weight will automatically pre-populate.

    Note: Sometimes our systems will associate a higher weight with a product than the weight you provide for that product. If this happens, you will see a warning about the weight you entered for a package. Confirm that the weight you entered is correct before proceeding. To learn how to submit product information corrections, see There is a mistake on a product detail page. How can I correct it?

  1. In the third column, select a shipping service, any optional services, and the label print orientation (if offered). If you've configured your Buy Shipping preferences ahead of time, your shipping services and optional services will be automatically selected according to the available services, your preferences, and the lowest available cost. If the shipping service you have chosen offers the option to change label print orientation, you can change this at the bottom of the third column. This setting will be automatically stored and pre-populated for shipping services that offer this option. You can enter or update your Buy Shipping preferences by clicking the link at the bottom of the Buy Shipping page.

    Note: To view all available shipping services, on the Buy Shipping page, click the See all options link. The options will differ depending on the carrier.

  1. The fourth column verifies the Delivery date, Total delivery charge, and any shipping service requirements. To view detailed charges, click the See Details link. When you are ready to purchase the shipping label, click Buy shipping.

If you need information about return labels instead of shipping labels, see Manage returns.

The following browsers are supported and are required to print shipping labels successfully through Buy Shipping:

  • Chrome (latest version)

  • Firefox (ESR 38 and above)

  • Internet Explorer 11, latest version

  • Safari (latest, versions 5.1, 6, and 7 as of May 2014)

Packages with multiple parts

Buy Shipping does not support the use of different packages for separate parts of one product. It is not possible to buy separate shipping with different labels and tracking numbers for individual parts or pieces of one product listing.

