




注意: 您只能重新打印您通过“购买配送”购买的标签。如果您尚未购买配送,请参阅通过卖家平台购买配送,了解有关如何通过“购买配送”购买配送的步骤。



  1. 在您的卖家账户中点击【订单】,然后点击【管理订单】。

  2. 点击“管理订单”下的【已发货】,导航至已发货订单列表。

    注意: 确保您查看的是“卖家自配送”订单。如果您正在查看您的亚马逊物流订单,以下工作流程将不正确。

  1. 点击一个现有订单即可打开【订单详情】页面,从中找到相关货件。

  2. 点击显示在货件上方的【重新打印标签】按钮。

  3. 在【已购买并确认的货件】页面,点击【打印标签】按钮。

注意: 对于某些承运人,或者对于配送地址在美国境外的情况,则会显示【下载标签 (PDF)】 按钮。点击该按钮并在下载后重新打印 PDF 标签。



  1. 在您的卖家账户中点击【订单】,然后点击【管理订单】。

  2. 点击一个现有订单即可打开【订单详情】页面,找到相关货件。

  3. 点击【已购买的货件标签退款】。

  4. 点击【配送退款】。

  5. 返回【管理订单】页面,打开【订单详情】页面,点击【编辑货件】然后点击【购买配送】。

  6. 点击【打印标签】。

注意: 有些配送服务允许您更改货件标签的打印方向。要了解更多信息,请参阅 Amazon Print Connect: 故障排除。在【购买配送】页面上,选择配送服务和任何可选服务,然后点击【标签打印方向】(如提供)。


Reprint a shipping label

There are no limits to how many times you can reprint a shipping label.

If you need to make changes to a shipping label, request a label refund from your carrier and then purchase a new label with the correct information. For a list of carriers and their refund process, visit Refunds of Buy Shipping fees.

For information about supported browsers, see Buy shipping through Seller Central.

If you have questions related to a missing ship method or error received when attempting to purchase shipping, visit Missing carrier or ship method in Buy Shipping.

Note: You may only reprint labels that you have purchased through Buy Shipping. If you have not purchased shipping, please see Buy Shipping through Seller Central for steps on how to purchase shipping via Buy Shipping.

Reprint the same label

To reprint the same shipping label, follow these instructions:

  1. From your seller account, click Orders, and then click Manage Orders.

  2. Click Shipped under Manage Orders to navigate to a list of your shipped orders.

    Note: Ensure you are viewing your "Seller fulfilled" orders. If you are viewing your FBA orders, the following workflow will be incorrect.

  1. Click an existing order to open the Order Details page for the related shipment.

  2. Click the Reprint label button that appears above the shipment.

  3. On the Shipping purchased and confirmed page, click the Print label button.

Note: For some carriers, or if the shipping address is outside the U.S., the Download label (PDF) button will appear instead. Click the button and reprint the PDF label after downloading it.

Reprint a new label

If you need to make a change to a label and reprint it, follow these instructions:

  1. From your seller account, click Orders, and then click Manage Orders.

  2. Click an existing order to open the Order Details page for the related shipment.

  3. Click Refund Purchased Shipping Label.

  4. Click Refund Shipping.

  5. Go back to the Manage Orders page, open the Order Details page, click Edit Shipment and then click Buy Shipping.

  6. Click Print label.

Note: Some shipping services allow you to change your shipping label orientation. To learn more, refer to Amazon Print Connect: Troubleshooting. On the Buy Shipping page, select a shipping service and any optional services, and then click Label print orientation, if available.

