注意: 亚马逊可能会使用代表性样本验证商品的重量和尺寸。如果亚马逊的信息与卖家的信息存在差异,将使用亚马逊关于商品重量和尺寸的信息来计算费用。亚马逊可能会不时更改关于商品重量和尺寸的信息,以反映更新后的测量结果。根据商品的重量和尺寸计算费用时,将使用计算之时亚马逊掌握的关于商品重量和尺寸的信息。
我们一般会在每月的 7 日到 15 日之间收取上个月的月度库存仓储费。例如,要查看 1 月的库存仓储费,请参阅包含 2 月 7 日至 15 日中交易信息的付款报告。
月份 | 标准尺寸 | 大件 |
1 月 - 9 月 | 每立方英尺 $0.75 | 每立方英尺 $0.48 |
10 月 - 12 月 | 每立方英尺 $2.40 | 每立方英尺 $1.20 |
仅可通过亚马逊物流危险品计划销售的商品需要进行特殊处理和危险物质(危险品)存储。下表显示了通过该计划销售的危险品的新月度库存仓储费。您可以使用查找 ASIN 工具检查您的 ASIN 的分类状态以及您是否需要加入亚马逊物流危险品计划才能销售相应商品。
月份 | 标准尺寸 | 大件 |
1 月 - 9 月 | 每立方英尺 $0.99 | 每立方英尺 $0.78 |
10 月 - 12 月 | 每立方英尺 $3.63 | 每立方英尺 $2.43 |
长期仓储费适用于储存在亚马逊运营中心超过 365 天的商品。
长 x 宽 x 高(以英寸为单位)得出体积。
体积値除以 12 立方英寸(12 x 12 x 12 英寸 = 1,728)。
示例: 将 47 x 12 x 10 英寸所得的值除以 1,728 等于 3.3 立方英尺。
注意: 使用亚马逊物流收入计算器,基于亚马逊商城的在售商品信息估算特定商品的费用。
Inventory storage fees
Storage fees are based on the daily average volume (measured in cubic feet) for the space your inventory occupies in fulfillment centers. The volume measurement is based on unit size when properly packaged and ready to ship in accordance with FBA policies and requirements.
Note: Amazon may verify the weight and dimensions of a product using representative samples. Amazon’s information about a product’s weight and dimensions will be used to calculate fees if there is a difference between Amazon’s information and a seller’s information. Amazon may change its information about a product’s weight and dimensions from time to time to reflect updated measurements. Fees based on the weight and dimensions of a product are calculated using Amazon’s information about the weight and dimensions of that product at the time the fee is calculated.
Monthly inventory storage fee
Monthly inventory storage fees typically are charged between the 7th and 15th day of the month following the month for which the fee applies. For example, to see your inventory storage fee for January, refer to the February Payments report for transactions from February 7-15.
Fees vary by the product-size tier and the time of year. Although standard-size products are smaller than oversize products, they require more complex and costly shelving, drawers, and bins for storage. Fees are charged by cubic foot, so overall storage fees for standard-size products may be less than those for oversize products, based on volume.
Month Standard-size Oversize January - September $0.75 per cubic foot $0.48 per cubic foot October - December $2.40 per cubic foot $1.20 per cubic foot Monthly inventory storage fees for dangerous goods
Items that can be sold only through the FBA Dangerous Goods program require special handling and hazardous materials (hazmat) storage. The table below shows the new monthly inventory storage fees for dangerous goods sold through that program. You can use the look up an ASIN tool to check the classification status of your ASIN and whether you need to be in the FBA Dangerous Goods program to sell it.
For more information, see the Dangerous Goods identification guide.
Month Standard-size Oversize January - September $0.99 per cubic foot $0.78 per cubic foot October - December $3.63 per cubic foot $2.43 per cubic foot Long-term inventory storage fee
A long-term storage fee applies to units that have been stored in an Amazon fulfillment center for more than 365 days.
The long-term storage fee is in addition to the monthly inventory storage fee. If you submit a removal order for items before the next inventory cleanup date, those items won’t be subject to long-term storage fees.
For more information, see FBA long-term storage fees.
Calculating cubic feet from inches
Multiply length x width x height in inches to get the volume.
Divide the volume by 12 cubic inches (12 x 12 x 12 inches = 1,728).
Example: A unit measuring 47 x 12 x 10 inches divided by 1,728 = 3.3 cubic feet.
Note: Use the FBA revenue calculator to estimate your fees for specific items using active listings on Amazon.