

问题组: 标签缺失 - 商品相关


提示: 如果您不想自行为商品贴标,亚马逊将为您贴标(按件收取费用)。有关更多信息,请访问亚马逊物流贴标服务。

缺少亚马逊条形码您货件中的一件或多件商品已送达,但未粘贴所需的可扫描亚马逊条形码(又称 X00 标签或 FNSKU)。亚马逊条形码是运营中心用于识别特定 ASIN 的单个商品的编码。
  • 如果您在为亚马逊配送的商品创建商品信息时选择使用亚马逊条形码,则必须在商品上粘贴正确的 X00 标签。您可以在创建货件时从为商品贴标页面打印亚马逊条形码,也可以随时从管理库存页面打印。

  • 确保标签名称与相应的商品匹配,并一次为一件商品贴标。

  • 使用亚马逊条形码标签覆盖整个原始制造商条形码,并确保亚马逊条形码清晰可见,以便在运营中心进行扫描。

有关更多信息,请参阅使用亚马逊条形码追踪库存和如何为商品贴标 (PDF)。

缺少制造商条形码您货件中的一件或多件商品已到达亚马逊运营中心,但没有所需的可扫描制造商条形码(GCID、UPC、EAN、JAN 或 ISBN)。除非您更改条形码设置,否则我们将在配送过程中始终使用制造商条形码追踪您的库存。
  • 确保您的商品具有可见的实物条形码(GCID、UPC、EAN、JAN 或 ISBN),以便运营中心可以对其进行扫描。

  • 如果某个 ASIN 符合使用制造商条形码进行追踪的要求,但是没有实物条形码,您可以前往亚马逊库存页面,然后从【操作】下拉菜单中选择【打印商品标签】来打印标签。

  • 确保标签名称与相应的商品匹配,并一次为一件商品贴标。

有关更多信息,请参阅使用制造商条形码追踪库存和如何为商品贴标 (PDF)。

缺少窒息警告开口不小于 5 英寸(平铺测量)的聚乙烯塑料袋需要窒息警告标签。



  • 60 英寸或更大 = 24 磅

  • 40 至 59 英寸 = 18 磅

  • 30 至 39 英寸 = 14 磅

  • 不足 29 英寸 = 10 磅


警告: 为避免窒息危险,请将此塑料袋放在婴儿和儿童接触不到的地方。请勿在婴儿车、婴儿床、手推车或婴儿护栏中使用此塑料袋。此塑料袋不是玩具。


问题组: 标签不正确 - 商品相关

  • 逐个为商品贴标。

  • 确保标签名称与相应商品匹配。


  • 亚马逊物流商品条形码要求

  • 使用亚马逊条形码追踪库存

  • 为商品贴标


确保您的商品具有实体的可扫描条形码(GCID、UPC、EAN、JAN 或 ISBN)。


  • 覆盖所有原始条形码。粘贴 X00 标签时,使用您的标签覆盖整个原始制造商条形码。其他条形码均不可见。

  • 使用正确的标签以及正确的尺寸和类型。商品标签的尺寸必须为 1 英寸 x 2 5/8 英寸。如果您要打印自己的条形码标签,请务必采用 Code 128A 格式。

  • 请确保条形码前后至少留出 0.25 英寸的空白区。


  • 使用激光打印机打印标签。喷墨打印机打印出的图片更容易发生污损。

  • 清理您的打印机。许多贴标错误都是由打印机打印头脏污引起的。


  • 亚马逊物流商品条形码要求

  • 使用亚马逊条形码追踪库存

  • 为商品贴标


  • 将标签贴在包装外部的平整表面上。请勿将标签折叠在边缘或贴于弯曲部位。

  • 请确保条形码前后至少留出 0.25 英寸的空白区。

  • 遮盖其他所有可见条形码,能够唯一标识商品的序列号条形码(例如手机包装上的 IMEI 条形码)除外。

  • - 确保原厂包装中的每件商品都有亚马逊条形码,且装运箱上的所有条形码均已去除。


问题组: 其他标签问题 - 商品相关



  • 缺失

  • 无法扫描

  • 标签不正确

  • 扫描仪无法识别条形码

  • 逐个为商品贴标。

  • 确保标签名称与相应商品匹配。

  • 确保您的商品具有实体的可扫描条形码(GCID、UPC、EAN、JAN 或 ISBN)。

  • 将标签贴在包装外部的平整表面上。请勿将标签折叠在边缘或贴于弯曲部位。


  • 亚马逊物流商品条形码要求

  • 使用亚马逊条形码追踪库存

  • 为商品贴标

问题组: 计划外预处理 - 装袋

提示: 如果您希望亚马逊按件收取商品预处理费用,请前往可选服务页面并将【亚马逊】选为【预处理方】。 有关更多信息,请参阅亚马逊物流预处理服务。



注意: 如果商品使用聚乙烯塑料袋包装且塑料袋妨碍了条形码的扫描,此商品可能还需要粘贴标签。


  • 塑料袋的厚度必须至少为 1.5 密耳(千分之一英寸)。

  • 聚乙烯塑料袋或收缩包装不得超出商品尺寸 3 英寸以上。

  • 聚乙烯塑料袋都必须透明。

  • 聚乙烯塑料袋必须完全密封。


  • 聚乙烯塑料袋必须具有条形码(GCID、UPC、EAN、JAN 或 ISBN 等)或可透过塑料袋扫描的 X00 标签,或在塑料袋外侧贴有 X00 或 ASIN 标签。

  • 开口不小于 5 英寸(平放时测量)的聚乙烯塑料袋必须提供窒息警告,警告信息可以打印在塑料袋上,或以标签形式贴在塑料袋上。


  • 液体

  • 球状颗粒、粉状和颗粒物

  • 毛绒物品

  • 母婴用品

  • 服装、织物和纺织品

  • 珠宝首饰

  • 小件商品



成人用品必须使用黑色不透明的包装袋包装。包装袋的外面必须有可扫描的 X00 或 ASIN 标签和窒息警告。


  • 包含真人裸体模特照片的商品

  • 使用淫秽或亵渎用语的包装

  • 逼真但未显示真人裸体模特的商品


问题组: 计划外预处理 - 气泡膜包装




  • 液体

  • 尖锐商品

  • 玻璃、陶瓷制品、易破及易碎商品


  • 运输和路线安排要求

  • 包装易碎的玻璃陶瓷制品

问题组: 计划外预处理 - 商品相关




问题组: 有效期




  • 外用护肤品及消耗品(包括营养补充剂): 无论是供人类使用,还是供动物使用,所有此类商品均视为存在有效期。

  • 健康和美妆商品: 此类商品将被标记为自亚马逊运营中心处理之日起的 900 天后过期。


  • 有效期的显示格式必须是 MM-DD-YYYY 或 MM-YYYY。

  • 如果有效期采用其他格式,您必须粘贴具有正确格式的有效期的打印标签,使其覆盖现有的日期。

  • 存在有效期的商品必须将有效期打印大纸箱上(使用 36 磅以上字体)和单个/或零售展示商品上。

  • 如果商品印有“制造日期”,您必须使用正确格式的有效期标签覆盖该日期。

  • 具有有效期的商品无法使用制造商条形码进行追踪且必须贴有亚马逊条形码。有关更多信息,请参阅使用亚马逊条形码追踪库存。


  • 所有装运箱、内装多件商品的包装和展示箱以及其中的单件商品或捆绑商品上都必须标注有效期。

  • 必须妥善地预处理具有有效期且采用的包装(如玻璃罐或玻璃瓶)需要进行额外预处理的商品,以确保亚马逊员在接收过程中可以查看有效期。


问题组: 箱子数量不准确


  • 1 月至 10 月:每件商品 $0.10

  • 11 月和 12 月:每件商品 $0.15

注意: 有关如何避免这项费用的更多信息,请观看我们的货件信息准确性视频。



  • 每个箱子中每个 SKU 的商品数量

  • 有效期/保质期(如适用)

  • 箱子重量和尺寸





问题组: 箱子内的商品数量不准确

  • 请在标准化货件创建流程的【预处理货件】步骤中提供箱内物品信息,或是通过亚马逊商城网络服务(亚马逊 MWS)上传 XML 文件以提供此信息。



问题组: 箱子中的商品不符合预期



  • 每个箱子中每个 SKU 的商品数量

  • 有效期/保质期(如适用)

  • 箱子重量和尺寸

请在标准化货件创建流程的【预处理货件】步骤中提供箱内物品信息,或是通过亚马逊商城网络服务(亚马逊 MWS)上传 XML 文件以提供此信息。

  • 如果您想在完成货件后发送其他商品,则需创建新货件。

  • 如果您无法寄送货件中原本计划的商品,请删除此货件并创建新货件。


问题组: 货件中商品不符合预期

  • 发送库存之前,请在入库计划中列出货件中的所有单件商品。

  • 为您的商品贴标时,请确认贴在商品上的标签与商品本身相符。

  • 请特别注意尺寸和颜色变体等细节。


问题组: 货件中的商品数量不准确



  • 如果您想在完成货件后发送其他商品,则需创建新货件。

  • 如果您无法寄送货件中原本计划的商品,请删除此货件并创建新货件。


问题组: 商品发布问题


所发布 ASIN 的商品名称必须具有正确的信息和格式。


  • 通常最多使用 50 个字符。某些商品分类允许使用更长的商品名称。请参阅特定分类说明了解更多详情。

  • 每个单词的首字母大写。

  • 不要全部使用大写字母。

  • 请勿使用 and、or、for、the、a、an 的大写字母形式。

  • 请勿将少于 5 个字母的介词(in、on、over、with)大写。

  • 使用阿拉伯数字(2,而非二)。

  • 拼写出测量单位(6 英寸,而非 6")。

  • 请勿使用符号,如 ~、!、*、$、?

  • 请勿使用字符(Æ、©、ô 等)。


  • 在变体的“子”ASIN 中包含尺寸和颜色。有关更多信息,请参阅关于父/子关系。

  • 请勿包含价格或促销信息,如“降价销售”或“免费配送

  • 请勿使用主观性评价用语,如“热销商品”或“畅销商品”

  • 不得在品牌或制造商信息中包含卖家名称,除非您的商品为“自有品牌”。


问题组: 运输相关问题

  • 请按照账户中的拆分货件设置操作。为了最大限度地提高配送效率,不同商品会运往不同位置。

  • 请确保您的货件编号标签粘贴在清晰可见的位置。

  • 如果您的承运人将货件运送至错误的位置,可能会出现此问题。请与承运人共同努力,确保将您的货件运送至货件标签上的地址。

  • 有些运营中心可能会共用一个邮政编码。如果您按邮政编码识别运营中心位置,请务必在货件标签上打印正确的地址。


  • 将商品运送到亚马逊

  • 亚马逊物流库存配置服务

问题组: 亚马逊物流受限商品




  • 某些商品不能在亚马逊上发布销售。

  • 某些商品可能符合在亚马逊上销售的要求,但是不能通过亚马逊物流计划销售。

  • 受法律或法规限制,可能无法销售某些商品(例如:处方药物)。

  • 亚马逊的政策规定禁止发布某些商品内容(例如:犯罪场景照片)。


  • 需要批准的分类和商品

  • 具有有效期的库存

  • 亚马逊物流禁运商品

  • 受限商品

  • 亚马逊物流商品限制

问题组: 已残损商品





  • 泡沫板或缓震材料

  • 充气垫

  • 气泡膜包装

  • 完整的纸张



问题组: 已取消、按错误的路线发送或不完整的货件





注意: 该货件的【问题数量】表示收到时存在问题的商品的数量。

为确保未来的所有多目的地货件都符合亚马逊物流政策,请勿在批准计划后删除货件,并确保已批准计划中的所有货件在首个货件送达运营中心后的 30 天内送达。


重要: 如果货件不符合这些指南,我们将通知您。如果您未纠正已确定的问题,我们可能会采取以下一项或多项措施:

  • 拒绝接受您今后发来的货件,并将其退还给您,费用由您自行承担

  • 暂停您创建新货件的权限

  • 对您的货件进行重新包装或重新贴标,并向您收取相应费用


问题组: 其他问题 - 商品和货件相关



  1. 在卖家平台中,前往【库存】选项卡,然后选择【管理亚马逊物流货件】。

  2. 在【货件处理进度】页面上,点击货件右侧的【追踪货件】。

  3. 在【货件一览】页面上,转至【问题详情】。


Problem group: Label missing - product related

The table below provides information about labeling problems. To learn more about how to avoid these problems, watch our Inventory labeling requirements video.

Tip: If you do not want to label your products yourself, Amazon will apply them for you, for a per-unit fee. For more information, visit FBA Label Service.

Problem typeProblem descriptionHow to avoid the problem
Amazon barcode missingOne or more of the products in your shipment arrived without the required scannable Amazon barcode, also known as an X00 label or FNSKU. The Amazon barcode is an identifier that fulfillment centers use to identify individual offers for a specific ASIN.
  • If you chose to use an Amazon barcode when you created a listing for a product to be fulfilled by Amazon, you must put the correct X00 label on the product. You can print Amazon barcodes from the Label Products page when you create a shipment or at any time from the Manage Inventory page.

  • Make sure the label title matches the corresponding unit, and label your units one at a time.

  • Cover the entire original manufacturer barcode with your Amazon barcode label, and make sure the Amazon barcode is visible so it can be scanned at the fulfillment center.

For more information, see Use an Amazon barcode to track inventory and How to label products (PDF).

Manufacturer barcode missingOne or more of the products in your shipment arrived at the fulfillment center without the required scannable manufacturer barcode (GCID, UPC, EAN, JAN, or ISBN). Amazon will always use the manufacturer barcode to track your inventory throughout the fulfillment process, unless you change your barcode setting.
  • Make sure your products have a physical barcode (GCID, UPC, EAN, JAN, or ISBN) that is visible so it can be scanned at the fulfillment center.

  • If an ASIN qualifies for tracking by the manufacturer barcode but doesn't have a physical barcode, you can print labels by going to the Inventory Amazon Fulfills page and selecting Print item labels from the Action on drop-down menu.

  • Make sure the label title matches the corresponding unit, and label your units one at a time.

For more information, see Using the manufacturer barcode to track inventoryand How to label products (PDF).

Suffocation warning missingSuffocation warning labels are required for poly bags with an opening that is 5 inches or larger (measured when flat).

Suffocation warnings must be printed in a legible font size for the size of the bag and placed in a prominent location.

Measure the length plus the width of the bag when determining font size:

  • 60 inches or more = 24 point

  • 40 to 59 inches = 18 point

  • 30 to 39 inches = 14 point

  • less than 29 inches = 10 point

Example warning

WARNING: To avoid danger of suffocation, keep this plastic bag away from babies and children. Do not use this bag in cribs, beds, carriages, or play pens. This bag is not a toy.

For more information, see the "Poly-bagged units" section of Packaging and prep requirements.

Problem group: Incorrect label - product related

Problem typeProblem descriptionHow to avoid the problem
Unit mislabeledThe item arrived with a barcode that does not match the physical product.
  • Label your products one at a time.

  • Make sure the label title matches the corresponding product.

For more information, see:

  • FBA product barcode requirements

  • Use an Amazon barcode to track inventory

  • Label products

Barcode cannot be scannedOne or products in your shipment had a barcode that was smudged or smeared and could not be scanned at the fulfillment center.

Make sure your products have a physical, scannable barcode (GCID, UPC, EAN, JAN, or ISBN).

Label placement and size

  • Cover any original barcodes. When using an X00 label, cover the entire, original manufacturer barcode with your label. No other barcodes should be visible.

  • Use the correct label, and the correct size and type. Item labels must measure 1 x 2 5/8 inches. If you are printing your own barcode labels, be sure to use format Code 128A.

  • Make sure there is a 0.25-inch minimum quiet zone before and after the barcode.

Printer requirements

  • Use a laser printer for your labels. Inkjet printers are more susceptible to smearing and blurry images.

  • Clean your printer. Many labeling errors are caused by dirty printer heads.

For more information, see:

  • FBA product barcode requirements

  • Use an Amazon barcode to track inventory

  • Label products

Barcode is not accessible by scannerDue to poor label placement, or prep such as bubble wrap, your barcode is not scannable.

  • Place the label on the outside of any packaging and on a flat surface. Do not fold the label over edges or place it on a curve.

  • Make sure there is a 0.25-inch minimum quiet zone before and after the barcode.

  • Cover all other visible barcodes except for serial number barcodes that uniquely identify the item (for example, IMEI barcodes on mobile phone packaging).

  • Make sure that each item in a case pack has an Amazon barcode and that any barcodes on the case have been removed.

For more information, see:

  • Use an Amazon barcode to track inventory

  • Using the manufacturer barcode to track inventory

  • Label products

Problem group: Other label problems - product related

Problem typeProblem descriptionHow to avoid the problem
Labeling required

One or more of the products in your shipment required either a manufacturer barcode or an Amazon barcode, or both, to be applied because of one or more of the following reasons. The barcode:

  • Is missing

  • Cannot be scanned

  • Label is incorrect

  • Is not accessible by the scanner

  • Label your products one at a time.

  • Make sure the label title matches the corresponding product.

  • Make sure your products have a physical, scannable barcode (GCID, UPC, EAN, JAN, or ISBN).

  • Place the label on the outside of the packaging and on a flat surface. Do not fold the label over edges or place it on a curve.

For more information, see:

  • FBA product barcode requirements

  • Use an Amazon barcode to track inventory

  • Label products

Problem group: Unplanned prep - Bagging

Tip: If you want Amazon to do your product prep for a per-unit fee, go to the Optional Services page and select Amazon for Who preps? For more information, visit FBA Prep Service.

Problem typeProblem descriptionHow to avoid the problem
BaggingItems in your shipment did not include the required poly bagging.

Poly bags used to protect items must meet the following requirements.

Note: If a unit is poly bagged, it may also require a label if the bag prevents the barcode from being scanned.

Poly bag requirements

  • The thickness of the bag must be at least 1.5 mil (thousandth of an inch).

  • The poly bag or shrink wrap must not protrude more than 3 inches past the dimensions of the product.

  • Poly bags must be transparent.

  • Poly bags must be completely sealed.

Poly bag label requirements

  • The poly bag must have a barcode (GCID, UPC, EAN, JAN, or ISBN) or X00 label that is scannable through the bag or have an X00 or ASIN label on the outside of the bag.

  • Poly bags with an opening of 5 inches or larger (measured when flat) must have a suffocation warning printed on the bag or attached as a label.

Categories that may require poly bags include:

  • Liquids

  • Pellets, powders, and granules

  • Plush

  • Baby products

  • Apparel, fabric, and textiles

  • Jewelry

  • Small products

For more information, visit Packaging and prep requirements and watch our Inventory prep requirements video.

Opaque baggingItems in your shipment required a black, opaque outer bag.

Adult products must be packed in black, opaque bags. The outside of the bag must have a scannable X00 or ASIN label and a suffocation warning.

These include but are not limited to the following:

  • Items that contain pictures of live, nude models

  • Packaging that uses obscene or profane messaging

  • Items that are lifelike but do not show a live, nude model

For more information, see Packaging adult products

Problem group: Unplanned prep - Bubble wrap

Problem typeProblem descriptionHow to avoid the problem
Bubble wrapItems in your shipment did not include the required bubble wrap.

Bubble wrap can protect items from breaking during shipment or storage.

Categories that may require bubble wrap include:

  • Liquids

  • Sharp items

  • Glass, ceramic, breakable, and fragile items

For more information, see:

  • Shipping and routing requirements

  • Packaging glass ceramic breakable and fragile units

Problem group: Unplanned prep - product related

Problem typeProblem descriptionHow to avoid the problem
TapingItems in your shipment had inadequate taping.

Taping can protect products during storage and shipment. Tape can be used to seal poly bags, bubble wrap, boxes that can open easily and caps of bottles that contain liquid, as well as to secure loose products.

For more information, visit Prepare your products for FBA shipping

Problem group: Expiration problems

Problem typeProblem descriptionHow to avoid the problem
Expiration issueYour expiration-dated inventory must be prepped so the expiration date is visible during the receiving process.

Inventory requirements

Amazon considers a best-by or sell-by date the equivalent of an expiration date.

  • Topical and consumable products, including nutritional supplements: All are considered as subject to expiration, whether for human or animal consumption.

  • Health and beauty products: These are marked to expire 900 days after the date they are processed at the fulfillment center.

Label requirements

  • Expiration dates must be displayed in the format MM-DD-YYYY or MM-YYYY.

  • If the expiration date is in a different format, you must cover the existing date with a printed label that shows the expiration date in the correct format.

  • Products that can expire must have the expiration date printed on both the master box (in 36-point font or larger) and on the individual or retail display units.

  • If the product has a "manufactured date" printed on it, you must cover that date with an expiration date label in the correct format.

  • Products with expiration dates cannot be tracked using the manufacturer barcode and must have an Amazon barcode. For more information, see Use an Amazon barcode to track inventory.

Packaging requirements

  • All case packs, multi-packs, and display boxes must have the expiration date on the box or bundle, as well as on each individual item inside the box or bundle.

  • Products that expire and are contained in packaging that requires additional prep, such as glass jars or bottles, must be prepped to ensure that Amazon associates can see the expiration date during receiving.

For more information, see Expiration-dated FBA inventory

Problem group: Inaccurate box count

Amazon requires accurate box content information for each box sent to a fulfillment center. This information allows the fulfillment center to receive your shipment more quickly and make your inventory available for sale sooner. If you do not provide box content information, Amazon manually processes your box contents and charges you a manual processing fee.

  • January to October: $0.10 per unit

  • November and December: $0.15 per unit

Note: For more information on how to avoid this, see our Shipment information accuracy video.

Problem typeProblem descriptionHow to avoid the problem
Inaccurate number of boxesThe number of boxes shipped to the fulfillment center did not match the box content information provided with the shipment.

You are required to provide box content information for each box sent to Amazon. This includes:

  • Unit quantity of each SKU per box

  • Expiration dates (if applicable)

  • Box weight and dimensions

Make sure that the number of boxes you send per shipment matches the number of boxes you specified when you created your shipment.

If you decide to send additional items after finalizing a shipment, create a new shipment.

If you are unable to send the products originally planned in your shipment, delete the inaccurate shipment and create a new one.

For more information, see Provide box content information.

Problem group: Inaccurate item quantities in box

Problem typeProblem descriptionHow to avoid the problem
Inaccurate item quantity in boxThere were item quantities in your shipment that did not match the expected amount based on the box content information you provided.
  • Provide box content information in the Prepare Shipment step of the shipment creation workflow, or by uploading an XML file via Amazon Marketplace Web Service (Amazon MWS).

You must put your box labels on the correct boxes to ensure that the label information identifies the contents of each box.

For additional information, see Set quantity for shipments to Amazon.

Problem group: Unexpected items in box

Problem typeProblem descriptionHow to avoid the problem
Unexpected item found in boxOne or more boxes in the shipment contained items that were not specified in the box content information you provided.

You are required to provide accurate box content information for each box sent to Amazon. This includes:

  • Unit quantity of each SKU per box

  • Expiration dates (if applicable)

  • Box weight and dimensions

Provide box content information at the Prepare Shipment step of the shipment creation workflow, or by uploading an XML file via Amazon Marketplace Web Service (Amazon MWS).

  • If you want to send additional items after finalizing a shipment, create a new shipment.

  • If you cannot send the products originally planned in your shipment delete the shipment and create a new one.

For more information, see Provide box content information.

Problem group: Unexpected items in shipment

Problem groupProblem descriptionHow to avoid the problem
Unexpected item found in shipmentYour shipment contained items that were not on the original shipping plan.
  • Before sending your inventory, list all individual items in the shipment on the shipping plan.

  • When labeling your items, make sure that the label affixed on the item matches the item.

  • Pay extra attention to subtleties such as size and color variations.

For more information, see Set quantity for shipments to Amazon.

Problem group: Inaccurate quantities in shipment

Problem typeProblem descriptionHow to avoid the problem
More items received than expectedYour shipment contained more than the number of items specified on the shipping plan.

Verify the quantities of each unique item in the shipment, and ensure that they match the quantities specified on the shipping plan.

  • If you want to send additional items after finalizing a shipment, create a new shipment.

  • If you cannot send the products originally planned in your shipment, delete the shipment and create a new one.

For more information, see Set quantity for shipments to Amazon.

Problem group: Product listing problems

Problem typeProblem descriptionHow to avoid the problem
Product title change required

The product titles for ASINs listed must have the correct information and formatting.

Your product title did not meet the FBA product title requirements and/or did not match the product label.

  • Use 50 characters maximum, generally. Some product categories allow longer titles. See category-specific instructions for more details.

  • Capitalize the first letter of each word.

  • Do not use all caps.

  • Do not use capital letters for and, or, for, the, a, an.

  • Do not capitalize prepositions with fewer than five letters (in, on, over, with).

  • Use numerals (2 instead of two).

  • Spell out measurements (6 inches not 6").

  • Do not use symbols, such as ~ ! * $ ?

  • Do not use characters such as Æ, ©, ô, etc.

Product information

  • Include the size and color in "child" ASINs for variations. See About parent-child relationships for more information.

  • Do not include price or promotional messages, such as "sale" or "free ship."

  • Do not use subjective commentary, such as "Hot Item" or "Best Seller."

  • Your merchant name for brand or manufacturer information should not be included, unless your product is Private Label.

For more information, see FBA product title requirements

Problem group: Transportation-related problems

Problem typeProblem descriptionHow to avoid the problem
Product or shipment sent to the wrong fulfillment centerInventory was shipped to a different fulfillment center than the one indicated in your shipping plan.
  • Adhere to the split shipments set up in your account. Different products are shipped to different locations to maximize efficiency.

  • Verify that your shipment ID label is in a clear and visible location.

  • This problem may occur when your carrier delivers the shipment to the wrong location. Work with your carrier to ensure that your shipment is delivered to the address on the shipping label.

  • Some fulfillment centers may share a ZIP code. Be sure to print the correct address on the shipment label if you are identifying the fulfillment center location by the ZIP code.

For more information, see:

  • Shipping products to Amazon

  • FBA Inventory Placement Service

Problem group: FBA restricted items

Problem typeProblem descriptionHow to avoid the problem
Restricted item

Some products require prior approval before you can sell them on Amazon. There are also products that FBA does not support.

All Amazon requirements and restrictions also apply to FBA.

  • Certain products cannot be listed for sale on Amazon.

  • Some products may be eligible for sale on Amazon but cannot be sold through FBA.

  • Some products cannot be sold as a matter of compliance with legal or regulatory restrictions (for example, prescription drugs).

  • Specific product content is prohibited as a matter of Amazon policy (for example, crime scene photos).

For more information, visit:

  • Categories and products requiring approval

  • Expiration-dated inventory

  • FBA prohibited products

  • Restricted products

  • FBA product restrictions

Problem group: Damaged products

Problem typeProblem descriptionHow to avoid the problem
Product damaged upon arrivalSome of your items arrived damaged at the fulfillment center, and we could not process them into your sellable inventory.

Prep your products according to our Packaging and prep requirements.

Using proper packing material (dunnage) when packing your boxes can help ensure your inventory is not damaged in transit.

Acceptable dunnage includes

  • Foam sheets or cushioning

  • Air pillows

  • Bubble wrap

  • Full sheets of paper

When sending pallets, stack your boxes with the heaviest boxes on the bottom and the lightest on the top.

For more information, see Seller requirements for LTL, FTL, and FCL deliveries

Problem group: Canceled, misrouted, or incomplete shipments

Problem typeProblem descriptionHow to avoid the problem
Shipment was canceled, misrouted, or incomplete (standard-size or oversize)

One or more shipments were not in compliance with FBA’s canceled, misrouted, and incomplete shipments policy.

Once you approve a shipping plan, you must ship your products to Amazon as stated in that plan, including sending the stated quantity of each product to the assigned fulfillment center.

Deleting shipments after you have approved them, misrouting shipments, or sending incomplete shipments may delay the receipt of your inventory and its availability for sale.

Note: The Problem quantity for this shipment indicates the number of units that were received with problems.

To ensure that any future multi-destination shipments comply with FBA policy, do not delete shipments after you approve the plan, and make sure that all shipments in your approved plan arrive within 30 days after the first shipment arrives at a fulfillment center.

For more information, see Deleted, misrouted, and incomplete shipments.

Important: We will notify you if a shipment does not meet these guidelines. If you do not correct the identified problems, we may do one or more of the following:

  • Refuse to accept future shipments and return them to you at your cost

  • Suspend your ability to create new shipments

  • Repackage or relabel your shipments and charge you a fee for doing so

If you would like to send your eligible inventory to a single destination, you can sign up for the FBA Inventory Placement Service. Amazon will then receive your units and redistribute them across our fulfillment network as needed. A per-unit service fee applies. Using this service can help you avoid delays and unplanned service fees if you find it hard to manage multi-destination shipments.

Problem group: Other problems – product and shipment related

Problem typeProblem descriptionProblem description and how to avoid
There were general issues identified with your shipment.Generic event

Follow the steps below for instructions on how to avoid these problems.

  1. In Seller Central, go to the Inventory tab and select Manage FBA Shipments.

  2. On the Shipping Queue page, click Track shipment to the right of the shipment.

  3. On the Shipment summary page, go to Problem details.

