
本报告所提供列表中的库存在下次库存清除时可能需要支付长期仓储费 (LTSF)。

建议移除报告将向您展示亚马逊运营中心的哪些商品在下次库存清算时可能需要支付 LTSF,并帮助您创建移除订单,以便申请将这些商品退还给您或将其弃置。此报告将自动按照 ASIN 逐一计算您需要移除的商品数量(假设您的库存未来无销售),以避免支付 LTSF。然后,您可以点击“开始移除程序”按钮预填充移除订单并请求退还或弃置这些商品。

您可以按照 ASIN 或卖家 SKU 缩小搜索范围。


当您点击“开始移除程序”按钮时,当前视图列出的所有商品(最多 150 种商品)将被复制到移除订单请求流程。在该流程中,您可以执行以下操作:

  • 更改要求退还或弃置的每款商品数量

  • 从列表中移除商品

  • 向列表中添加商品

  • 如果您的报告跨多个页面视图,您可以为每个页面视图创建单独的移除订单请求。

Note: 对于每个移除订单请求,您可以让将亚马逊退还或弃置请求中的所有商品。如果您要退还部分商品,并弃置其余商品,必须分别提交单独的移除订单请求。


SKUSKU库存单位 (SKU) 由一组字母或数字组成,用于唯一标识商品。SKU 通常由卖家分配。AB-8675309
ASINasin亚马逊商品编码 (ASIN) 是由 10 个字母或数字组成的、用于识别商品的唯一序列。ASIN 由亚马逊分配。您可以在商品详情页面找到商品的 ASIN。B003ZYF3LO
商品名称商品名称商品的名称。Toysmith 不粘烤盘套件
可售商品的总数量可售数量我们配送网络中处于可售状况的 SKU 的商品数量。200
货龄为 121-180 天的可售库存在 121-180 天内处于可售状况对于某个 SKU,在过去 121 至 180 天内,在亚马逊运营中心内处于可售状况的商品数量。0
货龄为 181-270 天的可售库存在 181-270 天内处于可售状况对于某个 SKU,在过去 181 至 270 天内,在亚马逊运营中心内处于可售状况的商品数量。15
货龄为 271-365 天的可售库存在 271-365 天内处于可售状况对于某个 SKU,在过去 271 至 365 天内,在亚马逊运营中心内处于可售状况的商品数量。85
货龄超过 365 天的可售库存在超过 365 天内处于可售状况对于某个 SKU,在过去超过 365 天内,在亚马逊运营中心内处于可售状况的商品数量。5
建议移除数量(可售)可售商品移除数量对于某个 SKU,到下次库存清点日为止,在亚马逊运营中心存放时间达 181 至 365 天或 365 天以上,因而需要移除(假设您不会再出售库存商品)以避免支付长期仓储费的可售商品的数量。105
不可售商品的总数量不可售数量对于某个 SKU,我们配送网络中处于不可售状况的商品数量。5

不可售状况持续 0-7 天处于不可售状况的时间达到 0 至 7 天的商品数量。0

不可售状况持续 8-60 天处于不可售状况的时间达到 8 至 60 天的商品数量。2

不可售状况持续 61-90 天处于不可售状况的时间达到 61 至 90 天的商品数量。3


Recommended Removal Report

This report provides a list of inventory may be subject to the long-term storage fee (LTSF) at the time of the next Inventory Cleanup.

The Recommended Removal report shows you which units in Amazon fulfillment centers may be subject to the LTSF at the next Inventory Cleanup and helps create a removal order to have those units returned to you or disposed of. This report will automatically calculate on an ASIN-by-ASIN basis the quantity you would need to remove (assuming no further sales of your inventory) to avoid the LTSF. You can then click "Begin Removal Process" to populate a removal order and request to have those units returned or disposed of.

You can filter by ASIN or Merchant SKU to narrow your search.

Begin Removal process

When you click "Begin Removal Process", all units of the products listed in the current view (up to 150) will be copied to the removal order request workflow. From there, you can:

  • Change the quantity of each product to be returned or disposed of

  • Remove products from the list

  • Add products to the list

  • If your report spans multiple page views, you can create a separate removal order request for each page view.

Note: For each removal order request, you can have all units of all products in the request either returned or disposed of. If you want to have some units returned and others disposed of, you must submit separate removal order requests.

Field names

Online headerDownload headerDescriptionExample value
Datesnapshot-dateReport data are current as of the date in this field.2011-04-17
SKUskuStock keeping units (SKUs) are unique blocks of letters or numbers that identify your products. SKUs are assigned by you as the seller.AB-8675309
FNSKUfnskuUnique identifier assigned by Amazon to products stored in and fulfilled from an Amazon fulfillment center.X00000E5TX
ASINasinAmazon Standard Identification Numbers (ASINs) are unique blocks of 10 letters or numbers that identify products. ASINs are assigned by Amazon. You can find the ASIN on the product detail page.B003ZYF3LO
Titleproduct-nameThe title of your product.Toysmith Nonstick Bakeware Set
ConditionconditionThe condition of your product.New
Total Sellable Quantitysellable-quantityThe number of units you have for a SKU in sellable condition in our fulfillment network.200
Sellable Age 121-180 dayssellable-121-180-daysThe number of sellable units you have for a SKU that have been in the fulfillment center for the past 121 to 180 days.0
Sellable Age 181-270 dayssellable-181-270-daysThe number of sellable units you have for a SKU that have been in the fulfillment center for the past 181 to 270 days.15
Sellable Age 271-365 Dayssellable-271-365-daysThe number of sellable units you have for a SKU that have been in the fulfillment center for the last 271 to 365 days.85
Sellable Age 365+ Dayssellable-365+-daysThe number of sellable units you have for a SKU that have been in the fulfillment center for the last 365+ days.5
Recommended Removal Quantity (Sellable)sellable-removal-quantityThe number of sellable units you have for a SKU that will have been in the fulfillment center for 181 to 365 days or 365 days or more on the next Inventory Cleanup date and need to be removed (assuming no further sales) to avoid the long-term storage fee.105
Total Unsellable Quantityunsellable-quantityThe number of unsellable units you have for a SKU in our fulfillment network.5

unsellable-0-7-daysThe number of units that have been unsellable for zero to seven days.0

unsellable-8-60-daysThe number of units that have been unsellable for eight to 60 days.2

unsellable-61-90-daysThe number of units that have been unsellable for 61 to 90 days.3

