




注意: 如果您未在订单日期的 30 天内确认订单发货,我们将自动取消该订单且不会向买家收费,即使您已经配送订单商品也是如此。这意味着您将不会收到订单付款。










Start selling: Manage orders and payments

Where do I find my orders?

You can view your orders in the Manage Orders tool or, if you have a Professional selling plan, you can download an order report. Both options are found under Orders. For more information, see Manage your orders.

Do I need to send a confirmation to Amazon when I ship an order?


Yes. When you confirm shipment, we charge the buyer for the order, credits your seller account for the order, sends a shipment confirmation email to the buyer, and updates the buyer's account with the shipping information. The buyer can then track the status online. This results in improved buyer satisfaction and reduced buyer contacts.

Note: If you do not confirm shipment of an order within 30 days of the order date, we will automatically cancel the order and will not charge the buyer, even if you already shipped the order. This means that you will not be paid for the order.

For more information, see why and how to confirm a shipment. You can also confirm multiple shipments with feeds using the Shipping Confirmation Template if you have a Professional selling plan.


Does Amazon retain any fees when I refund a buyer?


When reimbursing you for a buyer refund, Amazon determines the amount of the order-related fees that are credited back to you and the amount of such fees that Amazon retains, based on the item's product line and the order amount.

For more information, see Refund Credits and Administration Fees.


How and when do I get paid?

To view detailed information related to your Payments account and details on all order and other transactions, go to the Reports tab and select Payments. For information about the settlement process, including how long it can take to transfer funds to your bank account and what information you will need in your seller account before you can be paid, see Getting Paid.


