
Individual sellers: 此功能仅向专业卖家开放。亚马逊上的大多数卖家都是专业卖家。了解更多信息


  1. 下载订单取消模板,并将其副本保存至您的电脑。

  2. 打开文件并查看【数据定义】选项卡。

  3. 在【订单取消】选项卡上,输入有关取消的信息,必要时请参考【数据定义】选项卡。

  4. 完成后,请选择【订单取消】选项卡,然后点击【文件】菜单并选择【另存为】。

  5. 为您的文件命名,并在【保存类型】字段中选择【文本文件(制表符分隔)(*.txt)】。

    注意: 保存文件时,您可能会收到以下警告消息。在这两种情况下均应选择【是】。

    • [ 所选文件格式(制表符分隔的文本文件)不支持包含多个工作表的工作薄。 ]

    • [ 您的文件包含与所选文本(制表符分隔)文件格式不兼容的功能。 ]

  1. 选择页面顶部的【订单取消】。

  2. 从【上传您的取消文件】中点击【浏览】以找到您的制表符分隔的文本文件。

  3. 选择文件并点击【立即上传】。


在 【上传订单相关文件】 页面,【您可在状态/结果】列中的 [ 检查文件状态和历史记录 ] 下查看文件上传状态。如果要在之后访问该报告,此区域将提供最近的 10 个上传记录。



如果任何商品因为错误未被激活,“错误记录的数量”旁边将会显示一个非零数字。 [ ] 要更正错误,请执行以下步骤:

  1. 点击【操作】列中的【查看处理报告】。

  2. 确定并更正任何数据错误。按照上述描述保存您的文件。

  3. 返回至上传订单相关文件并上传您的文件。



Cancel Multiple Orders

Individual sellers: This feature is for Professional sellers only. Most sellers on Amazon Learn more

To prepare your Order Cancellation file, follow these steps:

  1. Download and save a copy of the Order Cancellation template to your computer.

  2. Open the file and review the Data Definitions tab.

  3. On the the OrderCancellation tab, enter the information about your cancellation, referring to the Data Definition tab when necessary.

  4. When you are finished, select the OrderCancellation tab, and then click the File menu and select Save As.

  5. Give your file a name, and in the Save as Type field, select Text (Tab-delimited) (*.txt).

    Note: When saving your file, you might receive the following warnings. Select Yes for both.

    • "The selected file format (the tab-delimited text file) does not support workbooks containing multiple worksheets."

    • "Your file contains features incompatible with the selected Text (Tab delimited) file format."

  1. On the Orders link, select Advanced Features and then Upload Order Related Files.

  2. Select Order Cancellation at the top of the page.

  3. Under Upload Your Cancellation File, click Browse to locate your tab-delimited text file.

  4. Select the file, and click Upload Now.

Reviewing your uploaded file

You can review the status of your upload on the Upload Order Related Files page, under Review File Status History in the Status/Results column. If you need to access your report at a later date, the most recent 10 uploads are available in this area.

After your file is processed, the Status/Results column displays the number of records processed, activated, and uploaded with errors (not activated).

Data errors

If any items are not activated because of errors, there will be a non-zero number next to "Number of records with errors." To correct the errors, follow these steps:

  1. Click View Processing Report in the Actions column.

  2. Identify and correct any data errors. Save your file as described above.

  3. Return to Upload Order Related Files and upload your file.

For information about errors, see Review a Processing Report.

