
个人卖家: 此功能适用于亚马逊企业采购商城卖家和参与专业销售计划的卖家。






默认情况下,订单报告会每 24 小时在太平洋时间晚上 11 点后自动运行一次。您可以重新预定订单报告,使其更频繁地运行或在更方便的时间运行。订单报告页面的【计划的订单报告设置】部分会显示您的设置。

注意: 通过 XML 接收计划的订单报告的卖家无法预定文本文件格式的订单报告。

  1. 从【订单】下拉菜单中,选择【订单报告】

  2. 在【计划的订单报告设置】下方,查看您的当前设置。 如果您目前没有接收预定报告,则此部分将包含消息“目前,您未接收计划订单报告。”

  3. 要预定报告或更改当前设置,请单击【编辑】。

  4. 修改您的当前时间表或创建新时间表,并单击【提交】。


Order Reports

Individual sellers: This feature is available to Amazon Business sellers and sellers with Professional selling plans.

An Order Report is a tab-delimited text file that lists all products sold during a set time period. It includes the buyer information you need to fulfill orders. It does not include the buyer's billing address or credit card information.

An Order Report only displays information for seller-fulfilled orders you have received during the number of days you select, including those you have cancelled or confirmed as shipped. For Amazon-fulfilled orders (through FBA), see the All Orders Report.

You can schedule recurring Order Reports or manually request them as needed.

Schedule Order reports

A scheduled Order Report contains only new orders received since the last scheduled report.

By default, the Order Report runs automatically every 24 hours after 11:00 p.m. Pacific time. You can reschedule it to run more often or at a more convenient time. Your settings are displayed in the Scheduled Order Report Settings section on the Order Reports page.

Note: Sellers who receive scheduled Orders Reports via XML cannot schedule a text-file Order Report.

  1. From the Orders drop-down menu, select Order Reports.

  1. Under Scheduled Order Report Settings, review your current settings. If you are not currently receiving scheduled reports, this section will contain the message, "You are not currently receiving scheduled order reports."

  1. To schedule reports or change your current settings, clickEdit.

  1. Modify your current schedule or create a new schedule and clickSubmit.

