

  1. 从您的卖家账户中,选择【设置】,然后选择账户信息。

  2. 从【卖家账户信息】页面,前往【发货和退货信息】部分,然后点击【退货地址】。

  3. 在【退货设置】页面中,点击【退货地址设置】选项卡。

  4. 点击【更改地址】。如果您之前没有设置任何地址,请点击【设置地址】。

  5. 选择新的地址或修改后的地址作为默认退货地址。或者,点击【管理您的退货地址】链接。您可以输入新的默认退货地址,也可以修改当前的退货地址。

  6. 点击【提交】以保存您所做的更改。

如果您的卖家账户设置为亚马逊北美商城账户,则您在 Amazon.com、Amazon.ca 和 Amazon.com.mx 的默认退货地址将相同。不过,您可以为您销售商品的任何商城添加特定的退货地址。为此,请在页面的末尾点击“为另一商城添加新例外”。您在“例外的商城”部分中输入的地址将打印在所选商城中退货请求的退货标签上。


Set your default return address

Your default return address, which is also the business address associated with your selling account, will be used on all returns, unless you select an alternative return address when you authorize a return.

  1. From your seller account, select Settings, then Account Info.

  2. From the Seller Account Information page, go to the Shipping and Returns Information section and click Return Address.

  3. From the Returns Settings page, click the Return Address Settings tab.

  4. Click Change address. If you do not have any previous address, then click Set the address.

  5. Select the new or modified address to be your default return address. Alternatively, click Manage your return address link. You can enter a new default return address or modify your current return address.

  6. Click Submit to save your changes.

If your seller account is set up as an Amazon North America Marketplaces account, your default return address will be shared across Amazon.com, Amazon.ca and Amazon.com.mx. However, you can add a specific return address for any of the marketplaces you sell in. To do so, at the very end of the page, click on "Add a new exception for another marketplace". The address you enter in the Exception Marketplace section will be printed on the return label for return requests in that selected marketplace.

