
重要: 需要您在收到退货后的两个工作日内发放退款。如果您未处理退款,亚马逊将代您为买家退款并从您的卖家账户中扣除相应金额。




  • 发放退款

  • 优惠和其他退款

注意: 所有亚马逊物流订单的退款和发往由亚马逊自动收取税费的州的订单的仅退税退款均由亚马逊客户服务处理。


Issue refunds and concessions for seller-fulfilled orders

Important: You are required to issue a refund within two business days after you have received a return. If you do not take action regarding the refund, Amazon might refund the customer on your behalf and charge the amount to your seller account.

You can issue a refund either after the product is returned or, if you are allowing the buyer to keep the product, you can issue a refund immediately. If you authorize a return request or a buyer has requested a tax-only refund and you want to refund the order, you can choose from several options mentioned in this Refund options page.

If you want the product returned, we encourage you to wait until you receive it before issuing a refund, in order to evaluate its return condition. To foster positive customer experience, actively monitor the refund to ensure that it is issued to the customer in a timely manner. To set up your return instructions, visit the Returns Settings page.

For additional details, see:

  • Issue a Refund

  • Concessions and additional refunds

Note: All FBA order refunds and tax-only refunds for orders shipped to a state where Amazon manages tax collection automatically will be processed by Amazon Customer Service.

