


  1. 前往卖家平台中的【设置】,然后点击【退货设置】。

  2. 点击【退款不退货】选项卡。

  3. 点击【添加新规则】,输入价格范围,根据需要选择商品分类和退货原因,然后点击【保存】。新设置的规则将应用于之后的所有订单。



注意: 在某个规则处于有效状态时下的所有订单仍将遵循该规则。

为特定 SKU 提供退款不退货


  1. 转至退货设置页面,然后点击【退货属性调整】。

  2. 点击下载模板。

  3. 按照模板中“说明”选项卡下的步骤操作。

    要对特定 SKU 启用退款不退货,请在此模板中输入“RETURNLESS_REFUND”预付费标签豁免代码。

  1. 填写完模板后,在【退货属性调整】页面上传文件。

要查看您已为哪些 SKU 启用退款不退货,请在【退货报告】中下载【豁免】报告。点击【查看报告】,然后您可以生成一次性报告。请参阅请求豁免自动退货批准,了解更多信息。


Returnless refunds

Returnless refund takes place when you issue a refund and let buyers keep the product. You can either automatically issue a returnless refund via rules you define or you can work with the buyer via messaging for a specific return. There are two ways to configure returnless refunds:

Offer returnless refunds for returns that meet certain criteria

  1. Go to Settings in Seller Central and then click Return Settings.

  2. Click the Returnless Refunds tab.

  • Click Add New Rule, enter the price range, optionally select the product categories and reasons for return, and then click Save. The newly configured rule will apply to all orders from that time forward.

  • To edit an existing rule, click on the rule, choose Edit, modify the settings, and click Save.

  1. To delete a returnless refund rule, click on the rule, click Delete, and confirm you want the rule deleted.

Note: All orders placed while a rule was active will still have the rule applied.

Offer returnless refunds for specific SKUs

You can also offer returnless refunds for specific products in your inventory.

  1. Go to the Returns Settings page and then click Return Attribute Overrides.

  2. Click on Download template.

  3. Follow the steps under the "Instructions" tab of the template.

    To enable returnless refunds for specific SKUs, enter the "RETURNLESS_REFUND" prepaid label exemption code in this template.

  1. Upload the file on the Return Attribute Overrides page after completing the template.

To see which SKUs you have enabled returnless refunds for, download the Exemptions report in your Return Reports. Click on View reports and you can generate one-time report. Refer to Request exemption from automatic return approvals for additional information.

