


  1. 在卖家平台的【订单】菜单中,单击【管理订单】。

  2. 在【管理订单】页面上,点击您已发放退款的订单编号。

  3. 在【订单详情】页面上,点击【取消退款】。






Cancel a Refund

When you manually generate a refund, it will stay in Pending status for up to two hours. This provides an additional buffer in case you accidentally refund the wrong amount or wrong order. Automatic refunds issued through feeds cannot be canceled and will be processed immediately.

To cancel a refund, please perform the following steps:

  1. From the Orders menu in Seller Central, click Manage Orders.

  2. On the Manage Orders page, click the order ID for which you have issued a refund.

  3. On the Order details page, click Cancel refunds.

Upon successful cancellation, you will see on the Order details page the confirmation message that the refund was canceled.

If you do not see this link, then the refund has been released to the buyer and cannot be canceled. In this case, you can contact the buyer to see if they will allow their credit card to be recharged by Amazon. If the buyer agrees, ask them to contact Amazon Customer Service to request a recharge. For more information, refer Contact a buyer using the Buyer-Seller Messaging Service.

We can recharge the buyer's credit card for the order only if we receive the request directly from the buyer. Once the buyer’s card has been recharged, the recharged amount will appear as a credit in your Payments account.

If you cancel a refund, we won't notify the buyer. We only notify buyers about refunds that are actually released.

