
您在亚马逊企业购开店初期,可能会遇到一些新术语。此术语表中包含亚马逊企业购卖家计划中企业对企业 (B2B) 卖家最常用到的术语。此术语表中有关认证的说明不用于说明获取适用认证须达到的所有要求和标准,亚马逊也不会对是否符合任何给定标准做出评估。请向认证机构咨询所有相关详情。

AS9100 – 质量管理体系 – 航空、航天和国防

AS9100 认证表明组织已经定义、制定并实施了各种流程,用于管理其生产的航空航天产品和服务的质量。AS9100 认证主要面向航空航天工业领域的组织。

要获得这项资格认证,卖家必须提供由第三方认证机构授予的电子版注册证书。电子版证书必须能够清晰显示授予的认证、认证机构、证书编号、签发日期和失效日期。对这类认证感兴趣的企业必须:1) 明确 SAE 制定的各项认证要求;2) 实施这些要求;3) 由第三方认证机构对自己企业进行审核。SAE 不会对企业是否符合任何标准做出评估。

有关 SAE 和 AS9100 认证的更多信息,请参阅

AS9120 – 质量管理体系 – 航空、航天和国防

AS9120 认证表明组织已经定义、制定并实施了各种流程,用于管理其分销的航空航天产品和服务的质量。AS9120 认证主要面向航空航天工业领域的分销商。

要获得这项资格认证,卖家必须提供由第三方认证机构授予的电子版注册证书。电子版证书必须能够清晰显示授予的认证、认证机构、证书编号、签发日期和失效日期。对这类认证感兴趣的企业必须:1) 明确 SAE 制定的各项认证要求;2) 实施这些要求;3) 由第三方认证机构对自己企业进行审核。SAE 不会对企业是否符合任何标准做出评估。

有关 SAE 和 AS9120 认证的更多信息,请参阅





邓氏编号 (DUNS)



经济弱势妇女拥有的小企业 (EDWOSB)

“经济弱势妇女拥有的小企业”认证表明组织是一家经美国小企业管理局(Small Business Administration,SBA)认定、主要由一名或多名女性拥有、经营、管理和控制且经济处于弱势的小型企业。

要获得此项资格认证,卖家必须在美国小企业管理局注册为“经济弱势妇女拥有的小企业”。企业在 SBA 注册使用的邓氏编号要提供给亚马逊。除了由一名或多名女性拥有主要股权外,企业还必须达到 SBA 制定的具体标准,才能被认定为“经济弱势妇女拥有的小企业”。SBA 的标准在很大程度上取决于企业所属的行业、年收入和/或员工人数。卖家可访问美国小企业管理局网站 (,了解更多信息以及相关资格标准和认证流程。



ISO 9001 - 质量管理体系 - 要求

ISO 9001 认证表明组织已经定义、制定并实施了各种流程,用于管理其生产的产品和服务的质量。虽然 ISO 9001 规范不针对具体的行业或组织类型,但它通常适用于制造商。

要获得这项资格认证,卖家必须提供由第三方认证机构授予的电子版注册证书。电子版证书必须能够清晰显示授予的认证、认证机构、证书编号、签发日期和失效日期。对这类认证感兴趣的企业必须:1) 明确 ISO 制定的各项认证要求;2) 实施这些要求;3) 由第三方认证机构对自己企业进行审核。ISO 不会对企业是否符合任何标准做出评估。


ISO 13485 - 医疗器械标准

ISO 13485 认证表明组织已经定义、制定并实施了各种流程,用于管理其生产的医疗产品和服务的质量。ISO 13485 认证主要面向提供医疗器械的组织。

要获得这项资格认证,卖家必须提供由第三方认证机构授予的电子版注册证书。电子版证书必须能够清晰显示授予的认证、认证机构、证书编号、签发日期和失效日期。对这类认证感兴趣的企业必须:1) 明确 ISO 制定的各项认证要求;2) 实施这些要求;3) 由第三方认证机构对自己企业进行审核。ISO 不会对企业是否符合任何标准做出评估。


ISO 14001 - 环境管理体系 - 要求

ISO 14001 认证表明组织已经定义、制定并实施了各种流程,用于管控其生产的产品和服务的环境影响虽然 ISO 14001 不针对具体的行业或组织类型,但它通常适用于制造商。

要获得这项资格认证,卖家必须提供由第三方认证机构授予的电子版注册证书。电子版证书必须能够清晰显示授予的认证、认证机构、证书编号、签发日期和失效日期。对这类认证感兴趣的企业必须:1) 明确 ISO 制定的各项认证要求;2) 实施这些要求;3) 由第三方认证机构对自己企业进行审核。ISO 不会对企业是否符合任何标准做出评估。


ISO 22000 - 食品安全管理体系 - 要求 (HACCP)

ISO 22000 (HACCP) 认证表明组织已经定义、制定并实施了各种流程,用于管控其生产的食品产品和服务的安全性。ISO 22000 (HACCP) 认证主要面向食品行业中的组织。

要获得这项资格认证,卖家必须提供由第三方认证机构授予的电子版注册证书。电子版证书必须能够清晰显示授予的认证、认证机构、证书编号、签发日期和失效日期。对这类认证感兴趣的企业必须:1) 明确 ISO 制定的各项认证要求;2) 实施这些要求;3) 由第三方认证机构对自己企业进行审核。ISO 不会对企业是否符合任何标准做出评估。


ISO/TS 16949 - 质量管理体系 - 汽车行业

ISO/TS 16949 认证表明组织已经定义、制定并实施了各种流程,用于管理其生产的汽车产品和服务的质量。该认证与 ISO 9001 类似,但它特别适用于汽车行业。ISO/TS 16949 认证主要面向汽车行业中的组织。

要获得这项资格认证,卖家必须提供由第三方认证机构授予的电子版注册证书。电子版证书必须能够清晰显示授予的认证、认证机构、证书编号、签发日期和失效日期。对这类认证感兴趣的企业必须:1) 明确 ISO 制定的各项认证要求;2) 实施这些要求;3) 由第三方认证机构对自己企业进行审核。ISO 不会对企业是否符合任何标准做出评估。



“非异性恋者 (LGBT) 工商企业”认证表明组织由拥有多数股权的一位或多位非异性恋者经营、管理和控制。

要获得这项资格认证,卖家必须提供电子版注册证书。该证书必须由美国同性恋者商会 (National Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce, NGLCC) 或政府机构颁发。证书必须能够清晰显示授予的认证、认证机构、证书编号、签发日期和失效日期。美国同性恋者商会是非异性恋者所有企业的唯一认证机构。对 LGBT 工商企业认证感兴趣的企业可访问,了解更多信息以及相关资格标准和认证流程。


请参阅 LGBT 工商企业



要获得这项资格认证,卖家必须在美国小企业管理局注册为“少数族裔所有企业”,或者提供由美国少数族裔供应商发展协会或政府机构签发的少数族裔工商企业注册证书。证书必须能够清晰显示授予的认证、认证机构、证书编号、签发日期和失效日期。企业在 SBA 注册使用的邓氏编号要提供给亚马逊。符合小企业标准的少数族裔所有企业也应在美国小企业管理局进行注册。有关更多信息,请访问。

对少数族裔工商企业认证感兴趣的企业,不论其规模如何,均可访问美国少数族裔供应商发展协会网站 (,了解更多信息以及相关资格标准和认证流程。





要获得这项资格认证,卖家必须在美国小企业管理局注册为小型企业。注册企业需要将其邓氏编号提供给亚马逊,以便亚马逊在 SBA 的小型企业动态搜索数据库 (DSBS) 中查看企业的网上档案。企业必须符合 SBA 规定的具体标准才会被认定为小企业。SBA 的标准在很大程度上取决于企业所属的行业、年收入和/或员工人数。卖家可访问美国小企业管理局网站 (,了解更多信息以及相关资格标准和认证流程。

SBA 认证的 8(a) 公司

SBA 认证的 8(a) 公司是经美国小企业管理局注册和认证、主要股权由 SBA 认定的经济弱势群体拥有的小型企业。

要获得这项资格认证,卖家必须在美国小企业管理局注册为“SBA 认证的 8(a) 公司”。注册企业需要将其邓氏编号提供给亚马逊,以便亚马逊在 SBA 的小型企业动态搜索数据库 (DSBS) 中查看企业的网上档案。企业必须符合美国小企业管理局制定的具体标准,才能申请成为 SBA 认证的 HUBZone 公司。它必须是一家 SBA 认定的、由经济弱势群体所有的小企业。对“SBA 认证的 8(a) 公司”资格感兴趣的企业可访问美国小企业管理局网站 (,了解更多信息以及相关资格标准和认证流程。

SBA 认证的 HUBZone 公司

SBA 认证的 HUBZone 公司是经美国小企业管理局注册和认证、位于 SBA 认定的历史上未充分开发的商业区 (HUBZone) 的企业。

要获得这项资格认证,卖家必须在美国小企业管理局注册为“SBA 认证的 HUBZone 公司”。注册企业需要将其邓氏编号提供给亚马逊,以便亚马逊在 SBA 的小型企业动态搜索数据库 (DSBS) 中查看企业的网上档案。企业必须符合美国小企业管理局制定的具体标准,才能申请成为 SBA 认证的 HUBZone 公司。公司必须为小型企业,并在 HUBZone 指定区域内设有公司总部。对“SBA 认证的 HUBZone 公司”资格感兴趣的企业可访问美国小企业管理局网站 (,了解更多信息以及相关资格标准和认证流程。

SBA 认证的小型弱势企业

SBA 认证的小型弱势企业经美国小型企业管理局注册和认证,其大多数股权为小型企业管理局认定的经济弱势群体所有。

要获得这项资格认证,卖家必须在美国小企业管理局注册为“SBA 认证的小型弱势企业”。注册企业需要将其邓氏编号提供给亚马逊,以便亚马逊在 SBA 的小型企业动态搜索数据库 (DSBS) 中查看企业的网上档案。SBA 认证的小型弱势企业须满足小企业管理局规定的两个重要条件。第一,SBA 认定其处于经济弱势。第二,符合 SBA 制定的小型企业标准,该标准很大程度上取决于企业所属行业、年收入和/或员工人数。有关具体资格标准,请访问 SBA 网站。


请参阅伤残退伍军人所有小企业 (SDVOSB)

伤残退伍军人所有小企业 (SDVOSB)


要获得这项资格认证,卖家必须在美国小企业管理局或美国退伍军人事务局注册为“伤残退伍军人所有小企业”。在美国小企业管理局和美国退伍军人事务局注册的企业需要将邓氏编号提供给亚马逊,以便亚马逊在 SBA 的小型企业动态搜索数据库 (DSBS) 或美国退伍军人事务局供应商信息页面 (VIP) 查看企业的网上档案。对“伤残退伍军人所有小企业”认证感兴趣的企业可访问美国小企业管理局网站 ( 或美国退伍军人事务局网站 (,了解更多信息以及相关资格标准和认证流程。

退伍军人所有小企业 (VOSB)


要获得这项资格认证,卖家必须在美国小企业管理局或美国退伍军人事务局 ( 注册为“退伍军人所有小企业”。在美国小企业管理局和美国退伍军人事务局注册的企业需要将邓氏编号提供给亚马逊,以便亚马逊在 SBA 的小型企业动态搜索数据库 (DSBS) 或美国退伍军人事务局供应商信息页面 (VIP) 查看企业的网上档案。对“退伍军人所有小企业”认证感兴趣的企业可访问美国小企业管理局网站 ( 或美国退伍军人事务局网站 (,了解更多信息以及相关资格标准和认证流程。

女性拥有的工商企业 (WBE)


要获得这项资格认证,卖家必须提供电子版注册证书。此项认证必须由全美女性商业联盟 (Women's Business Enterprise National Council, WBENC) 或国家机构颁发。证书必须能够清晰显示授予的认证、认证机构、证书编号、签发日期和失效日期。对“女性拥有的工商企业”认证感兴趣的企业可访问全美女性商业联盟网站 (,了解更多信息以及相关资格标准和认证流程。

女性拥有的小企业 (WOSB)

“女性拥有的小企业 (WOSB)”认证表明组织是一家由拥有多数股权的一位或多位女性运营、管理和控制的企业。

要获得这项资格认证,卖家必须在美国小企业管理局注册为“少数民族所有企业”,或者提供由全美女性商业联盟或政府机构颁发的女性工商企业注册证书。证书必须能够清晰显示授予的认证、认证机构、证书编号、签发日期和失效日期。企业在 SBA 注册使用的邓氏编号要提供给亚马逊。除了由一位或多位女性拥有多数股权外,企业还必须符合 SBA 制定的具体标准,才能被认定为“女性拥有的小企业”。SBA 的标准在很大程度上取决于企业所属的行业、年收入和/或员工人数。卖家应访问美国小企业管理局网站 ( 或全美女性商业联盟网站 (,了解更多信息以及相关资格标准和认证流程。



Amazon Business Glossary

As you begin selling on Amazon Business, you may run across terms that are new to you. This glossary contains the most commonly used terms for Business-to-Business (B2B) sellers in the Amazon Business Seller Program.

The certification descriptions included in this glossary are not intended to convey all necessary requirements and criteria for obtaining the applicable certifications, and Amazon does not assess compliance with any given standard. Please consult the certifying organization for all relevant details.

AS9100 - Quality Management Systems - Aviation, Space, and Defense

AS9100 certification indicates that the organization has defined, developed, and implemented processes to manage the quality of aerospace products and services it produces. AS9100 certification is associated with organizations within the aerospace industry.

To claim this credential, sellers must provide a digital image of their Certificate of Registration, awarded by a third-party certifier. The image must clearly identify the certification awarded, the certifying body, certificate ID, date of issue, and date of expiration. Businesses interested in this type of certification must 1) determine its requirements, as defined by SAE; 2) implement the requirements; and 3) submit itself to audit by a third-party certification body. SAE does not assess the conformity of a business against any standard.

Additional information about SAE and AS9100 certification can be found at


AS9120 - Quality Management Systems - Aviation, Space, and Defense

AS9120 certification indicates that the organization has defined, developed, and implemented processes to manage the quality of aerospace products and services is distributes. AS9120 certification is associated with distributors within the aerospace industry.

To claim this credential, sellers must provide a digital image of their Certificate of Registration, awarded by a third-party certifier. The image must clearly identify the certification awarded, the certifying body, certificate ID, date of issue, and date of expiration. Businesses interested in this type of certification must 1) determine its requirements, as defined by SAE; 2) implement the requirements; and 3) submit itself to audit by a third-party certification body. SAE does not assess the conformity of a business against any standard.

Additional information about SAE and AS9120 certification can be found at


Business-Only Offer

An offer that has only a business price, and no customer price. A business-only offer is only available to Amazon Business customers, and is not available to all customers in 

Business Price

Business price ("business-price") is the discounted business price available only to business customers, regardless of quantity purchased. This is different from "price", which is the price available to all customers. You can have an offer with both a business price and a customer price, or you can have an offer with only a business price (see Business-Only Offer). Learn more about business pricing.

Dun and Bradstreet Number (DUNS)

A unique identifier assigned by the third-party entity, Dun & Bradstreet, that is used to verify the existence of a business entity. Most businesses acquire a DUNS Number because it is required to register and bid on U.S. government proposals and contracts. Commercial, non-profit, and government entities, including self-employed individuals, are eligible for a DUNS Number.

Additional information about DUNS and how to get a DUNS Number can be found at



See Economically Disadvantaged Woman-Owned Small Business

Economically Disadvantaged Woman-Owned Small Business (EDWOSB)


Economically Disadvantaged Women-Owned Small Business certification indicates that the organization is a small business that is majority-owned, operated, managed, and controlled by one or more women, and is economically disadvantaged as defined by the Small Business Administration.

To claim this credential, sellers must have registered with the Small Business Administration as an Economically Disadvantaged Woman-Owned Small Business. Registrants will be required to provide Amazon with their DUNS Number, used to register with the SBA. As well as being majority-owned by one or more women, a business must meet specific criteria defined by the SBA in order to be considered an Economically Disadvantaged Woman-Owned Small Business. The SBA's criteria are largely dependent on the business's industry, its annual receipts, and/or its number of employees. Sellers should visit the Small Business Administration ( for additional information, eligibility criteria, and certification processes.


ISO 9001 - Quality Management Systems - Requirements

ISO 9001 certification indicates that an organization has defined, developed, and implemented processes to manage the quality of products and services it produces. Though the ISO 9001 specification is not specific to any industry or organization-type, it is most commonly associated with manufacturers.

To claim this credential, sellers must provide a digital image of their Certificate of Registration, awarded by a third-party certifier. The image must clearly identify the certification awarded, the certifying body, certificate ID, date of issue, and date of expiration. Businesses interested in this type of certification must 1) determine its requirements, as defined by ISO; 2) implement the requirements; and 3) submit itself to audit by a third-party certification body. ISO does not assess the conformity of a business against any standard.

Further guidance on obtaining certification can be found at


ISO 14001 - Environmental Management Systems - Requirements

ISO 14001 certification indicates that the organization has defined, developed, and implemented processes to manage the environmental impact of the products and services it produces. Though the ISO 14001 specification is not specific to any industry or organization type, it is most commonly associated with manufacturers.

To claim this credential, sellers must provide a digital image of their Certificate of Registration, awarded by a third-party certifier. The image must clearly identify the certification awarded, the certifying body, certificate ID, date of issue, and date of expiration. Businesses interested in this type of certification must 1) determine its requirements, as defined by ISO; 2) implement the requirements; and 3) submit itself to audit by a third-party certification body. ISO does not assess the conformity of a business against any standard.

Further guidance on obtaining certification can be found at


ISO 22000 - Food Safety Management Systems - Requirements (HACCP)

ISO 22000 (HACCP) certification indicates that the organization has defined, developed, and implemented processes to manage the safety of the food products and services it produces. ISO 22000 (HACCP) certification is associated with organizations within the food industry.

To claim this credential, sellers must provide a digital image of their Certificate of Registration, awarded by a third-party certifier. The image must clearly identify the certification awarded, the certifying body, certificate ID, date of issue, and date of expiration. Businesses interested in this type of certification must 1) determine its requirements, as defined by ISO; 2) implement the requirements; and 3) submit itself to audit by a third-party certification body. ISO does not assess the conformity of a business against any standard.

Further guidance on obtaining certification can be found at


ISO 13485 - Medical Devices Standards

ISO 13485 certification indicates that the organization has defined, developed, and implemented processes to manage the quality of medical products and services it produces. ISO 13485 certification is associated with organizations that provide medical devices.

To claim this credential, sellers must provide a digital image of their Certificate of Registration, awarded by a third party certifier. The image must clearly identify the certification awarded, the certifying body, certificate ID, date of issue, and date of expiration. Businesses interested in this type of certification must 1) determine its requirements, as defined by ISO; 2) implement the requirements; and 3) submit itself to audit by a third-party certification body. ISO does not assess the conformity of a business against any standard.

Further guidance on obtaining certification can be found at


ISO/TS 16949 - Quality Management Systems - Automotive

ISO/TS 16949 certification indicates that the organization has defined, developed, and implemented processes to manage the quality of automotive products and services it produces. It is similar to ISO 9001, but particular to the automotive industry. ISO/TS 16949 certification is associated with organizations within the automotive industry.

To claim this credential, sellers must provide a digital image of their Certificate of Registration, awarded by a third-party certifier. The image must clearly identify the certification awarded, the certifying body, certificate ID, date of issue, and date of expiration. Businesses interested in this type of certification must 1) determine its requirements, as defined by ISO; 2) implement the requirements; and 3) submit itself to audit by a third-party certification body. ISO does not assess the conformity of a business against any standard.

Further guidance on obtaining certification can be found at



See LGBT Business Enterprise

LGBT Business Enterprise (LGTBE)

Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender (LGBT) Business Enterprise certification indicates that the organization is majority-owned, operated, managed, and controlled by one or more LGBT individuals.

To claim this credential, sellers must provide a digital image of their Certificate of Registration. The certificate must be awarded by the National Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce (NGLCC) or a government organization. Certificates must clearly identify the certificate awarded, the certifying body, certificate ID, date of issue, and date of expiration. The National Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce is the exclusive certifying body of LGBT-owned businesses. Businesses interested in LGBT BE certification should visit for additional information, eligibility criteria, and certification processes.


Minority Owned Business

Minority Business Enterprise certification indicates that the organization is majority-owned, operated, managed, and controlled by one or more minority individuals, as defined by the Small Business Association or National Minority Supplier Development Council.

To claim this credential, sellers must have registered with the Small Business Administration as a minority-owned business or provide a Minority Business Enterprise Certificate of Registration, issued by the National Minority Supplier Development Council or government organization. Certificates must clearly identify the certificate awarded, the certifying body, certificate ID, date of issue, and date of expiration. SBA registrants will be required to provide Amazon with their DUNS Number, used to register with the SBA. Minority-owned businesses who are also small businesses should register their organization with the Small Business Administration. For more information, visit

Businesses of any size interested in Minority Business Enterprise certification should visit the National Minority Supplier Development Council ( for additional information, eligibility criteria, and certification processes.


Quantity Discount

A tiered discount available to Amazon Business Seller Program customers for businesses that buy in higher volume. Each seller in the Amazon Business Seller Program specifies tiers for quantity pricing. 

Registered Small Business

Registered Small Business certification indicates that the organization is a small business as defined by the Small Business Administration.

To claim this credential, sellers must have registered with the Small Business Administration as a Small Business. Registrants will be required to provide Amazon with their DUNS Number in order to access their online profile, available on SBA's Dynamic Small Business Search Database (DSBS). A business must meet specific criteria defined by the SBA in order to be considered a small business. The SBA's criteria are largely dependent on the business's industry, its annual receipts, and/or its number of employees. Sellers should visit the Small Business Administration ( for additional information, eligibility criteria, and certification processes.



See Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Business (SDVOSB)

Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Business (SDVOSB)

Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Businesses certification indicates that the organization is a small business that is majority-owned, operated, managed, and controlled by one or more service-disabled veterans.

To claim this credential, sellers must have registered with the Small Business Administration or Veteran Affairs ( as a Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Business. SBA and VA registrants will be required to provide Amazon with their DUNS Number in order to access their online profile, available on SBA's Dynamic Small Business Search Database (DSBS) or VA's Vendor Information Pages (VIP). Businesses interested in Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Business certification should visit the Small Business Administration ( or Veteran Affairs ( for additional information, eligibility criteria, and certification processes.


SBA-Certified HUB Zone Firm

SBA-Certified Hub Zone Firms are registered and recognized as businesses located in Historically Underutilized Business Zones (HUB Zones) as defined by the Small Business Administration.

To claim this credential, sellers must have registered with the Small Business Administration and been recognized as a SBA-Certified Hub Zone Firm. Registrants will be required to provide Amazon with their DUNS Number in order to access their online profile, available on SBA's Dynamic Small Business Search Database (DSBS). A business must meet specific criteria defined by the SBA in order to be considered a SBA-Certified HUB Zone Firm. It must be a small business, and have a significant presence in a HUB Zone designated area. Businesses interested in SBA-Certified Hub Zone Firm status should visit the Small Business Administration ( for additional information, eligibility criteria, and certification processes.


SBA-Certified 8(a) Firm

SBA 8(a) Firms are registered and recognized by the Small Business Administration, as being majority owned by economically disadvantaged individuals as defined by the SBA.

To claim this credential, sellers must have registered with the Small Business Administration and been recognized as a SBA Certified 8(a) firm. Registrants will be required to provide Amazon with their DUNS Number in order to access their online profile, available on SBA's Dynamic Small Business Search Database (DSBS). A business must meet specific criteria defined by the SBA in order to be considered a SBA-Certified HUB Zone Firm. It must be a small business and owned by economically disadvantaged individuals, as defined by the SBA. Businesses interested in SBA-Certified 8(a) Firm status should visit the Administration ( for additional information, eligibility criteria, and certification processes.


SBA-Certified Small Disadvantaged Business

SBA-Certified Small Disadvantaged Businesses are registered and recognized by the Small Business Administration, as being majority owned by economically disadvantaged individuals as defined by the SBA.

To claim this credential, sellers must have registered with the Small Business Administration and been recognized as a SBA-Certified Small Disadvantaged Business. Registrants will be required to provide Amazon with their DUNS Number in order to access their online profile, available on SBA's Dynamic Small Business Search Database (DSBS). A SBA-Certified Small Disadvantaged Business has met two important conditions as defined by the Small Business Association. First, it is economically disadvantaged, as defined and determined by the SBA. Second, it meets the SBA criteria of a small business, which is largely dependent on the business's industry, its annual receipts, and/or its number of employees. Specific eligibility criteria can be found on the SBA's website at


Veteran-Owned Small Business (VOSB)

Veteran-Owned Small Businesses certification indicates that the organization is a small business that is majority-owned, operated, managed, and controlled by one or more veterans.

To claim this credential, sellers must have registered with the Small Business Administration or Veteran Affairs ( as a Veteran-Owned Small Business. SBA and VA registrants will be required to provide Amazon with their DUNS Number in order to access their online profile, available on SBA's Dynamic Small Business Search Database (DSBS) or VA's Vendor Information Pages (VIP). Businesses interested in Veteran-Owned Small Business certification should visit the Small Business Administration ( or Veteran Affairs ( for additional information, eligibility criteria, and certification processes.


Woman-Owned Business Enterprise (WBE)

Woman Owned Business Enterprise certification indicates that the organization is majority owned, operated, managed, and controlled by one or more woman individuals.

To claim this credential, sellers must provide a digital image of their Certificate of Registration. The certificate must be awarded by the Women's Business Enterprise National Council (WBENC) or a government organization. Certificates must clearly identify the certificate awarded, the certifying body, certificate ID, date of issue, and date of expiration date. Businesses interested in Women-Owned Business Enterprise certification should visit the Women's Business Enterprise National Council ( for additional information, eligibility criteria, and certification processes.


Women Owned Small Business (WOSB)

Women Owned Small Businesses (WOSB) certification indicates that the organization is a small business that is majority-owned, operated, managed, and controlled by one or more women.

To claim this credential, sellers must have registered with the Small Business Administration as a minority-owned business or provide a Women Business Enterprise Certificate of Registration, issued by the Women Business Enterprise National Council or government organization. Certificates must clearly identify the certificate awarded, the certifying body, certificate ID, date of issue, and date of expiration. SBA registrants will be required to provide Amazon with their DUNS Number, used to register with the SBA. As well as being majority-owned by one or more women, a business must meet specific criteria defined by the SBA in order to be considered a Woman-Owned Small Business. The SBA's criteria are largely dependent on the business's industry, its annual receipts, and/or its number of employees. Sellers should visit the Small Business Administration ( or the Women Business Enterprise National Council ( for additional information, eligibility criteria, and certification processes.

