Q: 我可以创建我的店铺的Flash Deals并为Shopee Flash Deals指定我的产品么?
A: 是的,如果符合以下条件,您可以同时参加我的店铺的flash deals和shopee的flash deals:
我的店铺flash deals和shopee flash deals中的产品将出现在您的店铺快闪交易部分和标签中,shopee flash deals中的产品位于顶部。Shopee Flash Deals中的产品将一如既往地出现在Shopee网页或Flash Deals列表中。
为我的店铺的Flash deals和Shopee Flash deals选择的时段不同如果产品和时段相同,Shopee Flash交易将被优先处理。相同的产品将从我的店铺的Flash deals中禁用,并且在Shopee Flash deals结束前不能启用。
Q: 我可以在同一天的不同时段提交多个店铺的Flash deals么?
A: 是的,只要所有产品均符合我的店铺Flash deals的产品标准,您可以在同一天的不同时段提交多个我的店铺Flash deals。
Q: 如果第二天我有即将来临的Shopee Flash deals,我可以创建我的店铺的Flash deals么?
A: 是的,即使第二天有即将到来的Shopee flash deals,您也可以创建我的店铺的 flash deals。如果第二天你为我的店铺的Flash Deals和Shopee Flash Deals提名同一产品,你将需要确保充足的库存水平来进行两次促销。
Q: 我可以为我的店铺的Flash Deals提交附加交易/捆绑交易产品么?
A: 是的,您可以为我的店铺的flash deals提交附加交易/捆绑交易产品,但请注意,我的店铺的flash deals优先于附加交易和捆绑交易,因此在产品出现在我的店铺的flash deals的时段内,产品将不会出现在附加交易或捆绑交易下。
Q: 我的店铺的flash deals与一个普通店铺的flash deals有何不同?
A: 我的店铺的Flash Deals是一项新功能,允许像您这样的卖家选择产品进行限时Flash Deals促销,并将其显示在您的店铺页面上。与Shopee flash deals 不同,您不需要指定产品进行检查。您可以随时创建自己的店铺的flash deals。只需选择时段、产品并输入促销详情。你所要做的就是确保他们符合所述的产品标准。
Q: Can I create My Shop’s Flash Deals and also nominate my products for Shopee Flash Deals?
A: Yes, you can participate in both in My Shop’s Flash Deals and Shopee Flash Deals if:
● Products selected for the two flash deals are different
○ Products in both My Shop’s Flash Deals and Shopee Flash Deals will appear in your shop’s Flash Deal section and tab, with products in Shopee Flash Deal at the top.
○ Products in Shopee Flash Deals will appear in Shopee homepage or Flash Deals listing as usual.
● Time slots selected for My Shop’s Flash Deals and Shopee Flash Deals are different If products and time slot are the same, Shopee Flash Deals will be prioritised
○ Products that are the same will be disabled from My Shop’s Flash Deals and cannot be enabled until Shopee Flash Deal is over.
Q: Can I submit multiple My Shop’s Flash Deals in different time slots on the same day?
A: Yes, you can submit multiple My Shop’s Flash Deals in different time slots on the same day as long as all products meet the product criteria for My Shop’s Flash Deals.
Q: Can I create My Shop’s Flash Deals if I have upcoming Shopee Flash Deals the next day?
A: Yes, you can create My Shop’s Flash Deals even if you have upcoming Shopee Flash Deals the next day. If you are nominating the same product for both My Shop’s Flash Deals and Shopee Flash Deals the following day, you will need to ensure sufficient stock levels to run both promotions.
Q: Can I submit Add-on Deal/Bundle Deal products for My Shop’s Flash Deals?
A: Yes, you can submit Add-on Deal/Bundle Deal products for My Shop’s Flash Deals, however do note that My Shop’s Flash Deals takes priority over Add-on Deal and Bundle Deals, so during the time slot where the product is on My Shop’s Flash Deals, the product will not appear under Add-on Deals or Bundle Deals.
Q: What is the difference between My Shop’s Flash Deals and a regular Shopee Flash Deals?
A: My Shop’s Flash Deals is a new feature that allows sellers like you to select products for limited-time Flash Deals promotion, and display them on your shop page. Unlike Shopee Flash Deals, you do not need to nominate products for checking. You can create your own Shop’s Flash Deals whenever you need. Simply select your time slot, products and enter the promotion details. All you need to do is ensure they fit the product criteria stated.