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成立手续费为「商品成交单价 × 数量 × 百分比%」,其中百分比将因商品刊登类别不同而有所不同。

1. 成交手续费

(1) 于虾皮商城成立的订单,由卖家依本条内容支付成交手续费(元以下四舍五入):

  1. 首页分类「手机平板与周边」下第二层分类为「Apple空机」、「Android空机」、「其他厂牌手机」、「平板电脑」的商品:商品成交单价× 数量× 3.5% = 成交手续费。

  2. 首页分类「3C」、「家电影音」及「手机平板与周边」下第二层分类为「行动电源」、「耳机喇叭」、「iPhone保护贴」、「iPhone保护壳」、「iPhone充电传输」、「Android保护贴」、「Android保护壳」、「Android充电传输」、「电话、储值卡」、「手机周边配件」、「手游周边配件」、「穿戴装置」、「拍照周边」、「平板周边」、「其他」的商品:商品成交单价× 数量× 4% = 成交手续费。

  3. 首页分类「娱乐、收藏」下第二层分类为「公仔、模型」的商品,首页分类「游戏王」下第二层分类为「掌上型电玩」、「主机游戏」、「手机游戏」 、「电脑游戏」、「智能玩意」、「游戏周边商品」的商品,及首页分类「汽机车零件百货」下第二层分类为「 轮胎&轮框」、「机车」的商品:商品成交单价× 数量× 3% = 成交手续费。

  4. 上述i, ii, iii类以外的商品:商品成交单价 × 数量 × 6% = 成交手续费。

(2) 商品所属类别由卖家依照虾皮提供的分类标准进行设定,若发现卖家设定的商品分类错误,虾皮得视情形单方决定变更商品类别、或下架该商品、或冻结卖家卖场。

(3) 运费不列入计算:若商品成交金额已包含运费,或成交方式为免运费者,仍依商品金额计算成交手续费,运费不列入计算。


(4) 商品成交单价原则上以虾皮系统纪录为准,若经事实证明,发现实际交易金额高于虾皮系统所纪录之成交金额,成交手续费将以实际交易金额为准收取。

2. 金流服务费


(1) 买家订单金额 × 2% = 信用卡、银行转帐、虾皮钱包、货到付款、街口支付、虾拼晚点付金流服务费(元以下四舍五入)。

(2) 买家订单金额包含商品成交金额及运费。

(3) 卖家销售商品的价格,应内含金流服务费,不得以此名目向买家收取额外费用。





成立手續費為「商品成交單價 × 數量 × 百分比%」,其中百分比將因商品刊登類別不同而有所不同。

1. 成交手續費

(1) 於蝦皮商城成立的訂單,由賣家依本條內容支付成交手續費(元以下四捨五入):

  1. i. 首頁分類「手機平板與週邊」下第二層分類為「Apple空機」、「Android空機」、「其他廠牌手機」、「平板電腦」的商品:商品成交單價 × 數量 × 3.5% = 成交手續費。

  2. ii. 首頁分類「3C」、「家電影音」及「手機平板與週邊」下第二層分類為「行動電源」、「耳機喇叭」、「iPhone保護貼」、「iPhone保護殼」、「iPhone充電傳輸」、「Android保護貼」、「Android保護殼」、「Android充電傳輸」、「電話、儲值卡」、「手機周邊配件」、「手遊周邊配件」、「穿戴裝置」、「拍照周邊」、「平板周邊」、「其他」的商品:商品成交單價 × 數量 × 4% = 成交手續費。

  3. iii. 首頁分類「娛樂、收藏」下第二層分類為「公仔、模型」的商品,首頁分類「遊戲王」下第二層分類為「掌上型電玩」、「主機遊戲」、「手機遊戲」、「電腦遊戲」、「智能玩意」、「遊戲周邊商品」的商品,及首頁分類「汽機車零件百貨」下第二層分類為「 輪胎&輪框 」、「機車」的商品:商品成交單價 × 數量 × 3% = 成交手續費。

  4. iv. 上述i, ii, iii類以外的商品:商品成交單價 × 數量 × 6% = 成交手續費。

(2) 商品所屬類別由賣家依照蝦皮提供的分類標準進行設定,若發現賣家設定的商品分類錯誤,蝦皮得視情形單方決定變更商品類別、或下架該商品、或凍結賣家賣場。

(3) 運費不列入計算:若商品成交金額已包含運費,或成交方式為免運費者,仍依商品金額計算成交手續費,運費不列入計算。


(4) 商品成交單價原則上以蝦皮系統紀錄為準,若經事實證明,發現實際交易金額高於蝦皮系統所紀錄之成交金額,成交手續費將以實際交易金額為準收取。

2. 金流服務費



(1) 買家訂單金額 × 2% = 信用卡、銀行轉帳、蝦皮錢包、貨到付款、街口支付、蝦拼晚點付金流服務費(元以下四捨五入)。

(2) 買家訂單金額包含商品成交金額及運費。

(3) 賣家銷售商品的價格,應內含金流服務費,不得以此名目向買家收取額外費用。

Shopee store fee

Shopee Shop will adjust some transaction fees for orders in mall stores established on this platform from 00:00 on October 1, 2020. The details are as follows:

After each order is completed, Shopee will charge the "Transaction Fee" and "Payment Service Fee" at the discretion of the shop seller.

The establishment fee is "commodity transaction unit price × quantity × percentage %", where the percentage will vary depending on the category of the product.

1. Transaction fee

(1) For orders set up in Shopee Mall, the seller shall pay the transaction fee according to the content of this article (rounded up to the nearest yuan):

  1. The second level of the homepage category "Phone, Tablet and Peripherals" is classified as "Apple Empty Phone", "Android Empty Phone", "Other Brand Mobile Phones", and "Tablet Computers" on the second level: unit price × quantity × 3.5% = Transaction fee.

  2. The second layer under the homepage category "3C", "Home Movie Sound" and "Mobile Tablet and Peripherals" is classified as "Mobile Power", "Earphone Speaker", "iPhone Protector", "iPhone Protective Case", "iPhone Charging" "Transfer", "Android Protective Sticker", "Android Protective Shell", "Android Charging Transmission", "Phone, Stored Value Card", "Mobile Phone Accessories", "Mobile Game Accessories", "Wearable Devices", "Photo Peripherals" ", "Plate peripherals", and "other" commodities: unit price × quantity × 4% = transaction fee.

  3. The second level of the homepage category "Entertainment and Collection" is classified as "Dolls, Models", and the second level of the homepage category "Yugong" is classified as "Handheld Video Game", "Console Game", "Mobile Game" , "Computer Games", "Smart Gadgets", "Game Peripheral Products", and products classified as "Tires & Wheels" and "Motorcycles" on the second level of the homepage category "Automobile Parts Department Store": unit price × quantity × 3% = transaction fee.

  4. Commodities other than the above categories i, ii, and iii: commodity transaction unit price × quantity × 6% = transaction fee.

(2) The category of the product is set by the seller in accordance with the classification standards provided by the seller. If the seller finds that the product classification set by the seller is incorrect, the seller may unilaterally decide to change the product category, remove the product, or freeze the seller's store depending on the situation.

(3) Shipping costs are not included in the calculation: If the transaction amount of the product already includes the shipping cost, or the transaction method is free shipping, the transaction fee will still be calculated based on the product amount, and the shipping cost will not be included in the calculation.

[Example] Commodity transaction amount: 560 yuan (commodity amount 500 yuan + shipping 60 yuan), the transaction fee will be calculated at 500 yuan, and the shipping fee is not included in the calculation.

(4) In principle, the unit price of a commodity transaction is subject to the records of the Shopee system. If it is proved by facts that the actual transaction amount is higher than the transaction amount recorded by the Shopee system, the transaction fee will be charged based on the actual transaction amount.

2. Gold flow service fee

In addition to transaction fees, the seller will also pay for credit card, bank transfer, shrimp wallet, cash on delivery, street payment, and cash flow service fees for late payment due to buyer's payment.

The calculation method of the cash flow service fee is as follows:

(1) Buyer's order amount × 2% = Credit card, bank transfer, shrimp wallet, cash on delivery, street payment, shrimp fight late payment service fee (rounded up to the nearest dollar).

(2) The buyer's order amount includes the merchandise transaction amount and freight.

(3) The price of the goods sold by the seller shall include the cash flow service fee, and no additional fees shall be charged to the buyer in this name.

