产品类别 | 支持文档 |
酒精或酒精饮料避孕套 医疗设备 个人移动设备,如电动踏板车,悬浮滑板,电动自行车处方药或非处方药自卫棒 预付费充值卡 | 有效的许可证必须提交,并得到店主的批准。 |
宠物食品 | 所有的网上销售和宠物食品必须经过新加坡农业食品和兽医管理局(AVA)的批准。 |
家用产品 | 任何属于管制货物的产品都需要在新加坡企业注册。 |
Guidelines on supporting documents
Which products require special approval or licensing?
If you are planning to list any of the following products, you'll need to upload the relevant supporting documents before you can start selling them on Shopee.
Product category
Supporting documents
Alcohol or alcoholic beverages Condoms
Medical Devices
Personal mobility devices such as e- scooters, hoverboards, and e-bicycles Prescribed or non-prescribed medicine Self-defense sticks
Pre-paid top-up cards
Valid licenses must be submitted and approved by Shopee.
Pet Food
All online sales and pet food must be approved by the Agri-Food and Veterinary Authority of Singapore (AVA).
Household products
Any product that falls under the Controlled Goods needs to be registered with Enterprise Singapore.